Walkabout The Galaxy



An irreverent and informative tour of the latest, greatest and most interesting discoveries in astronomy.


  • Chasing Geotail and Martian Impacts

    02/11/2022 Duración: 47min

    The Mars Insight lander detected an impact that produced a stadium-sized crater on the red planet, and the 30-year magnetospheric mission Geotail comes to an end. An experiment deep underground on Earth helps explain the puzzling composition of some of the oldest stars, and we explore the future of eclipses in our trivia. Catch up on all this, the latest space news, and more. 

  • Astroquarks 300!

    26/10/2022 Duración: 48min

    Join us for a special reunion of all the astroquarks with a fresh look at some of our favorite topics, from hunting for biosignatures on Venus and plumes on Europa to the quivering of space-time measured by LIGO. New results on old observations and quasar trivia round out our 300th episode.

  • Life on Mars Killed Life on Mars

    19/10/2022 Duración: 41min

    We absolutely definitely have not seen any life on Mars. That said, new research suggests that over 3 billion years ago there may have been a certain kind of habitable climate on Mars for some little critters whose effects on the atmosphere would have made Mars - wait for it - uninhabitable! Join us for this and the most powerful gamma ray burst yet observed.

  • Pop III!

    12/10/2022 Duración: 49min

    Astronomers have new evidence of the gaseous remnants of the supernova of a population III star from just 700 million years after the big bang. Speaking of big bangs, DART smacked Dimorphos and produced a long trail of debris from the tiny asteroid, and Mercury reveals a surprisingling dynamic surface. Tune in for space news near and far and Nobel prize trivia with your astroquarks.

  • Payback for Chicxulub!

    28/09/2022 Duración: 48min

    Humanity gets a bit of payback on asteroids for the rude destruction of the dinosaurs and almost all life on Earth 65 million years ago with the DART spacecraft’s successful impact on a teensy-weensy asteroid. New research suggests the asteroids teamed up on Earth long ago, and that there were at least two major impacts to end the Cretaceous and the dinosaurs. Hot and barren Mercury may have significant deposits of solid ice at its poles, and we learn about photon rings around black holes. No giggling.

  • Boom: DART, Volcanoes, and Supernovae

    21/09/2022 Duración: 46min

    There are lots of explosions in this episode, beginning with the upcoming planned impact of the DART mission into a teeny-weeny asteroid to test planetary protection techniques. Then we take a look at some nifty detective work about a volcanic explosion on Mars, and finally, astronomers may have found the pre-smoking gun that lets us know when a star is about to go supernova.

  • DragonCon 2022: To the Moon with Artemis and More

    06/09/2022 Duración: 39min

    The Astroquarks venture into the belly of the beast with our first live recording at the amazing DragonCon in Atlanta. Join us for a look ahead at upcoming Moon missions beyond Artemis, dragon trivia and more.

  • Water Worlds at Distant Suns

    31/08/2022 Duración: 48min

    We take a journey to the Radius Valley to explore an exoplanet larger than the "Super Earths" and smaller than Neptune and Uranus. This one in particular is interesting not only because of its unusual size but also its composition appears to have a huge amount of water that may be in liquid form. We'll also check in with Up Quark Hannah Sargeant in the Artemis Corner, and cover a lot of space news and trivia.

  • Ancient Astronomers and Ancient Lunar Impacts

    24/08/2022 Duración: 52min

    We return to two of our favorite topics, the red giant star Betelgeuse, and of course the Moon. Some clever historical detective work has revealed that Betelgeuse was not red, but yellow, two thousand years ago. This tells us how massive the star is and how far along it is in its evolution to a supernova. Closer to home, another clever bit of detective work gives a new history to ancient lunar craters by examining the Moon’s gravitational lumpiness. Cool!

  • Strange Lightning and the Youngest Planet

    17/08/2022 Duración: 46min

    Lightning generally goes cloud to cloud or cloud to ground, but sometimes it shoots up to the ionosphere at the edge of space. We take a close look at strange lightning with lightning trivia. A baby star system in our own galaxy appears to be making a giant planet that’s less than two million years old, while the ages of distant galaxies observed by JWST are now a controversy. Catch up with us on all the latest and greatest space news and discoveries.

