Contractor Success Map With Randal Dehart | Contractor Bookkeeping And Accounting Services



Back office support can make or break your contracting company and that is where we come in. We can move your contractor bookkeeping service off the roller coaster of pain onto the merry go round of peace of mind.Most of our clients come to us because they need help in one or more of these six areas:1. QuickBooks setup for construction was wrong 2. QuickBooks clean up to make the check register match the bank statement3. QuickBooks Receivables and Payables are not accurate.4. Job Costing Reports did not make sense5. Invoicing customers and getting paid6. Getting caught up on back tax returnsOnce we have your contractors bookkeeping issues under control you will be able to focus your time and energy on understanding financial and job costing reports and making money.Listening to The Contractors Success M.A.P. can help you overcome the challenges of Marketing, Accounting and Production by focusing on the keys to unlock your contracting companys natural inclination to generate consistently high cash flow and profits. Because your contracting company wants to generate passive income streams so you can have the freedom to do what you really want to do with your life.


  • 559: Mastering Tone For Construction Company Connections

    19/01/2024 Duración: 10min

    This Podcast Is Episode 559, And It's About Mastering Tone For Construction Company Connections Mastering the right tone is critical when connecting and communicating with people in the construction business. Whether you're writing an email, making a phone call, or meeting in person, how you present yourself can make all the difference in building strong relationships with clients, colleagues, and partners.  Research suggests that as much as 93% of communication is non-verbal, so it's unsurprising that the tone and meaning of emails and messages are misinterpreted as much as half the time. For small construction businesses, email is frequently the preferred way to communicate with new leads, customers, and employees – but if you haven't mastered your tone, the meaning of your message may be lost. In the worst-case scenario, you may even unintentionally offend your audience. Follow these tips to improve your tone when writing emails or other business communications. 1. Adapt to your audience Tone reflects the

  • 558: Practical Tax Season Tips For Construction Business Owners

    12/01/2024 Duración: 11min

    This Podcast Is Episode 558, And It's About Practical Tax Season Tips For Construction Business Owners Tax season can be a bit overwhelming for construction business owners, especially with many things to keep track of in our industry. But don't worry; we're here to help! We know that construction businesses have unique tax considerations that can be tricky to navigate, such as complex accounting and bookkeeping challenges and issues related to payroll and sales taxes.    That's why staying informed about the latest tax laws and regulations is essential, as well as working closely with a qualified construction accountant and tax professional who can guide you through this process and ensure you comply with all applicable tax rules and regulations.    Preparing for tax season is a year-round endeavor. Tip number one for construction company owners is to update monthly financials using a streamlined software or cloud-based system.   This way, come tax time, everything you need is in one place. Well-organized sm

  • 557: Becoming A Better Project Manager By Improving Communication Skills

    05/01/2024 Duración: 11min

    This Podcast Is Episode 557, And It's About Becoming A Better Project Manager By Improving Communication Skills In the construction industry, communication takes many forms, including written reports, drawings, emails, and face-to-face meetings. Each form of communication has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. For example, written reports and illustrations provide a permanent record of information, but they may not be as effective in conveying complex ideas as face-to-face interactions.    Understanding how construction business owners and project managers, like you, if you do both (a one-person company), adapt to their environment, and facilitate procedures could make your company run smoother because there is no money in workplace chaos.   However, the thinking patterns and comfort zone of a well-trained staff or subcontractor are defined by the following: If it isn't broken, how can I ensure it stays that way? When it fails, I fix it, then I look for the root cause and work on that I maintain

  • 556: Rest And Reset For Construction Contractors And Business Owners

    29/12/2023 Duración: 11min

    This Podcast Is Episode 556, And It's About Rest And Reset For Construction Contractors And Business Owners To be in business and to remain in business, become a business person! To run a business, you must be business-like. It's not sufficient just to be very good at what you do. Many people who are 'very good at what they do' have failed. The familiar cry: "I'm far too busy for that" is no excuse. Are you 'too busy' to be a competent businessperson? If so, your construction business won't last long. You must continue to develop your business skills.   To be a businessperson, you have to make an effort to become something of an 'all-rounder,' not just a specialist player. You can offer outstanding goods or services, but if you don't develop sound business systems, you are not a fully rounded businessperson, and your business will be in danger of failing.   Having a system in place is your key to enjoying a stress-free holiday. There's no need to be overly anxious about your construction business during thi

