Trail Running Podcasts, Resources & Discussion
Candice Burt- The Every Person's Guide to Trail Running Lingo
09/10/2013 Duración: 01h27minCandice Burt, elite trail runner and active blogger, recently created a glossary of terms that trail runners use. For example: Paleo Bonk FKT Minimalist Finally, there is a simple dictionary for you to share with your non-trail running friends and family so they can join in the conversation and understand what you are trying to communicate. Candice's blog can be found HERE Check out the races that she directs / co-directs at Bellingham Trail Running Take the Tailwind Challenge at: Tailwind Nutrition Check out the cool headlamps made for trail running at Petzl Download a free audio book at Audible
Keith Hatfield: Fix Your Legs
05/10/2013 Duración: 01h04minKeith Hatfield Keith is a certified physician assistant of 15 years who had a 10 year career as a certified athletic trainer prior to that, including two years working in professional baseball with the Kansas City Royals organization. He discusses the following common lower leg ailments that runners might experience: Runner's Knee IT Band (stretch video) Meniscus Pain Planter Faciiatis As an athlete, Keith suffered from planter faciiatis and tried most of the products that help stretch the foot. Out of necessity, he invented the Hatfield Strap. If you suffer from planter faciiatis, you might want to give his sit strap a try. Take the Tailwind Challenge at: Tailwind Nutrition Check out the cool headlamps made for trail running at Petzl
Stephanie Howe: Nutrition for losing weight vs. improving fitness
26/09/2013 Duración: 01h13minStephanie Howe, exercise physiologist, North Face elite runner, and coach, discusses nutrition with us. Stephanie is a coach with Rebound Oregon with Jay Dicharry (his podcast) Diet fads Super foods losing weight vs. improving fitness: how and when to focus on each Fish oils which carbs should you use when training/racing? iRunFar interview with Stephanie Howe after winning Speadgoat 50K on 2 weeks training after and injury. Stephanie's Blog Take the Tailwind Challenge at: Tailwind Nutrition Check out the cool headlamps made for trail running at Petzl
Sunny Blende - Fueling In The Heat
14/09/2013 Duración: 01h15minYour race is a couple days away and you find out that the temperature is going to be unseasonably hot. How should you change your race strategy? Sunny Blende discusses what you should change and how the heat will affect you. She also teaches us that heat acclimatization will benefit us in multiple ways even if our race isn't hot! We reference the article that Sunny wrote for the September 2013 issue of UltraRunning Magazine. Here is a list of our other podcasts with Sunny: December 4, 2011 Unbreakable Review February 21, 2012 Ultrafuel for Ultrarunners June 5, 2012 Fueling for your First Ultra September 21, 2012 Metabolic Efficiency Training We also mentioned the Australian, Cliff Young. Here is a video.
AC100 + Leadville100 = Tired Jimmy Dean Freeman
08/09/2013 Duración: 01h31minJimmy Dean Freeman sets his sites on the 2014 Last Great Race . This race combines 6 of the toughest 100M races in the same year. In preparation JDF shares his experiences at running AC and Leadville within 13 days of one another. Oral Hydration Salts Jimmy Dean's Blog Inpired Running Closing Song: Son's Gonna Rise by Citizen Cope Take the Tailwind Challenge at: Tailwind Nutrition Check out the cool headlamps made for trail running at Petzl Get your FREE audio book download at Audible
Adventure Training - Sally McRae and her posse climbing peaks
05/09/2013 Duración: 01h10minStart this podcast by watching this VIDEO Sally McRae, Josh Spector, David Daley, and Billy Yang put together this training adventure challenge as a way to prepare for their upcoming race, Run Rabbit Run 100 mile race. A one day summit of the three largest peaks in Southern California - they dubbed it "The Triple Crown", but it has also been called the 8000M Challenge. Mt Jacinto, San Gorgonio, and Mt. Baldy 40 miles of running 14,500 vertical feet of climbing 18.5 hours total time 305 miles of driving between trail heads Sally brings her posse (Josh, Billy, Colin Cooley, and Ethan Newberry) to talk about ADVENTURE TRAINING. It is a great way to mix up your training schedule and put yourself in a mock-type racing paradigm. It is a great way to build relationships with your friends and create some memories. Take the Tailwind Challenge at: Tailwind Nutrition Check out the cool headlamps made for trail running at Petzl Get your FREE audio book download at Audible
Roman Urbina runs with the Tarahumara
30/08/2013 Duración: 01h13minPura vida is a characteristic Costa Rican phrase. It literally means pure life, however, the real meaning is closer to "plenty of life", "full of life", "this is living!", "going great", or "real living" What better way to celebrate Pura Vida and trail running than to take a vacation to Costa Rica and participate in La Ruta Trail Race, a 50K or 100K of challenging trails. Wanna make it even better? How about inviting some Tarahumara to participate and give some of the entry fees to their struggling tribes. Wanna make it even better? If you are a TRN member (and let them know), you will get a $100 discount on the race entry! Roman Urbina, a world-class multisport athlete who also puts on the Ruta de Los Conquistadore, a three-day mountain bike race that goes from the pacific to the atlantic - also named as Time Magazines, "top 10 most difficult endurance races" - has developed a trail race that you will love! The 100K was described by famed Tarahumara, Silvino Cuberase Quimare (From the Novel Born to Run)
Warren Pole - Hit for six!
23/08/2013 Duración: 01h24minWarren joins us to talk about what has been on his mind: Running isn't just for runners anymore. Despite your epigenetics, there are more people running today - even those who with body types that do not lend themselves to this sport. Boils down to the nature v. nurture debate. His new diet: no wheat, dairy, sugar, alcohol, and caffeine. After a month, guess how he feels? Fell running (or mountain running) popular in Northern England. Originated in Scotland in 1040. Stu Mittleman, "Slow Burn: Burn Fat Faster by Exercising Slower" The Skinny on Obesity 7 part video series The new Royal prince and how that will effect trail running around the world.
