Motivate Me! With Lynette Renda




  • MM493 – Day 78 WV – Travel Changes Lives with George Stewart – Audio Journal MM279

    30/10/2017 Duración: 14min

    Live from the Road: Lynette meets George Stewart who recounts some fond memories of his own road trip from the 1960s. He reinforces the idea that traveling changes your perspective, your person, your life. Today's takeaway: Book a trip!

  • MM492 – Day 78 WV – Protecting the Community with Taylor Keith

    30/10/2017 Duración: 08min

    To Taylor Keith helping your community, even if it means risking your own life, is a family trait. He has saved people from fires, from the ocean, and keeps them safe on his 9-5 job. Taylor helps us see that family legacy can make a difference in the world - your job is to understand that this can start with you and your family today.

  • MM491 – Day 78 WV – Skiing and Boating on the Tygart Valley River with Deborah Cattafesta

    30/10/2017 Duración: 12min

    Deborah Cattafesta has spent her whole life on West Virginia's Tygart Valley River. While water-skiing and boating are her passion, it's the memories, relationships, and accomplishments that have brought her the most joy in life. Debbie has gone without some material things to keep this passion alive. She will get you to question how you are prioritizing the material over the priceless.

  • MM489 – Day 77 VA – Showing Kindness to the Forgotten with Reverend Johnathan Stanley

    29/10/2017 Duración: 20min

    For Reverend Johnathan Stanley, helping the forgotten elderly is his passion. He took a personal life experience and turned it into an entire network that is soon to be nationally known: The Compassion Advocacy Network. He will inspire you to turn your compassion into action, and to break down walls in order to build bridges. To him, bringing people together to care is what life is all about. Get ready to explore ideas of your own that you would be willing to commit to long-term.

  • MM488 – Day 77 VA – Changing the World Through Self and Community Involvement with Chance Wilson

    29/10/2017 Duración: 16min

    Chance Wilson, the founder of Greater 24, a leading positivity entertainment media network, is here to tell you that your passion is a gift. And that, if you ignore this gift, you are doing the world a great disservice. He challenges you to move past your fear in order to enter into your calling.

  • MM487 – Day 76 VA – Helping People and Businesses Achieve Amazing Heights with Guy Burns

    28/10/2017 Duración: 17min

    Guy Burns is a powerhouse speaker and entrepreneur. He teaches us much about creating a life we love, even if we feel we have no business wanting these things for ourselves, or feel we are not qualified to do the job. Let him inspire you to dig more deeply into the idea that you can absolutely live the life of your dreams, even if you do not know what this looks like just yet.

  • MM485 – Day 75 NC – Making A Healthy Lifestyle a Priority with Colton Mayers

    27/10/2017 Duración: 15min

    What does it take to make a healthy lifestyle your passion, and how can doing so impact your future relationships? After losing weight the unhealthy way, Colton Mayers made the decision to do the work that would feed his body best. This, ultimately, provided him the healthy body and physique he was seeking, and also prepared him for the special dietary needs of his future love. This has lead the pair to a lifestyle of creative healthy cooking that the two enjoy.

  • MM483 – Day 75 NC – Creating a Fashion Line with Jamie Lawson

    27/10/2017 Duración: 20min

    This is a unique interview in which Lynette Skypes new Florida fashion designer Jamie Lawson from the crew's North Carolina location. With her unique touch and style, Jamie's love for fun fabrics shines through her designs. Whether it is creating a piece all her own or transforming a piece into something new for a client, Jamie is passionate about the challenge. Despite her successful current career, Jamie is in the process of building something all her own. Could this be you?

  • MM480 – Day 73 SC – Living a Life of Service with Laurie Staples

    25/10/2017 Duración: 17min

    It is so true that everyone has a story. You never know what someone is going through...even those who are being of service to you. With a heart for service, Laurie has let her love for teaching speech to children, becoming an emergency medical technician, paramedic, and trainer of both, as well as her support role at the firehouse, and volunteerism at her church to help her to keep going.

  • MM477 – Day 71 TN – Entertaining! with Bruce Arntson and Jenny Littleton from Nashville’s Doyle and Debbie Show

    23/10/2017 Duración: 27min

    The Motivate Me! crew was told that the quintessential Nashville show to see is the Doyle and Debbie show at the renowned Station Inn - and was everybody right! Lynette's conversation with Bruce Arntson and Jenny Littleton was filled with not only passion, but absolute gratitude. These two actors and singers have had the pleasure of performing this long-standing show that Bruce created, of doing what they truly love day in, day out, of entertaining locals, celebrities, and visitors. The mayor of Nashville was in the audience with our crew. There is so much to learn from Bruce and Jenny about creating and performing, about bringing a vision to life, about partnership.

