Darul Qasim Sunday Tafseer



The Sunday Tafsir is a weekly tafseer session with Darul Qasim Director, Shaykh Mohammed Amin Kholwadia. This course is open to the larger community and broadcast live every Sunday at 11 AM Central Time. Visit darulqasim.org to join the webcast. Shaykh Amin reads from chapters of the Quran Al-Kareem, interpreting verses and presenting valuable insights into their meanings. The views expressed in these media are the sole property of Darul Qasim. Explicit permission must be obtained from Darul Qasim before these media may be distributed online or referenced in any works.


  • Surah Al-Dukhan - Session 1

    04/04/2021 Duración: 39min

    Surah Al-Dukhan (44:1-24). You understand the order when you understand the system in which the order is followed. In this lecture: Divine order; Yaqīn; Phases of human development; The warning to the Quraysh; Clear explanation; the two sides of revelation; Al-Nabiyy Al-Karīm; the story of Musa (AS).

  • Surah Zukhruf - Session 6

    28/03/2021 Duración: 45min

    Surah Zukhruf (43:65-89). True friends exhort each other to truth and patience. In this lecture: higher reasons for friendship; worldly and spiritual ornaments; Wilayah; Jannah, its sensory delights, its fruits, and its community; speculative knowledge and finding the Truth.

  • Surah Zukhruf - Session 5

    21/03/2021 Duración: 46min

    Zukhruf (5:57-65). Allah's servants are always honored by Allah ﷻ because they serve Him. In this lecture: the rules of argumentation and being true to the rules of the worlds; the coming of Īsa and the Day of Judgment; preoccupation with the Mahdi and the traps of Shaytān; the reward of a mujtahid notwithstanding the correctness of their ijtihād; unity upon the five pillars.

  • Surah Zukhruf - Session 4

    07/03/2021 Duración: 44min

    Zukhruf (4:38-56). The dhikr helps the prophet raise his standards, and it helps his followers raise their standards. In this lecture: the punishment sent to the Pharaoh's people; the artifice of the Pharaoh; reassurance for the Nabi; Divine intervention in the face of unabating rejection.

  • Surah Zukhruf - Session 3

    28/02/2021 Duración: 44min

    Zukhruf (3:26-37). Life and the means of living in this world is a Rahmah from Allah ﷻ and it must be seen as such. Allah's rahmah is in the dhikr of the Rahman. In this lecture: the two cities; the Divine distribution of Rahmah, both worldly and spiritual; zukhruf; deception and disbelief; the remembrance of the Rahman; introspection (muhāsabah)

  • Surah Zukhruf - Session 2

    14/02/2021 Duración: 41min

    Zukhruf (2:15-25). Theological injustices impact the psyche and ultimately the abilities of an individual. In this lecture: the effects of ornamentation; bayān (clear expression); volition and gender; the nature of angels; opulence and hedonism; Al-Muntaqim; the prupose in the appeal of the dunya.

  • Surah Zukhruf - Session 1

    07/02/2021 Duración: 46min

    Surah Shūra (43:1-14). The Nabi’s effort is to clear the way for the revelation to become clear. In this lecture: the complexities in technical language versus the simplicity of Divine language; an understanding of the word book; the phases of revelation; the Preserved Tablet; eternity and eternal understanding; the Quran as a reminder; the need for stamina and resilience in a prophet’s portfolio.

  • Surah Shūra - Session 9

    31/01/2021 Duración: 40min

    Surah Shūra (42:44-53). The work of the Rasūl is to convey. In this lecture: the kingdom of Allah; the gift of children; the conventions of wahy; access to Nūr.

  • Surah Shūra - Session 8

    24/01/2021 Duración: 44min

    Surah Shūra (42:34-43). Muslims must have the worldview that the world is temporary. In this lecture: debate and consultation; responding to the call of the Lord; Harmony despite disagreement; Islamic politics and ethics; Authority.

