Ezra Institute Lectures - Audio

  • Autor: Podcast
  • Narrador: Podcast
  • Editor: Podcast
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Ezra Institute Recently Added Resources


  • Men for the Hour Q & A Session


    Joe Boot answers audience questions such as, What does it mean to love our wives as Christ loved the church? How does a certificate legitimize a marriage? Should there be a Christian government, and what would that look like? What is the proper application of God’s law to contemporary life? 

  • Men and Our Orders


    Jesus is the only man who kept the Law of God perfectly. The laws of our land are founded on the principles of biblical law; the biblical law continues to be a model of justice and righteousness, holding all men equally accountable before God, and guarding against tyranny.

  • Men and Our Idols


    Our land comes under judgment and a curse as a result of idolatry. In any age, the effect of idolatry among God’s people is the decay of faith, and the subsequent decay of social order and nation

  • Men, Christ and the Church


    God is Lord over all the earth, and he has given this authority through Christ to the Church. The good news of the gospel is that Christ is seated on the throne now. Our hope is that we have been called according to God's good purposes for time and eternity.

  • Men and Our Moment


    In the face of contemporary culture's ridicule and scorn of traditional masculinity, Christian men must recover a vision of God's Word for our lives as we lead our families and churches. There is much we can learn about this from our Christian forefathers.

  • Is Jesus the Only Way to God?


    Opponents of Christianity try to deny its veracity and legitimacy by likening it to cults and charlatans.

  • Can We Learn Anything from History?


    Everything in history is designed to unveil the glory of God.

  • Can Religion and State be Separate?


    Despite popular misunderstanding, religion and state have been intimately related as far back as recorded history can tell us.

  • Are Christian Sexual Ethics Outdated?


    The sexual revolution of the 1960s set out to change culture, and saw traditional, Christian sexual ethics as retrogressive, stifling, and the enemy of the good life.

  • The Priestly Calling of Every Christian


    It is through our role as Christ's ambassadors and as heirs in God's kingdom that we are intended to engage the world around us.

  • Biblical Sexuality vs Plastic Sexuality


    As beings created by God in His image, man's identity is found in God's will for him and is not something that man himself can invent.

  • Family, Community, and Private Property


    God's solution to many of today's social challenges are family, community and private property.

  • Crime and Punishment


    John Calvin said that the protection of the community from unjust men through fear of punishment, without which they have no other reason for lawful behaviour, was the purpose of the law. The history and abandonment of this legal perspective in Canadian public policy is discussed.

  • What’s in a Word? Language and Law


    God's words are actions and always achieve the purpose for which they were made. Our laws need God's words if they are to achieve anything.

  • Contemporary Relevance of Biblical Law


    All that is ever needed in history are faithful Christian people. When there are faithful Christian people applying God's word, transformation is the ultimate result.

  • Darwin and the Darwinian Worldview


    In order to address the huge shift in our social order we need to examine the evolutionary worldview since most disciplines today, including that of Law, have become permeated with it.

  • Charity, Welfare, & Social Justice


    Dr. Boot discusses social justice as it relates to the question of living a just, or righteous life, and the bearing which that has on our thinking about the public and political sphere.

  • Biblical Principles on Life


    The book of Genesis declares that God is the Creator and Lord of life. As such, his words on how we are to regard and value human life are not just important but authoritative.

  • Christ and Culture


    Dr. Boot discusses what it means to live in terms of the lordship of Christ, that Jesus is Lord over all, and what the relationship is between Christians and their culture.

  • Education and the Battle for the Mind


    One of the key issues of our time is the notion that all values, including moral ones, are subjective and merely personal. Our education system now promotes behaviours which, in the past, were associated with being uneducated.

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