I Dare You Radio



Inspiration and Ideas for Daring Dreamers!Q What Daring Thing will you do by the end of the year to boost your success level?I've been a professional artist for over 50 years: painting, sculpture, design, illustration, writing and publishing. I train entrepreneurs to get the word out about their passionate work by becoming that radio show guest hosts invite back time and time again.I'm also a Mindset Mastery Trainer, helping you get happier, make more money and feel like you're doing your life Right.-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-- Angela Treat Lyon teaches EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques, is an Avatar Master, is certified in Reiki, HUNA, and other alternative methods and modalities. She facilitates trainings internationally and in the US. She is a Mindset Mastery Trainer and the producer and radio show host of Daring Dreamers Radio at IDareYouRadio.com.


  • Dianne Collins, Author of Do You Quantum Think? PT 1

    19/09/2014 Duración: 1690h00s

    How does being who you are affect everyone around you, and why? What is the difference between a mechanistic world view and a quantum world view, and why is that critical to awakening? Why couldn't we even think about quantum leaps until 1927?

  • Dianne Collins, Author of Do You Quantum Think? PT 2

    19/09/2014 Duración: 1036h00s

    What stops us from thinking from a place of infinite possibility? What are 'least-action pathways,' and how can they limit us? What if there's nothing wrong with us? No matter what a circumstance is, what is something you can do to transcend it? Do thoughts visit, or are they self-originated?

  • Dianne Collins, Author of Do You Quantum Think? PT 3

    19/09/2014 Duración: 1397h00s

    How do intent, intuition, subtle energy resonance and meditation fit together? What IS awakened consciousness? How do we get past either/or and get to both/and? What does Dark matter have to do with awakening? Why is listening from 'not-knowing' the crux of fresh, dynamic relationships?

  • Dianne Collins, Author of Do You Quantum Think? PT 4

    19/09/2014 Duración: 1532h00s

    What does the 'non-local mind' have to do with things, and how do you access it? What is the Cosmic Pulse? Why is it hard to have a job and live your dream, too? How do you take a Quantum Leap and change your money reality? If you can't change thoughts, what can you change?

  • Michael J. Trout: Bee Conservationist, Foundup Founder

    01/08/2014 Duración: 2543h00s

    Concerned that bees are being destroyed by horrifyingly negligent agricultural practices, you'll be happy to hear about what daring Michael Trout is doing about that, and what you can do, too. Find out about creating a monthly income on Patreon.com, and be a Foundup member.

  • Natalie Hill: Money & Marketing Mastery Part 1

    04/07/2014 Duración: 1410h00s

    For women entrepreneurs: How did Natalie Hill create the recipe for her life and discover how to conquer money and marketing?

  • Natalie Hill: Money & Marketing Mastery Part 2

    04/07/2014 Duración: 1530h00s

    For women entrepreneurs: How did she get over her fear? What is procrastination, really? What did Natalie and I start creating at the very end of the interview?

  • Dr. Pamela Wible, Creating Ideal Clinics Across the USA

    29/04/2014 Duración: 2061h00s

    Dr. Pamela Wible became a doctor. But then, to her horror, she discovered something outrageous behind the scenes about the medical profession. Find out what happened to her, and how she went about doing something fantastic about it.

  • For Coaches: How to Set Your Packages & Fees so You Don't Flub Client Discovery Sessions

    05/04/2014 Duración: 1009h00s

    I hear coaches say, "I get to the end of delivering a great Discovery Session and my clients-to-be ask about working more with me ... and I don't know what to say, and they don't sign up!" I was asked to help with the money part of signing people up after your Discovery Sessions. This will help you.

  • Pamela Wilson: Branding, Ebooks & Websites for Entrepreneurs & Small Businesses

    17/03/2014 Duración: 2300h00s

    Pamela Wilson, today’s guest on Daring Dreamers Radio, is an ace graphic designer and marketing expert. She helps entrepreneurs and small biz owners transform their marketing materials from blah to blast-off.

  • Rehana Webster: Trauma Buster

    09/11/2013 Duración: 2503h00s

    Find out how Rehana Webster uses her stripped-down, efficient-in-the-field version of EFT: the Trauma Buster Technique, to help women with extreme cases of trauma from rape, incest, home invasion, war and domestic violence. She travels to deep Pakistan to teaches women to teach other women.

  • Barbara Saunders: Solo Pro Success Mastery

    07/06/2013 Duración: 3001h00s

    Have you jumped from corporate to freelancing, small biz ownership or entrepreneurship? Solo pro expert Barbara Saunders gives great tips to help you stop charging less than you deserve, build a solid business model, create great content and develop good credibility online.

  • Dr. Thelma Jones: Cancer is Not an Automatic Death Sentence - Part 1

    13/01/2013 Duración: 1044h00s

    The very word, "cancer," strikes fear into our hearts. Imagine how it would be for those who have cancer if they knew that they didn't have to necessarily fear the toll of the death bells immediately! Dr. Thelma Jones shows us why. Part 1.

  • Joan Sotkin, Peace and Prosperity!

    11/12/2012 Duración: 2886h00s

    Do you have a 'disappointment habit'? Or do your family beliefs tie you up so you can't seem to ever get ahead? Find out what to do! Joan Sotkin has been helping people with financial freedom for almost 20 years - find out what shocking thing made her change her money-ways, and what she did about it

  • Angela Treat Lyon: Energy, Success and Entrepreneurs

    21/11/2012 Duración: 3604h00s

    Why is it so important to be an independent thinker, an entrepreneur? What is the real nature of an emotion, and how can you dig under an upsetting emotion and find gold? Angela shares how to do that in less than 7 minutes - a tactic you can use again and again!

  • Bonnie Marie Kuhn, Goals & Your Inner & Outer Being

    04/11/2012 Duración: 3077h00s

    Entrepreneur Bonnie Marie Kuhn: you won't even believe what her great-grandparents did! Hint: it had to do with bears! Want a handy way to set up a business, health-improvement or weight loss plan, a wedding, a new college program, or remap the way you go about your day? You'll love this!

  • Malinda Zarate, Emboldened Heart

    25/09/2012 Duración: 1841h00s

    Malinda Zarate felt burnt out working in financial shark pools, so she sought out help for her ultra-high blood pressure and found energy healing tools! Breakthrough time! She's now founder and host of the Emboldened Heart Global Training Academy and Teleseminar Series.

  • Dr. Stefan Ripich: Controversial 30-Day Diabetes Cure

    03/06/2012 Duración: 1800h00s

    How can Dr. Ripich claim to cure diabetes, and what does he do that is so different from other diabetes doctors?

  • Dr. JoAnn Dahlkoetter, Olympic Edge Performance Coach

    24/05/2012 Duración: 1800h00s

    How do you go from 19th place in the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon, one of the world's most grueling races, to come in 2nd? Join me and find out how you can create and apply an Olympic Edge Mindset for consistent wins in your life and business. How did she heal herself FAST from a serious bike injury?

  • Maria Speth, Expert: What You Need to Know about Intellectual Property Protection

    17/05/2012 Duración: 1800h00s

    Do you know: The difference between copyright and trademark... The difference between Trademark and Trade Secret... What you can patent and what you cannot...and why... What you need to know about copyright (whether you write a blog, book, article, etc.)...? Listen up! This is critical stuff!

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