Father Simon Says is your daily bible study hosted by Father Richard Simon, who jokingly refers to himself as Reverend Know-it-All.
Snatched & Raptured - December 31, 2023
31/12/2023 Duración: 50minBible Study: (2:17) Father shares his theory about the letter to the Romans Letters (26:09) - Acts 8:39 - what does snatched mean? (28:58) - What does the Church teach about the Rapture? (31:31) - Pregnancy prayer request (32:19) - Can you go to heaven without confession? Word of the Day: Hour (36:56) Callers (41:06) - I betrayed another person and now she says she doesn't believe in God. What should I do? (43:41) - Is profanity a sin? I went to an Assyrian church and it was beautiful, but was it a legitimate Catholic Church (47:21) - Can I pray to the Guardian angels of the unborn child? (48:25) - Why was Paul sent to the Gentiles? He seemed better with the Jews. Original Air Date: 6/29/23
Our Daily Bread - December 30, 2023
30/12/2023 Duración: 51minBible Study: (1:55) Gn 15:1-12, 17-18 Why does God ask Abram to count the stars? Mt 7:15-20 What does it mean to know them by their fruit? Letter: (18:41) - We have so much artificial light in the world (22:38) - Why on Good Friday is the main crucifix covered? (24:42) - What should we be asking for when we say 'Give us this day our daily bread'? Bible Recommendation & Hope to Die by Scott Hahn (37:13) - Why was the serpent allowed in the garden? (41:58) - Acts 5 & Money (48:00) - I think there is too much politics in radio Word of the Day: (44:41) Original Air Date: 6/28/23
What's Different About You - December 29, 2023
29/12/2023 Duración: 51minBible Study: (1:57) Mt 7:6, 12-14 What is a hypocrite? Letters (25:15) - John 19:24, "In order that this passage might be fulfilled;" what does that mean? (36:53) - Receiving Communion Under Both Species (41:03) - Beautiful Novus Ordo masses (46:03) - Spiritual bouquet for Sr. Edith (47:51) - The Transfiguration Word of the Day: Terebinth (34:29) Original Air Date: 6/27/23
The Voice of the Holy Spirit - December 28, 2023
28/12/2023 Duración: 51minBible Study: (1:46) Gn 12:1-9 Father explains if Abraham was a Jew or not Mt 7:1-5 Father explains Greek translation & and the problem that today's passage causes Letters (21:28) - The purpose of circumcision (24:27) - Martin Luther and indulgences (29:24) - Marriage Convalidation (33:38) - Refining Gold & When We're Ready to See God (42:47) - Are there myths in the Bible? (48:48) - The voice of the Holy Spirit Original Air Date: 6/28/23
Read the Black, Do the Red - December 27, 2023
27/12/2023 Duración: 51minBible Study: (2:06) 2 Cor 11:18, 21-30 Should we find old letters of St. Paul? Word of the Day: (36:00) Letters (17:55) Do you think that the priest wants to deny me communion (23:23) Why was Jesus perturbed? (26:05) I'm tempted to write in cursive (27:43) My idea of a fundamentalist (37:48) Eating meat during Fridays in Lent (38:50) Freemason curse question (43:32) Read the black, do the red (50:13) Forgiveness of Mortal sin Original Air Date: 6/27/23
Why is God Jealous? - December 26, 2023
26/12/2023 Duración: 51minBible Study: (1:50) 2 Cor 11:1-11 Why is God jealous? Mt 6:7-15 What does it mean to babble like the pagans? Word of the Day: Plundered (39:25) Letters (24:14) What is meant by Son of Man in Jn 9:35 (25:45) Are the three temptations of Christ related to three gifts of the Magi? (28:55) Did Joseph or Mary have any temptations? (30:13) Where's the Last Supper take place? (30:57) Did Mary have free will to be the Theotokos? (33:57) I disagree with Fr. Simon's opinion on marriage reception (43:06) Father corrects the record on Catholic Bible Translations (47:19) Tiny drop of water at mass Original Air Date: 6/22/23
Comfort & Joy - December 22, 2023
22/12/2023 Duración: 49minBible Study: (2:29) Lk 1:46-56 Did Mary paraphrase the song of Hannah? Letters: (20:51) - I can't find Saturday morning mass! (24:03) - Woman deaconess (27:36) - Mass, Faith, & Marriage Word of the Day: To Jump up with joy (35:16) Callers: (38:47) - Could you clarify about children taking care of their parents during old age? (40:58) - how do we raise our children well (43:41) - Do you know anything about America Needs Fatima? (47:53) - You shall call him Emmanuel and You shall call him Jesus? Could you explain?
