Rumi Forum Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 54:46:25
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Rumi Forum Speaker Series


  • 4th Interfaith Leadership Forum: Interfaith Engagement with the Environmental Crisis

    06/06/2023 Duración: 01h19min

    Rumi Forum, Interfaith Council of Metropolitan Washington, and Washington Theological Consortium presented the 4th Interfaith Leadership Forum: “Interfaith Engagement with the Environmental Crisis” on May 31, 2023. The program featured keynote speaker Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb, an interfaith panel, and an opportunity for small group dialogues. Keynote by: Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb, D.Min. started at Adat Shalom when the synagogue was only eight years old, and meeting at the JCC – he was still in rabbinic school, Founding Rabbi Sid was part-time, Shabbat morning services were every other week, and cell phones hardly existed. Upon ordination from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in 1997, he became its first full-time rabbi and has joyfully served here ever since. Rabbi Fred currently serves as Chair of the National Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life and is on the boards of the National Religious Partnership for the Environment and Interfaith Power and Light (The Regeneration Project). Fred

  • In-Person Book Talk: “Profiles in Peace”

    24/05/2023 Duración: 01h17min

    This new book traces the lives of Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs in Israel and Palestine who have dedicated their lives to building peaceful relations among the two peoples and between individual people who seek to live in peace and harmony with one another. These people have acted courageously and consistently in their work for peace. In this book, the author profiles the lives, thoughts, feelings, and actions of six important peacebuilders — men and women, secular and religious, 3 Jewish Israelis: Rabbi Michael Melchior, Professor Galia Golan, and Mrs. Hadassah Froman, and 3 Palestinian Arabs: Professor Mohammed Dajani, Ms. Huda Abuarquob, and Bishop Munib Younan. The reader learns about their visions for peace and their activities to bring their ideas to fruition in the real world of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Too many people have given up on peace. In contrast, the people in this book persevere for peace, thus keeping a flicker of hope alive for Israelis and Palestinians who live in the same la

  • In-Person Book Talk: “Between Thought & Action”

    30/10/2022 Duración: 38min

    This in-person book talk by Dr. Ori Z. Soltes was a discussion on “Between Thought & Action”, Fethullah Gulen`s intellectual biography of thoughts, words, and actions including interviews with Hizmet movement followers. This volume has two goals. One is to explore the life and the thought of Fethullah Gulen and the important educational and peace-inducing activities in which he and those inspired by him have been engaged for several decades. The outcome of those efforts—of creating schools and providing diverse social and cultural services that bring people together people from diverse backgrounds—has been to provide the face of civic and civil Islam as an antidote to the uglier side of political Islam. The second goal has been to make clear how the accusations against Mr. Gulen by the minions of Turkey`s President could hardly be more false: that what Gulen and the Hizmet (service) movement that he has inspired are ultimately about is improving the world and saving it from its uglier inclinations. A brie

  • In-Person Book Talk: "Hearts & Minds: Hizmet Schools and Interethnic Relations"

    30/09/2022 Duración: 37min

    Dr. Parrillo and Dr. Ansari present a cross-cultural study of Hizmet schools in seven countries of varying histories and ethnic compositions. Some are fairly homogeneous, while others are longstanding multicultural, multiracial societies. Some have Muslim-majority populations, others a small Muslim minority. Through hundreds of interviews with students, parents, staff, and financial supporters, the authors explored individual perceptions and experiences, as well as the triad of student, parent, and school interaction. Analyzing the commonality of the schools' structures and processes in different settings, they offer their insights about the schools' success in achieving their twin goals of offering quality education and promoting interethnic harmony.   About the Author: Vincent N. Parrillo Prof. Emeritus, Sociology, William Paterson University Vincent N. Parrillo is the author of numerous books and journal articles, some of them translated into ten languages. He is a Professor Emeritus of sociology at Willia

  • In-Person Book Talk: “I Never Thought of It That Way”

    15/03/2022 Duración: 01h08min

    We think we have the answers, but we need to be asking a lot more questions. Partisanship is up, trust is down, and our social media feeds make us sure we’re right and everyone else is ignorant (or worse). But avoiding and attacking one another is breaking… everything. Journalist Mónica Guzmán is the loving liberal daughter of Mexican immigrants who voted—twice—for Donald Trump. When the country could no longer see straight across the political divide, Mónica set out to find what was blinding us and discovered the most eye-opening tool we’re not using: our own curiosity. In this timely, personal guide, Mónica Guzmán, takes you to the real front lines of a crisis that threatens to grind America to a halt—broken conversations among confounded people. She shows you how to overcome the fear and certainty that surround us to finally do what only seems impossible: understand and even learn from people in your life whose whole worldview is different from or even opposed to yours.   About the book: “I Never Thought o

