Funnybooks With Aron And Paulie



Weekly comic book discussion podcast about the latest new releases and comic book related news!


  • Funnybooks with Aron and Paulie: The Comics Lawyer


    For this week’s New Comic Book Day Interview, we chat with Geoff Gerber of The BrickHouse Law Group. Geoff is a comic book lawyer.  He is an intellectual property litigator and represented Todd McFarlane in Gaiman v. McFarlane. We talk a lot about comics including the Siegel and Kirby cases and a little McFarlane.  For […]

  • Funny Books with Aron & Paulie: Testicles of Terror


    Aron’s balls Pauloween 2009 Paul’s catching up on Dark Reign Blackest Night Update Green Lantern Corps #41 Blackest Night: Batman #3 Batman #691 World’s Finest Batgirl #3 Red Robin #5 Adventure Comics #3 Booster Gold #25 Galactica 1980 #2 Witchblade Darkness/Pitt Library books Contests!

  • Funny Books with Aron and Paulie: Blowing Kirkman


    Paul’s back from Florida and leaving comics lying about Aron’s urgently urgent sense of urgency Moon Knight: The Bottom (trade paperback) Vengeance of the Moon Knight #2 Justice League: Cry for Justice #4 Astonishing X-Men #31 The Grant Morrison Hate Train chugs onward Daredevil #501 Amazing Spider-Man #606 We love Robert Kirkman and gratify him […]

  • Funny Books with Aron and Paulie: Normally We Record in the Morning


    Paul’s still on assignment in Florida and barely survived Dinosaur Land! Aron saw Ben Folds with DSO Blackest Night Update Green Lantern #46 Blackest Night Titans #2 Thor #603 Agents of Atlas #1-5 From The Comic Shop News: Dan Didio on Grant Morrison and why Didio is wrong! How’s Wonder Woman doing and shouldn’t that […]

  • Funny Books with Aron and Paulie: Giant Size Disappointment


    Our contest ends this week! The clock is running out to enter for your chance to win 100 comics that may or may not suck. All you have to do it is link to our blog and/or podcast on your blog, in a forum post, iTunes review, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Just post it and send […]

  • Funny Books with Aron and Paulie: Kicked in the Bags and Boards


    Hey everyone!  This post will be at the top of the page through Tuesday  scroll down for the latest updates! This week Jonathan Landreth, co-host of podcast Kicked in the Dicebags, joins us in chatting about his relapse into comics, the week’s books, and all kinds of other assorted goodness. What’s wrong with the X-Men […]

  • Funny Books with Aron and Paulie: InterChew with John Layman


    This interview will be at the top until Friday!  Scroll down for the latest news! Okay, so New Comic Book Day is actually Thursday this week and not Wednesday.  Just because Diamond and the publishers took off for the weekend doesn’t mean we did!  That’s right.  Paul and I?  We got work ethic… In this […]

  • Funny Books with Aron and Paulie: There Should Be Only One


    Paul’s a dick and kind of a bastard (1:32) Disney buys Marvel (4:07) Blackest Night Update Solomon Grundy #7 (9:35) Marvel Zombies Return #1 (14:35) Justice League: Cry for Justice #3(17:35) Daring Mystery Comics #1 (22:54) Batman #690 (26:17) Final Crisis Aftermath: Run! #4 (32:59) The Last Resort #2 (35:55) Thulsa Doom #1 (38:40) Does […]

  • Funny Books with Aron and Paulie: The Matt Sturges Interview


    Kicking off our series of New Comic Book Day interviews, we bring you DC  Comics writer Matt Sturges.  Author of such titles as Final Crisis Aftermath: Run!, House of Mystery, Jack of Fables, Justice Society of America (with Bill Willingham) and the upcoming JSA: All-Stars, Sturges spoke with us about his current and upcoming projects […]

  • Funny Books with Aron and Paulie: The World's Greatest Comic Podcast


    Make sure to listen to this episode for a chance to win ONE HUNDRED FREE COMICS! ¿dónde esta el cyber café? (1:02) Superhero TV shows on DVD The Flash (2:20) Birds of Prey (4:23) Smallville (5:04) AronMas (10:30) Aron & Paul go to the movies Julie & Julia (12:17) Final Destination 3D (13:03) Halloween 2 […]

