Trail Running Podcasts, Resources & Discussion
EP 618: Baseline Mileage: A Better Way To Boost Weekly Running Mileage
07/04/2023 Duración: 01h06minToday, we are excited to have Jason Fitzgerald, founder of Strength Running and author of the book "Running for Health and Happiness", with us to discuss how to create a running workout plan based on your baseline mileage. Article, “Baseline Mileage: A Better Way To Boost Weekly Running Mileage” As runners, we know the importance of having a structured training plan to help us reach our goals and improve our overall performance. However, it can be challenging to know where to start, especially if you are a beginner or have never followed a training plan before. That's why in this episode, Jason will walk us through the key steps in creating a personalized training plan that is tailored to your baseline mileage. Whether you are just starting out or looking to take your running to the next level, this episode is for you! Jason Fitzgerald • hosts the podcast and website Strength Running. • is a USA Track & Field certified coach, • frequent contributor on PodiumRunner, Runner’s World, Active, MapMyRun, T
EP 617: How One Man Changed Hydration for Running
31/03/2023 Duración: 01h12minIn this episode we speak with Bryce Thatcher, the founder of UltrAspire and a true pioneer in the world of hydration packs. Bryce has been a runner for over 40 years and has always been fascinated by the intersection of technology and sport. In the early 90s, he noticed a gap in the market for hydration systems that were specifically designed for trail runners. With this in mind, he set out to create the perfect hydration pack that would allow runners to carry everything they needed on their long runs, while still maintaining optimal hydration levels. Over the years, Bryce's designs have evolved and he has continued to push the boundaries of what is possible in terms of hydration technology. He has introduced innovations like the soft flask, which allows runners to carry their water without the added weight and bulk of traditional water bottles. Today, Bryce's company, UltrAspire, is a leader in the world of hydration packs and his designs are used by top athletes all over the world. In this episode, we will
EP 616: The Extramilest Show Hosted by Floris Gierman
23/03/2023 Duración: 01h20minFloris Gierman, a close friend of ours, invited us to join him on his show to discuss our insights from conducting 615 podcast episodes featuring remarkable guests. It was a delightful experience, and we thought it would be beneficial to share this episode with you. You can find Floris Gierman's podcast, The Extramilest Show, and his YouTube channel, where he interviews top-notch athletes, coaches, and health professionals, discussing ways to enhance your running abilities, health, and happiness. Be sure to check out his website to find additional content including blog post, his "Personal Best" training program, and other running tips. Floris is also a cofounder of PATH Projects. You know how much we LOVE their gear. Check them out.
EP 615: Zone 2 Training: The Key to Improve Endurance and Recovery
17/03/2023 Duración: 01h05minone 2 training is one of the keys for injury-free longevity and improved performance. Dr. Mark Cucuzzella rejoins The Nation to help us understand what zone 2 training is and how it can benefit us as endurance athletes. Dr. Cucuzzella is an experienced runner and TRN’s resident MD. He provides valuable insights and practical tips on how to incorporate zone 2 training into our routine. · How does training in zone 2 improve aerobic capacity, fat utilization and endurance? · How to determine your individual zone 2 heart rate or power zone? · How to structure a zone 2 training session: duration, intensity and frequency · Strategies to maintain zone 2 training intensity and avoid pushing too hard · How to make zone 2 training more engaging and enjoyable · How to balance zone 2 training with rest and recovery Visit Dr. Mark's running store, the first minimalist running specialty store in North America, Two Rivers Treads. Their staff can do video consultations and put
EP 614: How Can a Continuous Glucose Monitor Help You Train Better
10/03/2023 Duración: 01h05minIn today's episode, we'll be discussing a topic that is becoming increasingly important for athletes of all levels: continuous glucose monitoring. For years, endurance athletes have relied on carbohydrates as a primary source of fuel during long runs, races, and training sessions. But what if you could track your glucose levels in real-time to optimize your performance and avoid hitting the dreaded "wall"? That's where continuous glucose monitoring comes in. By wearing a small device that measures glucose levels in interstitial fluid, endurance athletes can gain valuable insights into their body's response to different types of fuel, exercise intensity, and even stress levels. This information can help you make more informed decisions about your nutrition, training, and recovery, leading to better performance and fewer setbacks. In this episode, we'll hear from Kara Collier, co-founder and VP of Health and Chief Dietician at Nutrisense, in the field of continuous glucose monitoring and endurance sports, who w