  • Surah Shūra - Session 7

    17/01/2021 Duración: 43min

    Surah Shūra (42:27-33). The believer looks beyond the means of his sustenance to the Rāziq. In this lecture: Qābid; Bāsit; the expansion of the heavens; the constriction of the earth; the sea and a metaphor in navigation.

  • Surah Muhammad - Session 5

    10/01/2021 Duración: 47min

    Surah Muhammad (47:16-19). The munafiqūn in Madinah listened to the prophet’s words and posed questions to the companions as a mockery of the Messenger and the message. In this lecture: knowledge and yaqīn; sealed hearts; elements of Divine Kalām; The Hour and its signs; Giving each other wasiyya for the Haqq; Good deeds as deterrents for The Hour; refreshing our īmān; Istighfār and human imperfection.

  • Surah Shūra - Session 6

    10/01/2021 Duración: 38min

    Surah Shūra (42:21-26). Jannah is a very dynamic place that has no equivalent in this world. In this lecture: Jannah and its produce; keeping family ties; Divine forgiveness and reward; ijtihād.

  • Surah Shūra - Session 5

    03/01/2021 Duración: 38min

    Surah Shūra (42:16-20). Our actions do have an impact on the world around us. In this lecture: Divine subtlety; the power and weight of Allah’s Nūr; the balance.

  • Surah Shūra - Session 4

    20/12/2020 Duración: 40min

    Surah Shūra (42:14-15). It is despicable in the eyes of Allah (S) that human beings reject the Truth even after it has been revealed to them. In this lecture: the unity of the ummah; a prelude to the idea of shūra; the prerogative to punish; justice in the social and Divine orders.

  • Surah Shūra - Session 3

    13/12/2020 Duración: 46min

    Surah Shūra (42:12-13). While the means of rizq are entirely in the Hands of Allah (S), the seeking of it is down to the slave. In this lecture: expansion and restriction of rizq; a definition of rizq; wahy and wasiyyah; the scope of shari’ah; Divine selection.

  • Surah Shūra - Session 2

    06/12/2020 Duración: 44min

    Surah Shūra (42:7-11). On the Day of Judgment, all of humanity is gathered together yet separated in accordance with their actions. In this lecture: the Mother of all cities; the basis for unity among human being; wilāyah; reviving the dead; insights into sunnah and sīrah; prototypes in creation.

  • Surah Shūra - Session 1

    29/11/2020 Duración: 46min

    Surah Shūra (42:1-6). The Rabb brings things to their perfection gradually. In this lecture: Al-‘Azīz and Al-Hakīm; ownership versus trusteeship; the greatest crime of shirk; the Throne of Allah (S); spiritual pollution.

  • Surah Fussilat - Session 8

    15/11/2020 Duración: 41min

    Surah Fussilat (41:47-54). We are often blinded to the truth by self-imposed stipulations. The truth in revelation is plain for those who heed it. In this lecture: failure and rejection; the Arabic of the Quran; the Quran as a cure for intellectual deficiencies; the reformation of the nafs; Ikhtilāf that is celebrated and ikhtilāf that is detrimental; the role of the mujtahid; the double standard in conceding to expertise.

  • Surah Fussilat - Session 7

    08/11/2020 Duración: 52min

    Surah Fussilat (41:43-45). We are often blinded to the truth by self-imposed stipulations. The truth in revelation is plain for those who heed it. In this lecture: failure and rejection; the Arabic of the Quran; the Quran as a cure for intellectual deficiencies; the reformation of the nafs; Ikhtilāf that is celebrated and ikhtilāf that is detrimental; the role of the mujtahid; the double standard in conceding to expertise.

  • Surah Fussilat - Session 6

    01/11/2020 Duración: 47min

    Surah Fussilat (41:37-42). There are clear signs in creation of Allah’s existence (S). In this lecture: the sun and moon as means of measuring time; the earth and life-giving rain; recognizing The Creator behind creation; revelation as the final authority; the understanding of the sahabah.

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