Dr. Mark Cucuzzella: running Comrades & Sports Medical Conference
16/08/2013 Duración: 01h19minDr. Mark has had a busy summer. He recently returned from running the oldest and largest ultra marathon, Comrades Marathon in South Africa. This 89 km course started in 1921 and has nearly 20,000 participants annually. Our Dr. finished a respectable 869 out of 19,524. While he was out there, he also attended the Sports Medical Conference with Dr. Tim Noakes. Check out our web site for more links that we talked about
Vanessa Runs - Everywhere
10/08/2013 Duración: 01h01sIn 2012, Vanessa quit her job, sold all her possessions, purchased and RV and set off to live a life she had been dreaming of. She and her companion, Shacky, are traveling around the Americas " living day-to-day, bartering or trading for things that we need, sometimes doing freelance or contract work, and following our whims wherever they take us". We talk to Vanessa about her new book, "The Summit Seeker" a story of her life and how she has ventured to this point. She shares what she has learned about running from Malcom Gladwell, Alberto Salazar and Bilbo Baggins.
Dr. Ryan Green: The Shoe Doctor
04/08/2013 Duración: 01h28minRyan Green PhD has directed his mental prowess into the running shoe. Ryan Green is the managing partner in Varsity Sports, a running specialty store with 4 locations in Louisiana. He holds a PhD in kinesiology and a certified Athletic Trainer. How many miles should your shoes last? Yea or Nay to rotating your shoes? Shoelaces zero drop washing machines running gait and more
Coach Sally McRae Answers the Hard Questions
30/07/2013 Duración: 01h22minSally McRae joins us to talk about the most common questions and issues she is asked by the athletes she coaches: How do I deal with injuries? How much do I need to run? What about Cross Training? Nutrition? Why are you the "yellow runner"? How do you balance being a Mom, business owner, coach and STILL find time for your personal training?
Sock Doc Talks about Faith's spray-on-tan and crossfit peeing
23/07/2013 Duración: 01h17minDr. Steven Gangemi joins Faith, Don and Scott to talk about important trail running topics: Spray on tans. Groupon. Glycemic index. Trigeeks. Crossfit peeing. Knee pain. Groupon. Is orange the new tan? Running depression. Spray on tanning. Waking up at night hungry. Racing too often. Skippy Super Chunk Peanut Butter. Periodization. Groupon. Simple!
Coach Sally McRae answers the hard questions
23/07/2013 Duración: 01h22minSally McRae joins us to talk about the most common questions and issues she is asked by the athletes she coaches: How do I deal with injuries? How much do I need to run? What about Cross Training? Nutrition? Why are you the "yellow runner"? How do you balance being a Mom, business owner, coach and STILL find time for your personal training?
The Western States 100M Experience
15/07/2013 Duración: 01h06minIn the shadow of the 2013 Western States 100 mile endurance Run, Scott, Faith and Don talk about the WS100 experience. What's all the hype? Is it different than any other run? We take on the experience of the volunteers, pacers, crew and runner.
Pacing and Crewing with Dominic & Katie
02/07/2013 Duración: 01h22minDominic Grossman and Katie Desplinter have had the benefit of running in the lead pack for many years. What you may not know about them is that when they are not racing, they are avid volunteers pacing or crewing others. Dom and Katie record this podcast pre-Western States 100 - where Dominic paced Tim Olsen to his second win in the second hottest year. We talk about strategies that can help you pace or crew AND how you, as a racer, can help your pacer and crew help you.
WS100 Tim Twietmeyer and Craig Thornley
26/06/2013 Duración: 01h14minWe join Ultralegend Tim Twietmeyer and Ultrarunner/Race Director Craig Thornley as we discuss the "Rules of the Trail" Who knew there are 18 rules for running Western States 100? Apparently each rule is a result of a circumstance that actually happened happened during the race.
Heat Training for Summer Ultras - Danny Westergaard & Jimmy Dean Freeman
20/06/2013 Duración: 01h05minIn the Northern Hemisphere, we are now approaching the heat of the summer. Make sure you prepare yourself by listening and learning from a couple people that really know how to train for heat. Jimmy Dean Freeman, SoCal Coyotes, joins us with his friend Danny Westergaard. Danny has run Badwater 6 times and done a triple crossing of Badwater (875 miles). In seven years, Danny has crossed the Death Valley 16 times! How long should it take to become aclimated? What strategies work best? What advantages will you have if aclimated?
Ian Torrence - Building a Bonk Proof Body
18/06/2013 Duración: 54minIan Torrence has a deep resume of trail ultras: Finished over 170 ultras and has won over 50! In 1999, he finished 16 ultras and 1 marathon and won 12. In 2002, he completed the Grand Slam of Ultras 18 JFK finishes including 11 top ten finishes He currently resides in the trail running mecca of Flagstaff, AZ where he trains and coaches for McMillan Running as their ultra-marathon coach. Ian talks to us about his experiences and how his body and training has changed over time, how he has adjusted his training to continue to race successfully and tips he feels will help you build a bonk proof body.
Give it a Rest with Coach Greg McMillan
07/06/2013 Duración: 01h01minGary Avery said, "Optimal Stress + Optimal Rest = Optimal Progress" Greg joins us from McMillan Running, an online resource / coaching for runners, to discuss how important REST is in our training. He explains why "the most difficult situation is to be the fittest spectator at a race". In a recent Runner's World article, "Give it a Rest", Greg explains how better we perform when we incorporate rest into our training schedules: rest during our weekly program and after a race. Closing Song: "Feeling Way Too Damn Good" by Nickleback.