Hark! - December 21, 2023
21/12/2023 Duración: 49minBible Study: (1:59) Sg 2:8-14 Why is the Song of Songs so odd? Lk 1:39-45 Father explains that this reading is all about rejoicing Letters: (17:54) - Rabbi David writes in about St. Joseph (22:07) - Holy Day of Obligation or Love? (29:09) - Priest and parishioner distractions (29:47) - Did Judas know that Jesus would be crucified? (31:12) - Does Eucharist mean good-gift or thanksgiving? Word of the Day: Do not grow slack (33:40) Callers: (35:27) - Can Satan say the name 'YHWH'? (38:30) - Can angels would learn from us? (41:25) - What is the Best Bible to get somebody, who's just starting to read it? (42:57) - Why is there so much controversy between Latin Mass and English Mass?
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel - December 20, 2023
20/12/2023 Duración: 49minBible Study: (1:53) Is 7:10-14 Father explains the name Emmanuel Lk 1:26-38 Why was Mary told to not be afraid? Letters: (22:59) - What is apostacy? (23:57) - Meditations on St. Joseph (26:33) - Concerts at Church (28:11) - Naming our angel Word of the Day: Overshadowed (32:14) Callers: (36:58) - On Joseph, Fr. Don Calloway's the Consecration of Joseph and the three different theories of this text Joseph divorcing. (41:37) - Are aborted children received into heaven (45:14) - What does it exactly mean 'Communion of Saints?' (47:38) - I would like to comment on St. Augustine & Gabriel
Tithing, Mortal Sin, & the Date of Jesus' Birth - December 19, 2023
19/12/2023 Duración: 49minBible Study: (2:10) Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a Father discusses the Philistines & what a Nazirite vow is Lk 1:5-25 Father discusses the date of Jesus' birth Letters (23:19) - Deuterocanonical books (30:17) - Incense & Zechariah Word of the Day: Elijah (32:37) Callers: (35:38) - I'm in the process of RCIA, but still attending protestant Church and mass simultaneously. The pastor talked about how Melchizedek was Jesus. Could you explain? (39:06) - Question about a non-binary God? I'm arguing about this with some siblings (42:21) - Best way to learn about mortal sin? (43:32) - I love Fr. Simon educates his listeners through a historical way! (45:23) - Question about Tithing, where in the Bible is it? (47:15) - Friend getting his Masters in Catholic Biblical Studies and he needs to choose between Biblical Greek or Hebrew. What should he do?
Liturgy & Identity - December 18, 2023
18/12/2023 Duración: 49minBible Study: (2:22) Jer 23:5-8 Father explains how preserving the liturgy helped inform the identity of the Jews Mt 1:18-25 Father explains Joseph as a righteous man Letters: (23:19) - Pitching a parish ministry at the end of mass (29:14) - Julie mentioned that her husband was killed many years ago Word of the Day: Until (32:38) Callers: (36:50) - I am protestant! .Where is it in the bible is the concept of repentance of mortal sin, and if it is in there, does contradict Paul's teaching in Roams 6-8? (46:42) - I disagree that God lets us walk away from him. I tried and I was never able to!
Unchanging Church - December 15, 2023
15/12/2023 Duración: 49minBible Study: (1:40) Is 48:17-19 Father takes a deep dive into the meaning of the word Redeem. Mt 11:16-19 Wisdom is only useful in action. Find out the meaning of this and take a listen. Letters: (18:20) What is the difference between Catholics and Orthodox? Word of the Day: (34:27) Gifts Phones: (37:54) Rose - what does it imply when we say the respecter of persons? Craig - God never gives people more that they can handle. Is this in the Bible or just something people say. Jerry - Are there any modern scholars that have proved the 7 books that were taken out were originally written in Hebrew? Shirley - How can we defend ourselves from other Christians who don't think Mary, or the saints aren't important? Betty - What are the duties of the parish priest regarding evangelization?
Greater than John the Baptist? - December 14, 2023
14/12/2023 Duración: 49minBible Study: (3:03) Is 41:13-20 What is the relationship between the thrashing floor and the Eucharist? Mt 11:11-15 What does it mean to be greater than John the Baptist? Letters: (20:45) - Music on the Tilma on Our Lady of Guadalupe (22:26) - Closing parishes during COVID Word of the Day: Force (34:29) Callers: (38:47) - At the end of the Sermon on the Mount it says the crowds were drawn to him, but I thought you said it was just him and the disciples? (42:19) - I was raised Protestant and my wife was raised Catholic. Are we ever going to see eye to eye on faith matters? (47:41) - The three wise men brough the gifts GFM the gifts fit for a king. If they were fit for a king, what was the amount of these gifts that he received?