EP 613: Breaking Out of the Standard Race Distances
03/03/2023 Duración: 55minIn this episode, we're excited to talk about the Petersen Ridge Rumble coming in April in Oregon, a trail race that's not your typical distance. This race, put on by seasoned ultra runner Sean Meissner, challenges runners with unique course lengths of 20 & 40 miles, rather than the standard half marathon, marathon or ultra distances But why race a non-normal distance? As trail runners, we often seek out new challenges and experiences on the trails. Running a non-normal distance, like the Petersen Ridge Rumble, allows us to step outside of our comfort zones and push ourselves in new ways. These races can also offer a more personalized experience, with a smaller field of runners and a unique course layout. In this episode, we'll dive into the details of the Petersen Ridge Rumble, exploring the course terrain and the challenges it presents, as well as hearing from Sean Meissner himself about what inspired him to create this non-normal distance race. Sean is a USATF certified coach and coaches at Sharman Ultr
EP 612: The Science of Creatine and Brain Function for Athletes
23/02/2023 Duración: 56minToday, we're taking a closer look at creatine, a supplement commonly associated with building muscle and improving athletic performance, but did you know that it may also have benefits for your brain health and cognitive functioning? Bob Seebohar is joining to help us understand some of the new research and benefits of creatine. Bob is a true pioneer in the field of sports nutrition, having developed the groundbreaking Metabolic Efficiency training approach, which helps athletes to optimize their nutrition and fueling strategies to achieve their performance goals. He has also authored several books on sports nutrition, including "Nutrition Periodization for Endurance Athletes" and "Metabolic Efficiency Training: Teaching the Body to Burn More Fat". If you are interested in adding creatine to your diet, find a company that is "NSF Certified for Sport" or "Informed Sport Certified". Bob recommends either Klean Athlete or Thorne brands Start with 5-10 grams / day. Check out Bob's next run, the North Pole Mar
EP 611: Unlocking Your Potential
17/02/2023 Duración: 01h06minToday we are going to explore the mental preparation and positive mindset needed to conquer the challenges of ultra running. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the sport, this show is here to help you dig deep, push past your limits, and find the inner strength needed to succeed on the trails. Today we have two really tough runners, Hillary Allen and Addie Bracey, that will help us unlock the secrets and strategies you need to approach every adventure and race with confidence and determination. Hillary Allen is the author of the book, 'Out and Back, a Runner's Story of Survival Against All Odds' LINK to Hillary's Tedx CU talk LINK to Hillary's web site Follow Addie’s running exploits on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
EP 610: Keep Running, No Matter the Age
10/02/2023 Duración: 01h08sToday, we're discussing a topic that's close to many of our hearts: how to keep running, no matter your age. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or just starting out, age can be a big factor in how we approach our running. So let's dive in and find out what it takes to keep running, no matter your age with a few amazing runners: Liza Howard, Pam Reed and Krissy Moehl. Liza recently wrote a series of articles on aging in trail running at iRunFar. We'll talk about the importance of setting goals and staying motivated. We'll also discuss some of the different types of goals you can set, such as personal bests, reaching a certain distance, or even just completing a race. We'll also talk about the importance of finding a support system and ways to stay motivated when the going gets tough. We'll focus on the importance of staying healthy and injury-free. We'll talk about the benefits of strength training, stretching, and cross-training, and how they can help you stay injury-free. We'll also discuss the importance of
EP 609: Adventure Planning- the Misogi Method
