El músic català que més en sap de música de ball es posa al davant dels plats per estimular el ball en una pista imaginària de fusta, com les d'abans. Dissabtes i diumenges, de 20.00 a 22.00
Amor en dosis altes
20/11/2024 Duración: 01h12sTotes les cançons seran d'amor o no seran. Revisions, italians als Champs Élysées en sorollosos "motorinos" i la nit com a recer. Ball amb trempera. 01 Fitness Forever -"L'amour" 02 Dizzy K - "Love is all" 03 Lord Funk - "Si jolie avec Charles Aznavour (Lord Funk Edit) 04 Dirt McGirt - "Pop sh*t (feat. Pharrell)" 05 Chase Atlantic - "Ricochet" 06 Mishell Ivon & Vincent Kwok - "Shining star" 07 Fred Everything & Stereo MC's - "Soul love" 08 Ladytron - "California (Blakkat remix) 09 Jaakko Eino Kalevi - Galactic Romance (Kiva Kiva Version) 10 mOat & Carl Bee - "Pizza cat feat Tom Diesel" 11 Tensnake - "Get it" 12 Wilfy D - "DAY&NITE' (Club mix)" 13 Kev Cannon - "Forbidden funk" 14 Tennant - "Money man (Norie remix)" 15 Lorna James - "Ce soir (Andy Galea remix) feat Jan Johnston"
Per sobre del límit
19/11/2024 Duración: 01h08sConjunto Amistá ens porten a la rave gallega per sobre del límit de velocitat permès. De manera imaginària ens saltarem les normes, per fer el boig sobre la fusta. 01 Ivy Barkakati - "Haciendo cola" 02 Circuit des Yeux - "God dick" 03 Bending Grid, Power Rob - "Shane" 04 Dot - "So good" 05 ÄTNA - "That girl is rollercoaster" 06 SOXX - "Motion" 07 Anja Schneider - "A little bit closer" 08 Disclosure - "Arachnids" 09 Conjunto Amistá - "Full gas" 10 Moby "- Feeling so real (Miss Monique extended remix) 11 Adrien Calvet - "When you know" 12 Yomi One - "Working man" 13 Objekt - "Chicken garaage" 14 Marshall Watson & Cole Odin - "Voyager" 15 Takino De Volume & Lexiton Deep SA - "Nordic horizons" 16 David Harrow - "Low ground under"
Folk anatolí, pop japonès i soul turc
18/11/2024 Duración: 01h06sLa pista no pot ser més multicultural, ni més transversal. Gràcies, balladors, per fer-nos costat en aquesta croada. Va per vosaltres. 01 Dua Saleh - "Time & time again" 02 Corcs Drum & Organ - "Molt pebre molt" 03 MF Doom - "Vomitspit" 04 Derya Yıldırım & Grup Şimşek - "Cool hand" 05 Peki Momés - "Göç mevsimi" 06 Pancho Acosta y Su Guitarra - "Egyptian reggae" 07 Jake Isaac - "Good man" 08 Las Palabras - "La catarata" 09 Martín Buscaglia & Julieta Rada - "Hablando de Roma" 10 The Perpetual Singers & Arp Frique - "Father father" 11 Inkswel & Andre Espeut - "Downtown love (feat. Abstract Rude)" 12 FBC & VHOOR - "Vem pro baile" 13 Lalo López - "Hibakushas" 14 Carlsed - "Jazz from hell" 15 KNEECAP - "Sick in the head (Jonah Swilley remix)" 16 Jullian Gomes, Kuniyuki Takahashi & Sio - "Let me go" 17 Alexander Flood - "Life is a rhythm (feat. Cazeaux O.S.L.O)"
DJ convidat: Parade & Nacho Casado
15/11/2024 Duración: 01h05sDos músics únics que s'han trobat per fer un disc a quatre mans. Sabor a bossa nova per a cançons pop, i a l'inrevés. Gots de vidre antics i una mica de fum. Tot a punt. Foto: Pilar Guillén 01 MRCY - "Angels" 02 Surprise Chef - "Pash rash" 03 Fitness Forever -"L'amour" 04 Lucio Battisti - "La collina dei ciliegi" 05 João Gilberto - "Manhã de carnaval" 06 Jonathan Richman - "When Harpo played his harp" 07 Tim Maia - "Que beleza" 08 El David Aguilar - "Cicatriz radiante" 09 Todd Rundgren - "I saw the light" 10 Labbi Siffre - "Nothing in the world like love" 11 Roberto Carlos - "Se eu pudesse voltar no tempo" 12 Marie Laforet - "Tu fais semblant" 13 Lucio Alves - "Lá vem a baiana" 14 Pancho Acosta y Su Guitarra - "Egyptian reggae"