  • 3rd Interfaith Leadership Forum: "Building Interfaith Partnerships Beyond Racism and Religious Nationalism"

    25/02/2022 Duración: 01h33min

    Religious nationalism is on the rise worldwide. In the U.S., it has primarily taken the form of White Christian Nationalism: the affiliation of being White and Christian with belonging and mattering in this country. This program explored the nature of global nationalism and its specific manifestation in the U.S. First, we heard from Dr. Mark Juergensmeyer, who is an expert who has been studying this trend for over thirty years. His keynote remarks were followed by a panel of diverse faith leaders who shared their views on building interfaith solidarity to resist the White Supremacist Christian ideology threatening our nation. This program was a forum for people of faith to learn, become activated, and feel equipped to respond together effectively. Program Outline: Opening Remarks Rev. David Lindsey, Executive Director, Interfaith Council of Metropolitan Washington (IFC) Keynote “The Capitol Insurrection and the Global Rise of Religious Nationalism” Dr. Mark Juergensmeyer, Founding Director of the Orfalea Cent

  • Panel Discussion: “Modern Muslim and Jewish Thinkers Who Have Inspired Us”

    10/02/2022 Duración: 01h58min

    While anti-Semites and Islamophobes often speak as if our faiths have been frozen in ice (and primitive thinking) for many centuries, the fact is that Jews and Muslims belong to living, breathing, stimulating faiths. On February 9, 2022, JIDS and the Rumi Forum jointly presented a dialogue that presents some of the exciting ideas and personalities that have emerged within the past century to enrich our faiths. Jews and Muslims belong to living, breathing, and stimulating faiths. On this panel, we discovered some of their inspiring modern thinkers together. We heard presentations about two modern Jewish thinkers: Rami Shapiro, who has brought a passion for various eastern faiths into his study of Judaism, and Menachem Mendel Schneerson (aka the Lubavitcher Rebbe), whose ideas sparked the rapidly growing Chabad Movement within Judaism. We will also hear presentations about two modern Muslim thinkers: Said Nursi, whose commentary of the Qur’an inspired a renewed way of engaging with the modern age; and Muhammad

  • Panel Discussion: ”How Do We Deal With Covid, Social Injustice, and Polarization?”

    04/02/2022 Duración: 57min

    Rumi Forum, Prince George’s County Office of Human Rights, and Prince George’s County Memorial Library System presented a virtual panel discussion on “How Do We Deal With Covid, Social Injustice, and Polarization?” on February 3, 2022, for a conversation for our time, in recognition of World Interfaith Harmony Week. How do we build and use interfaith harmony to develop restoration, reconciliation, and resiliency as applicable to the world that we live in now? We are plagued: by the Covid-19 pandemic, by social injustice, by economic inequities, limited and inequitable access to resources, environmental injustice, and the polarization of our times. Three faith leaders will consider these difficult questions and provide hope and practical solutions to taking steps towards restoration, reconciliation, and resiliency today. Panelists Rahmah A. Abdulaleem, Esq. - Executive Director, KARAMAH: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights   Rabbi Abbi Sharofsky - Director, Intergroup Relations, Jewish Community Relations Co

  • In-Person Book Talk: “People of the Book”

    10/12/2021 Duración: 01h14min

    On December 9, 2021, participants joined this in-person book talk for a considered study of Muslim–Christian coexistence and dialogue in the time of Prophet Muhammad. The Christians that lived around the Arabian Peninsula during Muhammad’s lifetime are shrouded in mystery. Some of the stories of the Prophet’s interactions with them are based on legends and myths, while others are more authentic and plausible. But who exactly were these Christians? Why did Muhammad interact with them as he reportedly did? And what lessons can today’s Christians and Muslims learn from these encounters? Scholar Craig Considine, one of the most powerful global voices speaking in admiration of the prophet of Islam, provides answers to these questions. Through a careful study of works by historians and theologians, he highlights an idea central to Muhammad’s vision: an inclusive Ummah, or Muslim nation, rooted in citizenship rights, interfaith dialogue, and freedom of conscience, religion, and speech. In this unprecedented sociolog

  • In-Person Book Talk: “God`s Diplomats”