03/02/2023 Duración: 01h05minDo Something So Hard 1 Day a Year That It Profoundly Impacts the Other 364. Misogi means “purification” in Japanese. It is a ritual that dates back to eighth-century Japan. It traditionally involved making the pilgrimage to an icy waterfall, symbolizing intense purification. Dr. Markus Elliot explains that “Misogi is not about physical accomplishment. It asks, ‘What are you mentally and spiritually willing to put yourself through to be a better human?" In this episode, we are joined by frequent TRN guest and friend, elite runner and coach Adam Kimble to talk about how the Misogi approach might help us create new and rewarding adventures for trail runners. Some modern, evolved rules of Misogi can be don’t die make it really hard - 50% chance of failure make it weird don't "socialize" your misogi Misogi is more than a physical challenge. It brings in the mental and spiritual. Misogi is very personal and different for everyone based on typography experience and skill. We learned about the Misogi Method in
27/01/2023 Duración: 01h26minIn this Training Principles episode, we dive into the topic of recovery. Krissy Moehl, Sean Meissner, Dr. Matt Laye, and Kerry Gustafson share their expertise on how to properly recover after a run or race. Some key takeaways from the show include: Should you stretch and foam roll? Are there benefits of using a compression sock or compression clothing Are there benefits of ice baths or contrast water therapy The role of nutrition in recovery What about massage The use of active recovery techniques We also discuss common recovery mistakes that runners make and how to avoid them. Overall, the goal of the episode is to provide listeners with practical tips and strategies for recovering effectively after a run or race, to prevent injury and improve performance. Links that you might find useful: · Krissy Moehl’s coaching · Krissy’s book, Running Your First Ultra · Sean Meissner’s coaching · Sean’s race Peterson Ridge Rumble 40mi/20mi in Oregon · Prime Sports Institute in Bellingha
EP 607: AJW Launches His Own Podcast!
20/01/2023 Duración: 55minAfter years of base training, AJW has put his podcast bib on and launching his own podcast, "Crack a Brew With AJW". Andy will have discussions with members of the trail and ultra-community to sit down, have a beverage and discuss running, life and how the two intersect. We play his first episode in its entirety with Courtney Dauwalter, fresh off her win at the Bandera 100K in January 2022 where she also won a Golden Ticket for the 2023 Western States 100. Andy has an amazing lineup of guests for his first season, and you will not want to miss them. We will be promoting how to find and subscribe to his podcast soon - our crew is still working on all the details. Follow AJW on Twitter, FaceBook or Instagram as we button up the details. Of course, we will let you know on all our channels where and when to listen and subscribe. If you want to learn more about Courtney, listen to these previous episodes with her Intuitive Training With Courtney Dauwalter EP 434 Courtney Dauwalter is a 4.4....What's Your GRI
EP 606: G.O.A.T. - Pam Reed
13/01/2023 Duración: 56minIn this episode, we talk with Ultrarunning historian Davy Crockett, about another legendary ultramarathon runner who has been referred to as the "Greatest of All Time" (G.O.A.T.). Pam has won numerous ultramarathons, including the Badwater Ultramarathon, which is considered one of the toughest races in the world. This is an incredibly inspiring conversation about one of the most accomplished ultramarathon runners of all time. Whether you're a runner yourself or just looking for motivation and inspiration, this episode is a must-listen. You can learn more about Pam in the article on Ultrarunning History. Davy Crockett, the host of the podcast, "Ultrarunning History" Davy has run over 100 100-mile finishes since starting in 2004. He is a race director of the Pony Express Trail 50 and 100 in Utah and was recently named Director of the American Ultrarunning Hall of Fame. Buy his recent book about Frank Hart. And listen to the first G.O.A.T. episode about Frank Hart. You can learn more about Davy and his many
EP 605: Ice Baths - Are They The Key to Improved Health?
05/01/2023 Duración: 01h06minToday we are discussing the age-old question: are ice baths good for your health? It is a topic that has divided fitness enthusiasts and athletes for years, with some claiming that ice baths can help reduce muscle soreness and inflammation, while others argue that they can be harmful to the body. First, let us define what an ice bath is. An ice bath is a recovery method in which a person immerses their body in a tub of cold water and ice for a brief period, usually 10-15 minutes. The water temperature is typically around 50-59 degrees Fahrenheit. Now, let us dive into the potential benefits of ice baths. Some proponents of ice baths argue that the cold water can help reduce inflammation and muscle soreness after a workout. This is because cold water can constrict blood vessels, which can help reduce swelling and inflammation. In addition, cold water can numb nerve endings, which can provide temporary pain relief. However, it is important to note that the research on the effectiveness of ice baths is mixed.