  • 555: The Benefits Of Outsourcing For Construction Company Owners

    22/12/2023 Duración: 13min

    This Podcast Is Episode 555, And It's About The Benefits Of Outsourcing For Construction Company Owners Outsourcing can offer a range of advantages for small construction businesses in today's competitive market. Not only does it reduce costs and free up valuable time for owners to focus on growing their business, but it also provides access to skills and expertise that may be unavailable in-house. Small construction businesses can streamline operations, increase productivity, and scale faster than ever by working with external professionals or firms who work in certain areas.    Because a small business focuses on survival, you pay much attention to the bottom line. This makes much sense, but it also leads to being seriously overworked.   Contractors are under increased pressure to cut their prices to get enough work. And that means they need to reduce costs. New technologies and approaches in cloud computing for construction accounting give forward-thinking contractors a fantastic ability to get more for le

  • 554: Managing Work-Life Balance As A Construction Business Owner

    15/12/2023 Duración: 11min

    This Podcast Is Episode 554, And It's About Managing Work-Life Balance As A Construction Business Owner Wellness is an important aspect of life for everyone, especially construction contractors like you. Given the physically demanding nature of the work, contractors must prioritize their physical and mental health. Proper nutrition, exercise, and adequate rest are all necessary for maintaining a healthy body and mind. Additionally, taking breaks and managing stress can help prevent burnout and promote well-being. By prioritizing your health, contractors can feel better and perform better on the job.   However, maintaining a healthy work-life balance can be difficult for a small construction business owner, as most know. You may work long hours, sacrificing personal time and family obligations to keep your business running smoothly. The duties and responsibilities of running your own business often take priority, no matter how personal pursuits are essential for your well-being.    But, with the right strate

  • 553: How To Avoid Year-End Construction Bookkeeping Chaos

    08/12/2023 Duración: 10min

    This Podcast Is Episode 553, And It's About How To Avoid Year-End Construction Bookkeeping Chaos As the year comes to a close, it's important to start thinking about your bookkeeping tasks to ensure a smooth transition into the new year. Deadlines are fast approaching, but it doesn't have to be stressful.    Have you given your bookkeeper, wife, partner, accountant, or tax accountant the information needed to complete your reports? Accountants need good information to create detailed reports and save money on your taxes.   Here is where the expression "Garbage In Equals Garbage Out" comes into play. It is impossible to create Job Costing Reports when all anyone knows is the deposit amount on the bank statement.     It's the Mad Dash To The End Of The Year as a contractor recently described their Year End Madness to prepare his documents for the Tax Accountant. Are you in this cycle? I have great news for you - it is preventable. 1. Review your accounts:  Make sure all your accounts are reconciled and up-t

  • 552: Why Online Reviews Matter And Ways To Deal With Negative Feedback

    01/12/2023 Duración: 10min

    This Podcast Is Episode 552, And It's About Why Online Reviews Matter And Ways To Deal With Negative Feedback In today's digital age, online reviews hold immense power and influence over the success of small construction companies. With easy access to social media, Google reviews, and review websites, customers can easily voice their opinions and experiences with your business online. Most people searching for a local construction company - whether they need a plumber, painter, or general contractor, will check their online reviews before deciding.    Positive reviews can help establish credibility, build trust, and attract new customers. Conversely, negative reviews can damage a company's reputation and deter potential customers. Given the importance of online reviews, small construction companies should aim to provide excellent service and encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews.   As a small business owner, you must understand the importance of online reviews, as they will impact your brand

  • 551: Recognizing The Value Of Construction Contractors In Our Daily Lives

    24/11/2023 Duración: 13min

    This Podcast Is Episode 551, And It's About Recognizing The Value Of Construction Contractors In Our Daily Lives I was taking a moment to reflect on the challenges for the Pilgrims coming to America. They decided to make the journey with no guarantee of success. To build homes, plant crops, and take care of animals. Then, later, everyone chose to move West by wagon train, horse, or on foot. I am grateful for them! I think about my Grandparents and my Great Grandparents. What was life like when they were children? Where did they come from, and how did they get to where they were? The family's oral history seems so inadequate. My father shared so much, but now it looks like so little. Be glad for the simple things we take for granted: Going to the grocery store, deli, or restaurant for dinner Living indoors with electricity and indoor plumbing Driving a car Crossing the water on a bridge or ferry Modern times. I am all for living in the city with the gas station and grocery store just down the street. I app