    29/10/2021 Duración: 01h25min

    Using inside sources and extensive field reporting about the secretive, high-stakes world of international diplomacy, Vatican reporter Victor Gaetan takes readers to the Holy See to explicate Pope Francis‘s diplomacy, show why it works, and offer readers a startling contrast to the dangerous inadequacies of recent U.S. international decisions.   About the author For over 20 years he has filed stories from countries in turmoil: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cuba, Lebanon, Kosovo, Peru, Turkey, and Ukraine as well as from Hong Kong, Korea, and Taiwan. He has received numerous awards from the Catholic Press Association of North America and has written for secular publications ranging from Art & Auction to Le Figaro. About the discussant:

  • Book Talk: Peace in The Age of Chaos

    30/07/2021 Duración: 01h09min

    Working on an aid program in one of the most violent places in the world, North East Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo, philanthropist, and business leader Steve Killelea asked himself, ‘What are the most peaceful nations?’ Unable to find an answer, he created the world’s leading measure of peace, the Global Peace Index, which receives over 16 billion media impressions annually and has become the definitive go-to index for heads of state. Steve Killelea then went on to establish a world-renowned think tank, the Institute for Economics and Peace. Today its work is used by organizations such as the World Bank, United Nations, and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and taught in thousands of university courses around the world. "Peace in The Age of Chaos" tells of Steve’s personal journey to measure and understand peace. It explores the practical application of his work, which is gathering momentum at a rapid pace. In this time when we are faced with environmental, social, and e

  • No Power over God's Bounty

    25/06/2021 Duración: 01h15min

    Summary: The Qur’an often addresses Jews and Christians as “People of Scripture” to indicate that they have received revelation from God. Yet, while acknowledging the special relationship and knowledge that this revelation brings, the Qur’an at the same time criticizes the People of Scripture for not remaining true to God’s guidance and claiming special power over God’s gifts. The mixture of acknowledgment and criticism is based on actual encounters with Jews and Christians at the time of the revelation of the Qur’an. This Christian commentary on the 31 texts in which the Qur’an discusses and addresses the People of Scripture includes the Muslim tradition of interpretation of these texts and adds Christian resonances in order to contribute to future dialogue between Muslims and Christians on the common heritage and the differences between them. Speaker: Dr. Pim Valkenberg studied theology and religious studies in the Netherlands, where he was involved in dialogue between the three Abrahamic religions at t

  • What Christians Should Know (and Do) about Anti-Muslim Discrimination

    04/06/2021 Duración: 01h11min

    Arson and vandalism at houses of worship. Bullying at schools and harassment at the grocery store. Political scapegoating and institutionalized discrimination. Muslims in the United States and beyond have faced Islamophobia in a range of forms. This ground-breaking book argues that Christians though they are not the targets of Islamophobia should be at the forefront of efforts to end the prejudice and discrimination that Muslims face. Writing for Christians of all denominations, Jordan Denari Duffner offers an introduction to Islamophobia, discusses the unfortunate ways that Christians have contributed to it, and offers practical steps for standing in solidarity with Muslims. Viewing Islamophobia as both a social justice and a religious freedom issue, Duffner makes the case that Christian faith calls us to combat religious discrimination even when it is not directed toward our own faith community. She weaves together insights from Catholic social teaching, examples from Protestant leaders, and expertise from

  • The 2nd Interfaith Leadership Forum

    21/05/2021 Duración: 01h09min

    Fratelli Tutti (All brothers and sisters), subtitled “on Fraternity and Social Friendship” is the third encyclical of Pope Francis. The document was signed on October 3, 2020 during Pope Francis’s visit to the top of his namesake St. Francis of Assisi and was released on his feast day. It borrows its title from St. Francis’s Admonitions. Fratelli Tutti is Catholic in terms of its origin, yet universal in terms of its substance. The encyclical addresses a set of contemporary global challenges that threaten global peace and highlights “fraternity” as a remedy to build a just world. As a sign of recognition of its global appeal, the United Nations declared February 4 as the International Day of Human Fraternity beginning in 2021. Fratelli Tutti is the focal point of the 2nd Interfaith Leadership Forum. This conversation will bring together a diverse array of faith leaders and scholars in the DMV area and beyond for an interactive exchange on some of the most pressing issues of our age. As the search for answers

  • Combating Prejudice from Inside and Outside Our Communities

    23/04/2021 Duración: 59min

    This event is a Muslim-Jewish interfaith dialogue for college students and young professionals in the DMV area. The conversation, which will feature guest speakers, will center around combating antisemitism and Islamophobia from the outside while also addressing prejudice and misunderstanding within our own communities. We hope to bring Muslim and Jewish young adults together to learn about one another's faiths and experiences and to use this knowledge and empathy to become better allies united against hatred. Amidst rising antisemitism and Islamophobia throughout the United States, we need to have these conversations and advance Muslim-Jewish solidarity. Our partners in carrying out this event will be Jewish and Muslim institutions across DMV area college campuses, faith organizations for young professionals, and interfaith institutions.