Sempre al teu equip
14/11/2024 Duración: 01h01sRomy i Sampha es confessen amb una balada. Però juguem amb Lady Gaga, Polo & Pan, Underworld i un planter de nous artistes que promet un futur bonic. 01 Romy & Sampha - "I'm on your team" 02 Judith - "Heather" 03 Polo & Pan - "Nenuphar feat I.M YONI" 04 Robotnik3000 - "Citaro 25" 05 Charlie Jeer - "Her eyes" 06 Caribou - "Volume" 07 MARRS - "Pump up the volume" 08 Lady Gaga - "Disease" 09 808 BEACH & Amy Douglas - "Whatever daddy says (808 BEACH Ol' Brat mix)" 10 Barbara Boeing & Sam Ruffillo - "Tokyo love affair" 11 S.K.O.D - "America (SSO extended mix)" 12 Boone - "Rising Stars" 13 NS Boulevard - "Seasons of love" 14 LP Giobbi - "Love come through (with Panama)" 15 Underworld - "Techno shinkansen" 16 DJ Jedi - "Dance with the speaker"
L'electrònica és bona, és la teva amiga
13/11/2024 Duración: 01h10sGèneres de ball perpetrats amb màquines de ritme endollades i teclats del futur, el futur de 1984. Llums de neó també, i begudes en llauna. 01 Ichisan - "Fujirama" 02 Ame - "Shadow of love feat. Curses" 03 Tegel Boys - "Flight force (SIRS vocal remix)" 04 Desire - "Telling me lies" 05 Eric C. Powell & Andrea Powell - "Darkness falls" 06 Inkswel & Andre Espeut - "Dangerous times" 07 PP'S - "Caracas" 08 Turquoise - "Le bruit" 09 ÄTNA "That girl is rollercoaster" 10 Ladytron - "California (Blakkat remix) 11 SOS - "Pagan acid" 12 U4ME & Echoes - "Night flight" 13 Sage Armstrong & Basura Boyz - "DUHDUHDUH" 14 Jon Pleased Wimmin & Beat Junkiez - "Everybody needs somebody"
El Brasil, Armènia, Nàpols i Mèxic
12/11/2024 Duración: 01h04sLa pista d'avui té ànima, percussions intenses i molta càrrega de profunditat. Va per vosaltres, balladors. Clàssics revisitats i el Vespino rovellat sempre a la porta. Foto: Sabrina Cirillo 01 Jono McCleery - "So messed up" 02 Linn da Quebrada - "Serei a ft. Liniker" 03 Rogé - "A rä" 04 Fitness Forever - "A vele spiegate (feat. Calcutta)" 05 Anne-Tina - "Samba-feber" 06 Anne-Tina - "I mit efterår" 07 Lord Funk - "Si jolie avec Charles Aznavour (Lord Funk edit)" 08 Las Palabras - "No se puede" 09 Rephrase - "Ain't nobody (remix)" 10 The Dells "How can one man be so lucky!" 11 Dave Maze & Tommaso - "Tomorrow is now (D&e Chicago remix)" 12 Master Peace - "LOO SONG" 13 FBC & VHOOR - "Vem pro baile" 14 Boston Bun - "Nobody me" 15 Disclosure - "Arachnids" 16 Inkswel - "LFO Bounce (Funkineven mix)"
Balls populars de tardor
11/11/2024 Duración: 01h07sDel dub de Pablo Volt al més nou de Tyler, The Creator, avui la pista vol que els aires de germanor ens guiïn. Nova York, Galícia i casa nostra. 01 Pablo Volt - "Villa de lujo" 02 Florentino - "Constrictor (feat. BAMBII & KD One)" 03 Tyler, The Creator - "Noid" 04 Faux Rel - "Full circle" 05 The Perpetual Singers & Arp Frique - "Elena" 06 Kapote - "Prana & passione" 07 Ichisan - "Rodeo disko" 08 Jaakko Eino Kalevi - Galactic romance (Kiva Kiva version) 09 Cloy - "Cosmique (Waltervelt extended remix)" 10 Mallrat - "Hocus pocus (feat. Kito)" 11 Casisdead - "Steptronic (Conducta remix)" 12 Le Boom - "All I need" 13 Todd Edwards - "I might be (Harry Romero remix, Digital Souls club dub)" 14 Green Velvet - "Shake and pop feat. Walter Phillips" 15 Conjunto Amistá - "Full gas" 16 Marie Davidson - "Contrarian"
El clàssic: "Life is full of possibilities", de Dntel (2001)