  • 550: Becoming A Better Construction Leader By Practicing Generosity

    17/11/2023 Duración: 10min

    This Podcast Is Episode 550, And It's About Becoming A Better Construction Leader By Practicing Generosity If you have been lucky enough to encounter generous people, you understand they have a unique gift for garnering the respect and admiration of individuals around them. When you are a leader, having a positive relationship with the people who follow you is a huge asset you cannot put a price on.    In the construction business, generosity and helpfulness are two fundamental traits that can make a business successful. When contractors are willing to share their knowledge and expertise with others, it creates a sense of community and fosters growth and success for everyone involved. Additionally, when contractors are generous with their time, resources, and even their finances, it can significantly impact the success of other businesses and individuals.    t is the right thing to do and being generous because it is something you value are two different things. If you want your generosity to be compelling,

  • 549: Construction Company Budget Vs. Cash Flow

    10/11/2023 Duración: 11min

    This Podcast Is Episode 549, And It's About Construction Company Budget Vs. Cash Flow Finding some certainty can make all the difference in the unpredictable construction business world. While the future remains a mystery, budgeting and cash flow forecasting tools can significantly reduce uncertainty, allowing you to anticipate challenges, learn from past events, and enhance your ability to navigate your business. Budget vs. Cash Flow: The Crucial Distinction A common misconception is that a budget and cash flow are interchangeable. A budget is a projection of future possibilities, enabling you to consider various sales and expense scenarios. On the other hand, a cash flow provides a record of actual expenses and sales revenue that flow into and out of your business each month. Although they often deal with the same data, their applications differ. Budget and cash flow are both essential concepts in construction management. However, they serve different purposes and are used in different ways. A budget is a

  • 548: The True Value Of Networking To Contractors And The Community

    03/11/2023 Duración: 11min

    This Podcast Is Episode 548, And It's About The True Value Of Networking To Contractors And The Community The ability to network is a fundamental part of running a business. Running a business in isolation is difficult, so it helps to have expert partners and acquaintances available to share ideas with.   If you're looking to network with construction industry professionals, there are several ways to do so.   1. Attend industry events: Look for construction industry conferences, expos, and trade shows in your area. These events often have networking opportunities, such as meet-and-greets or after-hours social events.   Conferences are a way to actually meet in person, so the results can be hard to beat. Most conferences have time set aside for networking, allowing you to meet everyone in your niche. More work might involve getting to a conference, but the networking opportunities alone are often worth it. Best results can often be gained by creating a good impression in person, followed by an online contact.

  • 547: Essential Bookkeeping Practices For Construction Start-Ups

    27/10/2023 Duración: 13min

    This Podcast Is Episode 547, And It's About Essential Bookkeeping Practices For Construction Start-Ups Starting a new construction business is exciting but has its fair share of responsibilities. One of the most critical responsibilities is maintaining accurate records of your business transactions. From saving receipts to processing employee payroll, every money-related detail should be documented. It's not just about keeping things tidy; it's about understanding the financial health of your business and meeting all your tax obligations.   Don't underestimate the basics   Some small businesses continue to rely on traditional systems, like pen, paper, and a trusty shoebox. Although it may seem outdated, this method can work well for businesses with few transactions. These businesses might not have the latest payment technology and could be invoicing customers or receiving immediate cash or cheque payments. In such cases, they must maintain a record of all receipts, past, present, and future jobs, and a log of

  • 546: Seven Sure-Fire Ways To Grow Your Construction Business

    20/10/2023 Duración: 13min

    This Podcast Is Episode 546, And It's About Seven Sure-Fire Ways To Grow Your Construction Business   Once your construction business is up and running, it’s essential not to rest on your laurels. Successful business owners always look for ways to grow and maximize their profits. We’ve compiled a guide and checklist to help you identify ways to get the most out of your contracting company.   1. Grow your sales   Contact your best clients.   One of the easiest ways to increase sales is to sell more to your existing clients. For example, you could try contacting every customer and offering a complementary product or service they might need now. You could also determine when clients need maintenance checks.   Create a client loyalty scheme.   You’re looking to create a customer care program using customer contact software and implementing a customer loyalty scheme.   Commence a contact nurturing program.   Can you make more effective use of your database of customers and clients by maintaining regular contact

  • 545: The Implications Of Rising Interest Rates For Construction Contractors

    13/10/2023 Duración: 09min

    This Podcast Is Episode 545, And It's About The Implications Of Rising Interest Rates For Construction Contractors In the construction business world, one constant factor you are likely to encounter is change, particularly in the financial landscape. One such change that can bear significant implications for small businesses is rising interest rates.    Understanding how this impacts your construction business and identifying solutions to counteract these effects can be vital to sustaining and growing your company.   When interest rates go up, borrowing money becomes more expensive. This can impact your ability to make a profit on construction projects. You might have a more challenging time getting financing for new projects and have to pay more for the funding you get. Fewer people may be looking for your construction services when the economy slows due to rising rates.   Interest rates have a ripple effect on various aspects of business; let's dive deeper: Decreased consumer spending A crucial repercussi