  • Is There Something Wrong with the Standard Model?

    10/08/2022 Duración: 45min

    Korea sends its first mission to the Moon, and Mars sent a very old piece of itself to Earth. Meanwhile, the Large Hadron Collider is finding more odd collisional products than expected: the rate of creation of three W bosons is a bit high. Do you ever feel that there’s something wrong with the world? Maybe the LHC is getting a glimpse of new physics. Join us for all that, space chorizo, and the Jeans length with a full set of four astroquarks.

  • The Edges of Space, the Solar System, and the Universe

    03/08/2022 Duración: 48min

    In this episode we explore clouds at the edge of space in the Earth’s upper atmosphere and discoveries of galaxies far more distant than we have seen before. We also explore why it’s so difficult to define the edge of something as ordinary as a planetary system, like our own solar system. And from that discussion is born Gravity Man and Electromagnetism Woman! Tune in to learn more!

  • JWST and the Circle of Life of Stars

    29/07/2022 Duración: 43min

    We survey the initial five data releases from the JWST, from squiggly lines showing the composition of a distant planet’s atmosphere, to turbulent star forming regions, and the depths of space and time in a stunning look back toward the big bang. Join us for a geek-out session over this amazing sneak preview of what is to come in the years ahead from this reminder that humans can do cool things too.

  • Fly Me to the Moon Again and Again

    07/07/2022 Duración: 45min

    We’ve had more experience flying to the Moon than you might think, and done some odd things with it, like feeding it to cockroaches. Join us for a look at the history of flights to the Moon, an interesting crater produced by space debris, and a field of rogue stars lost in intergalactic space. 

  • Two Odd Balls: Charon and Arrokoth

    29/06/2022 Duración: 49min

    Journey with us to the far reaches of the outer solar system where we take a closer look at two small objects explored by New Horizons: Pluto's moon Charon and the Kuiper Belt Object Arrokoth. Charon's atmosphere goes through dramatic seasonal pulses that may explain its odd, reddish polar cap, while Arrokoth has the density of a fluffy snowbank 30 km long. There's some crazy stuff out there.

  • Noxious Fumes from Stars and Moons

    22/06/2022 Duración: 42min

    What does Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io have in common with one of the largest stars in the galaxy? Both are belching sulfur compounds, though for very different reasons. We learn about sulfuric outgassing on Io and the incredible hypergiant star VY Canis Majoris and its huge stellar eruptions. Plus, the European Space Agency is building a probe to hideout in space hoping to catch a passing rogue or long period comet. Join us for all that, plus space news and trivia.

  • The Galactic Gamma Ray Background from Pulsars

    15/06/2022 Duración: 45min

    Pulsars are becoming the astrophysical version of big collisions for planetary scientists: they are explaining, perhaps, more and more things. Tune into this episode, where we welcome back Adam LaMee, to discuss the origin of a diffuse gamma ray glow from galactic central park as possibly due to a large population of pulsars. Also, don't forget the trivia and fake sponsors!

  • Space Haboobs and Martian Haboobs

    01/06/2022 Duración: 53min

    The astroquarks talk haboobs. Unfortunately Jim is not with us to giggle, but Dr. Katariina Nykyri joins Strange and Charm to explain space weather and magnetospheric slingshots, and the Perseverance rover provides new insights into the generation of those famous Martian dust storms. Or haboobs.

  • Yes MegaCon There IS a Black Hole

    25/05/2022 Duración: 41min

    Live from MegaCon 2022 in Orlando, we team up with space reporter Brendan Byrne to discuss the image of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way, great discoveries in store with JWST, and the Mars Insight lander going out with a quake, if not a bang.

  • Lunar Plants and Micronovae

    18/05/2022 Duración: 44min

    A new type of nova has been confirmed. One million times fainter than a nova, these thermonuclear runaway explosions are confined to the polar regions of white dwarf stellar embers. Closer to home, researchers at the University of Florida have grown plants in lunar soil returned from the Apollo missions. Supply your own fertilizer. We have astro-historical-etymological trivia and sponsor message. 

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