08/11/2024 Duración: 01h27sJim Tamborello, sense voler, va inaugurar una dècada de ball i emoció amb un disc amb aires emo i molts retalls digitals. Ara mateix continua sent mel per a les nostres orelles. 01 Dntel - "Umbrella" 02 Dntel - "Anywhere anyone" 03 Dntel - "Pillowcase" 04 Dntel - "Fear of corners" 05 Dntel - "Suddenly is sooner than you think" 06 Dntel - "Life is full of possibilities" 07 Dntel - "Why I'm so unhappy" 08 Dntel - "Fireworks" 09 Dntel - "(This is) The dream of Evan and Chan" 10 Dntel - "Last songs" 11 Dntel - "Don't get your hopes up"
Benvinguts al 1985
07/11/2024 Duración: 01h05sMichael Angelaux vol viure a Ràdio Calldetenes una tarda del 1985, texans rentats a la pedra inclosos. Inskwel també reclama el seu lloc i Amy Douglas sap que no té rival. Grooves pretèrits, disco i molt glamur a la pista. 01 Kelly Finnigan - "Count me out" 02 Zé Nigro - "Jararaca snake (remix)" 03 Michael Angelaux - "Give it up" 04 The London Community Gospel Choir - "Rather be feat. Annette Bowen (Ayce remix)" 05 Inkswel & Andre Espeut - "Dangerous times" 06 LP Giobbi - "Love come through (with Panama)" 07 808 BEACH & Amy Douglas - "Whatever daddy says (808 BEACH Sub Soul club mix)" 08 M1 & Raze - "Electronic love (Grant Richards edit)" 09 Oscar and the Wolf - "Spill my liquor" 10 Cristian Viviano - "He is my brother" 11 ÄTNA - "Hiatus (David Bay remix)" 12 Kornum - "Midnight sunlight" 13 Alex Mills - "Sensation" 14 Will Watt & MIMI - "Moving on"
Ritmes pagans
06/11/2024 Duración: 01h07sPer sort, nosaltres els convertim, com us hem convertit a vosaltres. Que el ball sigui al nostre cor sempre. Avui, material altament ballable. 01 Acopia - "Disengaged" 02 Florentino & Alan Vega & MJ Nebreda - "Pressure cúmbia feat. Shygirl" 03 Poncelam - "Prioridades" 04 Green T - "PT2" 05 ÄTNA - 'Turn back time no more" 06 Machinedrum - "GROWUP (feat. Kilo Kosh)" 07 Ame - "Shadow of love feat. Curses" 08 Carlita Trouble - "Symphony feat. DJ Tennis" 09 Nikki Carvell - "Life is a groove" 10 SOS - "Pagan acid" 11 Waze x Life On Planets - "Bang" 12 Franz Matthews - "Symmetric dance" 13 Pavement Special - "The key" 14 Dorothys Fortress - "Throw the D" 15 Anti Up - "9 of 10" 16 Le Boom - "All I need"
Febre alta, japoneses baladreres i Massiel
05/11/2024 Duración: 01h07sLa tarda mensual dedicada a ballar clàssics i a revisar la col·lecció privada de la pista és variada. Eclèctica, que dirien els savis de la parada. Perles perdudes que avui ens tornen a fer ballar. 01 Children Of Zeus - "U alone ft Caron Wheeler (Remix)" 02 We've Got A Fuzzbox And We're Gonna Use It - "Fever" 03 Frank Chickens - "We are ninja (Yasuharu Konishi mix)" 04 Massiel - "Loca" 05 The Shades Of Love - "Keep in touch (Body to body)" 06 Gábor Szabó - "Paint in black" 07 Don Alfio & Perez Prado Orchestra - "Love child" 08 Curtis Mayfield - "Superfly (Little Louie Vega EOL mix)" 09 Bomb The Bass - "Bug powder dust Feat. Justin Warfield (La Funk Mob remix)" 10 The It - "Donnie" 11 Dinosaur L - "In the corn belt (Larry Levan mix)" 12 United Future Organization - "Loud minority (Club mix)" 13 Arnaud Rebotini - "Italian sex drive" 14 Deep Space Orchestra - "Louisville slugger" 15 Riechmann - "Wunderbar"
Kelly Lee Owens, Verde 70, Boston Bun