  • Funny Books with Aron and Paulie: Do it like you mean it


    This post will be at the top through Tuesday – scroll down for the latest news! Sleeping with men at GenCon (1:18) Inglourious Basterds (5:45) James Cameron’s Avatar (10:20) Digital animation (in which we mention 9) (13:00) This Week’s Comics Blackest Night Update Blackest Night #2 (23:10) Green Lantern Corps #39 (28:38) Blackest Night Superman […]

  • Funny Books with Aron and Paulie: How can I miss you if you don't go away?


    DVD Extras (1:52) Spending limit (7:10) Trade Paper Back Recommended Reading: Our Top 6 Trade Paper Back Picks… (7:53) Maus (12:10) Invincible (15:50) Identity Crisis (20:40) Danger Girl (26:30) The Complete Concrete (32:00) The Complete Bone (38:37) What if we were writing… The X-Men? (50:00) We apologize for Aron’s barking dogs in the background. They […]

  • Funny Books with Aron and Paulie: How can I miss you if you don't go away?


    DVD Extras (1:52) Spending limit (7:10) Trade Paper Back Recommended Reading: Our Top 6 Trade Paper Back Picks… (7:53) Maus (12:10) Invincible (15:50) Identity Crisis (20:40) Danger Girl (26:30) The Complete Concrete (32:00) The Complete Bone (38:37) What if we were writing… The X-Men? (50:00) We apologize for Aron’s barking dogs in the background. They […]

  • Funny Books with Aron and Paulie: Hot, Sweaty Six


    Aron’s at GenCon this week!  If you wanna chat about comics, send him a note on Twitter. Greeting cards (1:45) The Barnes & Noble bargain bins (3:41) Christmas in August (6:32) Justice League: Cry for Justice #2 (13:00) Captain America: Reborn #2 (19:47) Chew #1-3 (27:35) Mayhem #1 (oops…Paul meant BloodSTRIKE, not Bloodshot) (38:20) War […]

  • Funny Books with Aron and Paulie: Our First Time


    This post will be at the top through Tuesday, so scroll down for all the latest stories, including our NEW CONTEST! It’s a show chock-full of four-color-goodness this week: Comics at the public library (2:30) Comics keep you fit (4:58) Our first podcast contest winners! (6:10) The new contest! (12:20) Detective Comics #855 (Batwoman) (14:50) […]

  • Funny Books with Aron and Paulie: Special 600th Issue!


    Seems like just a few weeks since we started off Funny Books with Aron and Paulie and here we are already on issue 600.  In this very special 600th issue we at long last discuss some Marvel books >gasp<… Incredible Hulk #600 Amazing Spider-man #600 Guardians of the Galaxy, Nova, and War of Kings Green […]

  • Funny Books with Aron and Paulie: The Dead Will Rise!


    We’re still posting new stories, but this one will be at the top for the next day or two! Scroll down for the newest goodies! UPDATE: ONLY TWO ENTRIES SO FAR IN OUR CRAZY COOL PODCAST CONTEST!  Enter while the gettin’s good!  Details are in the podcast! The theatrical release of episode three of Funny […]

  • Funny Books with Aron and Paulie: The Mother of All Pearl Necklaces


    We’re still posting new stories, but this one will be at the top for the next day or two! Scroll down for the newest goodies! This week, we discuss all kinds of fun stuff: Geek wear; DC’s all new Wednesday Comics featuring innovative, yet nostalgic formatting; Green Lantern #43, Prologue to Blackest Night Red Robin […]

  • Funny Books with Aron & Paulie: What Universe Am I In?


    In this the very first audio edition of Funny Books with Aron & Paulie, we discuss the return of Steve Rogers/Captain America, the absence of Batman, and the new Batman and Robin.  We also chat about Batwoman and Justice League: Cry for Justice in addition to  many other books from July 1, 2009. Plus, an […]

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