  • MM476 – Day 71 TN – Inspiring Others through Writing, Speaking, Singing, and Art with Carol Grace Anderson

    23/10/2017 Duración: 20min

    What an exciting life Carol Grace Anderson leads. From being on the show Hee-Haw and on the road with Roy Clark, to becoming a professional author and speaker, to discovering her gift for painting and writing greeting cards for Blue Mountain Cards, to her show on dogs, to her late but passionate love story. Carol won't tell you what happiness is and how to do it, she will show you. All you need to do is bring an open mind, because her passion is to inspire. "When the student is ready, the teacher appears."

  • MM474 – Day 71 TN – Playing, Listening to, and Creating Music in Nashville with Sam Cooper

    23/10/2017 Duración: 30min

    Sam Cooper has been playing music his whole life. He has written more songs than he can count, and he has designed his life around his passion. If you love music and Nashville, if you want to see Sam perform, check out this episode and use it to inspire you to get this happy about something you love.

  • MM472 – Day 70 GA – Improving Lives through Chiropractic Care with Dr. Debra A. Cirone and Joseph S. Clarino

    22/10/2017 Duración: 20min

    Dr. Debra A. Cirone and Dr. Joseph S. Clarino share their passion for chiropractic. What is interesting is that while their passion to create a special place at Sugar Hill Spine and Wellness is the same, the driving force behind why they do what they do is different. What is important to note here, is how valuable collaboration can be; how when people are joined together a greater product can emerge.

  • MM470 – Day 68 FL – Working for Disney! with Kalie Zakar

    20/10/2017 Duración: 16min

    This interview takes place in, possibly, the most exciting location of the trip: right inside of Disney's Epcot Center, with one of their most enthusiastic cast members, Kalie Zakar. Kalie, once one of Lynette's students, has had a passion for Disney her whole life. To see her living this dream is truly inspiring. To make this happen, she had to be willing to drop everything, to move far from home, to start at the bottom. For what are you willing to go to these extremes?

  • MM467 – Day 67 FL – Helping Others Live Limitlessly and Courageously with Christina Henley

    19/10/2017 Duración: 13min

    Christina Henley from Paul Kramer's Learn to Fly Center and Solid Rock Realty recites her passion each morning, and that is to help others "live limitlessly and courageously." Christina is a living, breathing, strong, compassionate, brave powerhouse. She has gone from residing in a car on the streets of Detroit to living in a beautiful home on the Intracoastal Waterway of Florida. She is a no excuses, no limitations lady with a huge heart. Do not watch this episode if you are not willing to take an honest look at the sincerity of your desire and drive.

  • MM465 – Day 66 FL – Transforming People from the Inside Out with Victoria Duke

    18/10/2017 Duración: 23min

    Celebrity makeup artist and owner of Academy of Glam, Victoria Duke, has one of the most inspirational stories of the trip. Despite the fact that Victoria was divorced from her high school sweetheart, and was a single mom to two children, one with severe special needs, and that she was dealing with the loss of family members, she created a legacy. She will motivate you to dig deep into yourself, to look honestly at your intentions, and to bring positivity and drive into your life.

  • MM464 – Day 66 FL – Empowering Women through Business with Nicole Rymer

    18/10/2017 Duración: 07min

    Nicole Rymer, founder of PowHer Hub, is all about real estate and business, and her goal is to empower other women to do the same. Nicole uses this gift to help others manifest a life they did not see possible. How can you use your skills to help others and build your business at the same time? Similar to Nicole, life could take you in exciting directions you could not have predicted - like a radio show!

  • MM463 – Day 66 FL – Connecting People in order to Build Working Relationships with Erika Obando

    18/10/2017 Duración: 08min

    Erika Obando, founder of Design Your Life of Purpose and SidePreneur 360, epitomizes the idea that one can create their own destiny. Erika has designed a life she loves, and she did this by utilizing her passion to connect people. If power comes in numbers, how giantly could you grow your network if you focused on building working relationships? If you added value to others by connecting them with people who could also help them grow? Think about that! This is the first step to taking control of your future.

  • MM462 – Day 65 FL – Fighting to Overcome Addiction and Hardship and to Assist Others in Doing the Same with Glenis Hargreaves

    17/10/2017 Duración: 24min

    Glenis Hargreaves has lived a life so hard that she has made the decision to help others for the rest of her life. Riddled with regret, but full of faith, she uses her history with addiction and hardship to help others overcome theirs. Everyone has a story, how can you use yours for the betterment of others?

  • MM461 – Day 65 FL – To Fly and to Teach Flight with Flight Instructor Pat Colligan

    17/10/2017 Duración: 12min

    For Pat Colligan, passion takes place in the air. Pat does not just love flying, he loves to teach others how to fly. He took the Motivate Me! crew in the air and gave us each a take-off and landing experience. Watch this interview on YouTube to see our unique interview location. Hint: it is where Pat is most comfortable.

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