EP 604: Year End Audio Magazine with AJW
30/12/2022 Duración: 01h23minWe wanted to wrap up 2022 with one of our favorite type of episode, TRN Audio Magazine. Andy Jones-Wilkins joins us to discuss this and that with a guess the title game. Links to stuff we mentioned: "Unbreakable" movie by JB Benna Born To Run book by Christopher McDougall Pied Piper of Trail Running short reel "Strong Downhills Late in Races May Determine the Fastest Finishers" by David Roche "The Hidden Factor That Explains Easy Run Pace" by Alex Hutchinson Hire Andy as a coach! or check out his weekly Tap Room at iRunFar
EP 603: Process vs. Outcome. What are Your Goals Based On?
23/12/2022 Duración: 01h01minOutcome goals are goals that focus on the end result or objective, while process goals are goals that focus on the steps or actions required to achieve the desired outcome. Outcome goals tend to be more specific and measurable, while process goals are more focused on the journey or process of achieving the outcome. Coach Ian Sharman joins The Nation to discuss these different kinds of goals and helps us understand the pros and cons of each. Outcome goals can be motivating because they provide a clear target to aim for, but they can also be discouraging if progress is slow or if setbacks occur. Process goals, on the other hand, can help to keep you on track and focused on the steps needed to achieve your outcome goal, which can lead to better long-term success. Real Science of Sport podcast episode Ian mentioned regarding soccer penalty kicks. Find out more about Sharman Ultra Coaching
EP 602: G.O.A.T. Frank Hart 1870s
16/12/2022 Duración: 57minFrank Hart rose to fame, popularity and wealth in the 1870 as one of the first African American athletes to break the color barrier as an ultra runner. Davy Crockett, the host of the podcast, "Ultrarunning History" joins us to tell us this amazing story of Frank Hart and the early popularity of pedestrianism. Get the book here. It's a great stocking stuffer! Davy has run over 100 100-mile finishes since starting in 2004. He is a race director of the Pony Express Trail 50 and 100 in Utah and was recently named Director of the American Ultrarunning Hall of Fame. You can learn more about Davy and his many works at Check out our earlier episode with Davy about the history of EP 556: The History of Ultrarunning If this episode was interesting to you, you might like the episode we did on "Pedestrianism" two years ago.
EP 601: Why we Run? It's Science!
09/12/2022 Duración: 53minWe recently read a blog post from Charlotte Grysolle, "15 Learnings Between a Neuroscientist & Navy SEAL Officer". This article was based on the Jocko podcast between Jocko Willink and Dr. Andrew Huberman, "332: Influence & Ownership Over Your Physiological & Psychological Being". We enjoyed it so much we thought we'd have a casual discussion about six points we thought were interesting and how they relate to running. Optic Flow Expand your visual field Re-frame friction Dopamine peaks Physiological sigh Making mistakes is key for learning Check out the "GOOD" video from Jocko.
EP 600: Knowing When to Back Off
02/12/2022 Duración: 01h04minCoach Ian Sharman is one of the most consistent and successful trail and ultra runners. This year he had a few A-races that didn't go as expected. We talk through why. We discuss knowing when to back off and how to keep running sustainable for the long term. Some items that we discussed and we promised to link: The Range Report Newsletter by David Epstein Book: Quit: The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away by Annie Duke Learn more about running in Bhutan! Find out more about Sharman Ultra Coaching
EP 599: Salt, Running and Pregnancy. What We Learn From Recent Research
25/11/2022 Duración: 53minAlex Hutchinson is back to discuss some of his most recent articles he published at Outsideonline: The Salt in Sports Drinks May Not be as Crucial as You Think How Pregnancy Affects Your Marathon Time Alex Hutchinson is an avid runner and author. We did a series of podcasts on his book, Endure: Mind, Body and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance. Previous Podcasts where we discuss the specific chapters of Endure: Podcast #1: The Unforgiving Minute, The Conscience Quitter, Heat, Belief Podcast #2: The Central Governor Theory, Pain and Training the Brain Podcast #3 : Oxygen, Fuel, and Zapping the Brain Check out Alex’s other books: Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights?: Fitness Myths, Training Truths, and Other Surprising Discoveries from the Science of Exercise Big Ideas: 100 Modern Inventions That Have Transformed Our World What Defines our Limits - with Alex Hutchinson Follow Alex on Twitter Check out Sweat Science