04/11/2024 Duración: 01h03sSón només tres dels quinze artistes que avui fan pujar una mica més la nostra cotització a la borsa. Pop, soul, ritme, groove, caixes de ritmes i neons verds. Tot cap dins a la pista. 01 Eric Hilton - "Little odessa (feat. The Infinite Daisy Chains)" 02 Hookermusicman - "Sunset space" 03 Anna Prior - "Who is she (Anna Prior VIP rework)" 04 Verde 70 - "En otros mundos" 05 Inkswel & Andre Espeut - "Dangerous times" 06 Rain - "Angels" 07 Kelly Lee Owens - "Higher" 08 Charlie Jeer - "Her eyes" 09 Caribou - "Volume" 10 Alex Chapman - "Stay the weekend (feat. Uffie)" 11 Gratts - "Today feat. Robert Owens (Mark Hand rework)" 12 Byron the Aquarius & CotoLoco - "Freedom 4 OG's feat. Rasheeda Ali" 13 Nicky Genesis - "Supernatural (Extended mix)" 14 Boston Bun - "Nobody me" 15 James Lock - "Feel the flavour (Original Cookie Dough mix)
DJ convidat: DJ KOSMOS
01/11/2024 Duración: 01h06sAlbert Masferrer porta tres dècades fent activisme musical a les cabines de Barcelona, Espanya i Europa. Clubs, segells i ara el programa de ràdio "303" a Betevé. Amic admirat, per fi passa a repartir saviesa a la nostra cabina. Volum alt, si us plau. 01 The Postal Service - "The district sleeps alone tonight (Sylvan Esso remix)" 02 Azzura "Paraiso '89" 03 Radio Slave "Amnesia (Lindstrom extended mix)" 04 Tuff Little Unit "Join the future" 05 Cabaret Voltaire "Back to Brazilia" 06 Colourbox "Looks like we're a shy one horse" 07 A Number of Names "Shari vari" 08 Fuck Buttons "Sweet love for planet Earth (Andrew Weatherall remix)" 09 Banco De Gaia "Kincajou" 10 Bochum Welt "That's mutuality" 11 Soul Connection "Change / Love" 12 Alex Chapman - "Stay the weekend (feat. Uffie)" 13 musclecars, Craig Handfield - "I don't remember the last time i saw stars"
Avantguarda, ombres i ona curta
31/10/2024 Duración: 01h03sCom llambregades, com corrents elèctrics d'alt voltatge: així arriba avui la pista, tota plena de novetats que voregen el menys comercial per fer-nos partícips del creixement de la música de ball. 01 Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp - "Smiling like a flower (dubby july)" 02 The Cravats with Paul Hartnoll - "Séance (The Paul Hartnoll dance remix)" 03 Lex Wolf - "Russie love" 04 Decius - "Walking in the heat" 05 Kisem - "Feel the groove" 06 Nicky Genesis - "Supernatural (extended mix)" 07 Clementine Douglas - "Slippin'" 08 Shdws - "Hit the floor" 09 Tom Crane - "This is for the radio" 10 CASSIMM - "Need your love (Mao Silgrand extended remix) 11 BL3SS & CamrinWatsin - "Kisses ft. bbyclose (Ape Rave club bootleg) 12 A Man Called Adam - "I feel it everywhere (Sensory Productions remix) 13 Hookermusicman - "Ecletticopop" 14 Peggy Gou - "1+1=11 (Koreless' beatless mix)"
Amb ànima pop
30/10/2024 Duración: 01h07sAndalusia, Catalunya, València, Ginebra, Milà, Los Angeles. Pop de ballar en una selecció de 17 píndoles que acaben curant tots els mals. Tria la teva favorita i treu un altre sis. 01 Ben Böhmer - "The sun feat. Oh Wonder" 02 Green T - "PT2" 03 La Plata - Ruido blanco" 04 Carlita - Trouble symphony feat. DJ Tennis" 05 cumgirl8 - "hysteria!" 06 Michael Angelaux - "Crystal eyes" 07 Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp - "Dehors" 08 Salvar Doñana - "Utopía (canción para Lore)" 09 The Cravats with Paul Hartnoll - "Séance" 10 Mujeres - "Un final ideal (ft. SVPER)" 11 Baiuca - "MonteViso" 12 Ame - "Shadow of love feat. Curses" 13 Dorothys Fortress - "Throw the D" 14 Control Room - "Rigamarole" 15 AC Slater - "Baggy black jeans" 16 Dvit Bousa & Deejay P4T - "The sound of my city" 17 salute - "go! (George Daniel remix)"
El Prat de Llobregat demana pas