  • Women Leading Change: The Intersection of Faith & Empowerment

    19/03/2021 Duración: 51min

    This panel is intended to explore the connection between faith and women empowerment with a particular focus on women leadership. Our aim is to highlight the potential of faith in efforts for women’s participation in decision making, elimination of violence, achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls within the framework of the SDG5. The event will shed a spotlight on the role of women leaders of faith as key stakeholders and entrepreneurs of change in achieving these goals. This event is co-hosted by the UNA-NCA, which will specifically explore the effort to adopt CEDAW at the municipal level. Speakers Samirah Majumdar, Pew Research Center, Research Associate Gayatri Patel, CARE International, Director of Advocacy Jill Christianson, UN Association of the National Capital Area, Board Chair-Elect

  • The Value of Your Soul

    26/02/2021 Duración: 59min

    Using Rumi Poetry to Flip the Modern-Day Script Join author S. A. Snyder for an online discussion of her latest book, “The Value of Your Soul: Rumi Verse for Life’s Annoying Moments.” Drawing from her 2019 memoir of living at a spiritual retreat in Scotland, this new book is a witty collection of short tales. With the help of select verses from Rumi, Snyder teases out some lessons learned from her funny experiences and offers a soupçon of homespun guidance for coping with people, situations, and life. Her witty style and unique experiences combine to make this a fun, light read with a reminder not to take life too seriously. She’ll introduce her new book, read select passages, and answer questions. Learn more about the book at

  • In the Name of Human Fraternity

    05/02/2021 Duración: 01h25min

    Dialogue as the path, cooperation as the code, understanding as the method. The Legacy It is hard to exaggerate the legacy of the meeting between St. Francis of Assisi and Sultan Malik Al-Kamil in 1219, a historical encounter that took place in the midst of the Fifth Crusade. This event is still remembered as a landmark of religion’s transformative power despite differences even during the most unwelcoming moments. On 3-5 February 2019, His Holiness Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Ahmad Al-Tayyeb signed “A Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together” in the United Arabic Emirates to mark the 800th anniversary of the iconic meeting. The Document The Human Fraternity Document, rather than being a symbolic commemorative text, draws inspiration from the past for concrete future action. It is realistic in admitting the challenges humanity faces today, straightforward in highlighting the vital role of religion while addressing them, inclusive in recognizing the role that various sta

  • Saints, Sultans and Spies: The Extraordinary History of the Humble Coffee Bean

    29/01/2021 Duración: 01h28min

    “From the secretive circles of Yemen's ancient Sufi mystics to the Constantinople court of the Ottoman Sultans to the backstreets of Mercantile London, coffee has changed every society that fell under its heady sway. Abdul-Rehman Malik has spent a lifetime searching for the soul of coffee. Join us as we explore the culture, politics, spirituality and the extraordinary history of the world’s most second traded commodity – and learned how a humble bean – quite literally – changed the world.”   Speaker: Abdul-Rehman Malik is an award winning journalist, educator and cultural organizer. A Lecturer and Associate Research Scholar at the Yale Divinity School, he also serves at the Program Coordinator at Yale University’s Council on Middle East Studies, and is responsible for developing curricula and partnerships with public schools to promote better cultural, language and religious literacy about the Middle East to educators and students alike. Abdul-Rehman also serves as Director of the Muslim Leadership Lab,

  • Resisting Injustice Peacefully: Jewish and Muslim Perspectives

    18/01/2021 Duración: 02h32s

    “Few are guilty, but all are responsible.” So said Abraham Joshua Heschel, reminding us of one the key teachings of our Abrahamic Prophets. We are indeed all responsible for confronting and resisting injustice. But how do we do this wisely, effectively, and morally? Rumi Forum and JIDS will bring in two diverse experts to provide insights on this question. Dr. Sophia Pandya is currently a full professor and department chair at California State University at Long Beach, in the Department of Religious Studies. She has written extensively on the topic of resistance efforts in the Muslim world. Rabbi Michael Pollack is a graduate of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and now serves as the Executive Director of March on Harrisburg. It is our hope that by having an interfaith dialogue led by an esteemed academic and a community activist who fights injustice in the trenches, we can truly honor the spirit of Dr. King in addressing such a hallowed topic.

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