  • 544: Why Banks Won't Lend Money To Your Construction Business

    06/10/2023 Duración: 13min

    This Podcast Is Episode 544, And It's About Why Banks Won't Lend Money To Your Construction Business Getting approved for a business loan or line of credit is more complicated than qualifying for a personal loan. Small construction business owners must be adequately prepared to meet with a lender to present their business in the best possible light and ready for the money they need. Think of all the times: You loaned money to a friend or relative Provided labor and materials for somebody's home or business without a deposit check Did change order work that you never got paid for doing and never will Gave a subcontractor/employee an advance on their paycheck, and you never got paid back Multiply that by 100,000, and you will understand why banks seem so tight-fisted about loaning money. Banks stay in business by loaning money and earning interest. They work hard to find people, companies, and contractors with reasonable credit risks they can lend money to and get paid back promptly, with all of the interest

  • 543: Better Practices For Managing And Maintaining Construction Business Cash Flow

    29/09/2023 Duración: 10min

    This Podcast Is Episode 543, And It's About Better Practices For Managing And Maintaining Construction Business Cash Flow In the business world, cash flow remains the lifeblood that keeps your operations running smoothly. Whether you're a start-up finding your feet or a seasoned business in the construction industry, managing and maintaining a steady cash flow can be challenging. But a few small changes can make a world of difference to your cash flow and overall revenue.   Your business needs cash. Cash keeps your company in operation and enables it to grow, so you should know how much your business needs to survive. Although many think the answer is linked solely to operating expenses, this isn't true.   No single factor determines how much cash every construction business needs to have on hand. Somewhere between 3-6 months of operating expenses is an excellent baseline to start from, but there's more to it than that.       Initiate a discussion with your lenders if interest only or deferred payments on ou

  • 542: What Is A Fractional CFO And How Can It Help Your Construction Business?

    22/09/2023 Duración: 11min

    This Podcast Is Episode Number 542, And It's About What Is A Fractional CFO And How Can It Help Your Construction Business? A fractional CFO, or Chief Financial Officer, is a finance professional working part-time, retainer, or contract. They bring the experience and expertise of a high-level CFO to your business – without the cost of hiring a full-time, in-house employee.   Fractional CFOs service several clients simultaneously, typically on a part-time, retainer, or contract basis. Their specialty is providing outsourced CFO services to small and medium businesses.   Because their financial management skills are so well-developed, it's common to bring one on board to help navigate a challenge.   Every construction business can benefit from dedicated financial management expertise, but very few small companies have the means to hire someone full-time—particularly in the lean early years.   Unfortunately, it's those first few years when a company is just starting up that establishing good habits with managing

  • 541: The Value Of Documenting Effective Construction Business Systems

    15/09/2023 Duración: 12min

    This Podcast Is Episode Number 541, And It's About The Value Of Documenting Effective Construction Business Systems Many entrepreneurs operate with their business processes and systems in their heads. They know what they must do daily and how they want to get things done.   Unfortunately, when a construction business grows, and staff need to be hired – or the owner needs to take time away from the company – it's an absolute liability not having processes and systems documented in one place.   To be in business and to remain in business, become a business person! To run a construction business, you must be business-like. It's not sufficient just to be very good at what you do. Many people who are 'very good at what they do' have failed. The familiar cry: "I'm far too busy for that," is also no excuse. Are you 'too busy' to be a competent businessperson? If so, your construction business won't last long. You must continue to develop your business skills.   To be a businessperson, you must try to become an all-

  • 540: Key Financial Concepts For Construction Company Owners

    08/09/2023 Duración: 12min

    This Podcast Is Episode Number 540, And It's About Key Financial Concepts For Construction Company Owners Not everyone knows construction accounting, and it is easy to assume all accounting is the same. Even if you have outsourced your financial functions, as a small construction business owner, having a solid understanding of critical financial concepts is crucial to work with your advisor and 'speak their language". This article outlines several essential concepts that every small business owner should know.   Construction is a tricky business, and people's failure is expected. Most of our clients have either failed or come very close. It doesn't matter how many times you are knocked down; it only matters that you learn your lessons, get up, and go again. We noted these lessons years ago, owning and operating our construction company. By building a system and gaining insight from us, you can pick up from our mistakes, which you don't have to go through and can start avoiding before it comes crashing down. 

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