29/10/2024 Duración: 01h05sLa jove Poncelam té fusta i el seu "Prioridades" ens ha enlluernat. Jazz, soul, R&B i molta cera perquè la pista llisqui. Garantia de la casa. 01 Phil Dawson Quintet - "Shifting sands (Mainline) feat. Khadijatou Doyneh" 02 Homer - "Racecar driver" 03 Poncelam - "Prioridades" 04 Alfonso Lovo - "Magic mushroom world (Brian Jackson retouch)" 05 Omah Lay - "Moving (Francis Mercier extended remix)" 06 Bakermat, AMANZI, Ampersounds, Fred Falke, Zen Freeman - "Save my soul" 07 808 BEACH & Amy Douglas - "Whatever daddy says (main mix extended)" 08 Nikki Carvell - "Life is a groove" 09 James Lock - "Like this (Heart & Soul vocal mix)" 10 Alison Limerick - "Where love lives (Stuart Ojelay bootleg)" 11 HiTech - "SPANK!" 12 Loge21 & Confession - "Rich club" 13 Oscar and The Wolf - "Spill my liquor" 14 Eelke Kleijn - "Beg you feat. Leo Wood"
Missa de set
28/10/2024 Duración: 01h04sCançons de gòspel que es ballen, cançons de ball que s'escolten, selectors que et fan ballar i formatge curat. Tot a punt per a un dilluns de ball a la pista. 01 Common & Pete Rock - "Lonesome" 02 Reverend Baron & Calvin Love - "Famous Feelin'" 03 Eddie Chacon - "Empire (feat. John Carroll Kirby)" 04 Zé Nigro - "Jararaca snake (remix)" 05 Fcukers - "Heart dub" 06 Mabel - "Stupid dumb (ft. Ty Dolla Sign)" 07 Steven Julien - "Wraap't ft. Fatima" 08 Robotnik 3000 - "Univers feat. Louej (Kanedo remix)" 09 Ernesto & The Basement Gospel - "Is it true" 10 Masters at Work - "To be in love feat. India (Block & Crown garage bump)" 11 Moontalk, Wilhelmina - "Money (That's what I want)" 12 Friedrich Raphael - "Canelé" 13 M1 & Raze - "Electronic love (Grant Richards edit)" 14 Ilya Santana - "Cosmovision (balearic version)" 15 Hookermusicman - "Sunset space"
El clàssic del "Pista de fusta": "Dig your own hole" de The Chemical Brothers (1997)
25/10/2024 Duración: 01h40sEl segon àlbum del duet britànic va fer que el ball s'escoltés a cotxes i menjadors, amb auriculars, i que les barreres caiguessin definitivament. Piconadora de ball per avui. 01 The Chemical Brothers - "Block rockin' beats" 02 The Chemical Brothers - "Dig your own hole" 03 The Chemical Brothers - "Elektrobank" 04 The Chemical Brothers - "Piku" 05 The Chemical Brothers - "Setting sun" 06 The Chemical Brothers - "It doesn't matter" 07 The Chemical Brothers - "Don't stop the rock" 08 The Chemical Brothers - "Get up on it like this" 09 The Chemical Brothers - "Lost in the k-hole" 10 The Chemical Brothers - "Where do I begin" 11 The Chemical Brothers - "The private psychedelic reel" 12 The Dust Brothers - "Song to the siren"
Galta contra galta
24/10/2024 Duración: 01h04sArrenca la pista amb ball arrambat i la gresca creix exponencialment, com passa en les bones festes. Molt de soul, R&B i groove. Per servir-los. 01 Les Imprimés - "Only love" 02 Jono McCleery - "To see you again" 03 Brainstory - "Rialto winds" 04 Robotnik3000 - "Univers feat. Louej" 05 Amerigo Gazaway Yasiin Gaye - "B stands for beef" 06 Burnt Ships - "Plus 1 ft. Willis, Mami Mia & Deltron Blac" 07 Steven Julien - "LIL BIT" 08 Gitkin - "Tall oaks drive" 09 Raz & Afla - "Shikor shikor 10 Jay Dee - "Simple solution" 11 Clementine Douglas - "Slippin' " 12 Silvertooth - "Just check it ft Danny Red (TJ Hookers remix)" 13 Friedrich Raphael - "Fondante feat. Robert PM" 14 808 BEACH & Amy Douglas - "Whatever daddy says (main mix extended)" 15 Ernesto & The Basement Gospel - "Is it true (Dirtytwo remix)" 16 Bingo Players & Plastik Funk - "You & I (club mix)"