Our Strength is from the Lord - December 13, 2023
13/12/2023 Duración: 49minBible Study: (2:18) Is 40:25-31 Our strength is from the Lord Mt 11:28-30 Father discusses St. Justin Martyr & what true meekness is Letters: (18:49) - Body, Blood, Soul, & Divinity of Christ & Greek Orthodox (25:04) - Son of man & Son of God (28:39) - Reverence for the Eucharist Word of the Day: Working (34:04) Callers: (37:38) - My friend Maria died, and I prayed a rosary for her. Could that rosary have saved her? (40:04) - My mother had a skull & crossbones on her crucifix. Could you explain that? (41:34) - My sister's grandson brings his girlfriend w/him to my house. What am I to do? (45:25) - When the Eucharistic prayers are said, why are some saints chosen to be said? (47:35) - I love Bishop Barron's book, "This is my Body."
Our Lady of Guadalupe - December 12, 2023
12/12/2023 Duración: 49minBible Study: (3:18) ZEC 2:14-17 Father discusses the historical surroundings of Our Lady of Guadalupe Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab Does this passage refer to the Blessed Mother or the Church? LK 1:26-38 Mary is the slave of the Lord Letters: (23:04) - Bible Recommendation (24:24) - The Precious Blood at Mass (28:13) - Healing power of Lourdes water (46:38) - Praying away evil stores Word of the Day: Proclaims the greatness (30:50) Callers: (34:23) - The Chicago Tribune showed numerous images of OLG. (35:18) - On the Feast Day of OLG, a lot of dancing, drums. What's your opinion about this? (37:33) - Question about the Incas and the 60,000 deaths? (41:10) - Why do we consider and talk about the Holy Family being poor, when it seemed they were hard-working? (41:10) - Are we able to pray for Judas repose of his soul? (45:22) - I'm Eastern Orthodox. In the Church I go to, they use the spoon. When they use a spoon in the Chalice, does alcohol still remain? (46:38) - Could you combine holy water and anti
Vengeance - December 11, 2023
11/12/2023 Duración: 49minBible Study: (2:03) Lk 5:17-26 What does it mean the power of the Lord being with Jesus? Letters: (20:16) What was the ladder that Jacob saw? How do you explain confessing sins to a priest? How did Father become a host on Relevant Radio? What is the gift that Moses commanded in the bible? Word of the Day: (32:03) Vengeance Phones: (36:00) Sammy - What are your thoughts on people leaving church early after taking communion? Pete - Were the angels also made in the image of God? Mary Ellen - Women were not allowed in the temple, so in the 4th joyful mystery did they just greet Mary outside or was she allowed inside? William - I play Santa Claus and I'm wondering how to reach more children of other religions. The Jewish children always say they can't ask him for anything.
The Immaculate Conception - December 8, 2023
08/12/2023 Duración: 49minBible Study: (4:22) Gn 3:9-15, 20 Father shares his thoughts on the Immaculate Conception Eph 1:3-6, 11-12 What does it mean that God adopts us? Lk 1:26-38 What’s the difference between Mary and Zachariah? Letters (21:13) - Can I do the Marian consecration for someone else? (22:14) - If Adam had taken the apple out of Eve’s hand, would it have still been considered sin? (24:12) – David writes in about the prayer of St. Gertrude Word of the Day: Papyrology (26:58) Callers (36:39) – The Presentation of Mary (40:02) – How could I develop a love of the Liturgy of the Hours? (41:50) – Was Philemon about the consecrated life? (43:39) – Could Mary have said ‘No’ to Gabriel? (44:55) – How should I address people going to a funeral, when many of them are not Catholic? (47:41) – Are angels part of the mystical body of Christ, or is that just us? Original Air Date: December 8, 2022
Doing the Will of the Father - December 7, 2023
07/12/2023 Duración: 49minBible Study: (2:19) Eph 3:8-12 The angels and what God is really like Mt 7:21, 24-27 What does it mean to do the will of your Father in heaven? Letters: (18:11) - Why was David punished for conducting a census? (26:55) - You don't hear the whole Bible by going to Mass for three years! Word of the Day: Undistinguished (29:07) Callers: (33:43) - At what point at time did the devil knew he lost? (35:44) - In order to teach in the synagogues, rabbis had to be married w/a kid. Is that true? (38:20) - I have a question about Mass obligations for 4th Sunday of Advent and for Christmas Day. (42:36) - If the angels who fell, were so smart, why did they choose to go against God? (44:47) - When God said, 'I will not forgive blasphemy to Holy Spirit.' Could you explain?
What is the Lord Promising? - December 6, 2023
06/12/2023 Duración: 49minBible Study: (2:34) Is 25:6-10a What is the Lord promising us? Mt 15:29-37 What is Jesus teaching his disciples today? Letters: (21:44) - Can the devil enter a Catholic Church? (25:33) - Orthodox Church & valid sacraments (27:13) - Life in the spirit seminar Word of the Day (32:41) Callers: (38:40) - A priest believes a woman should be ordained; how should I respond to him? (43:28) - How do we know Dec 25 is Jesus' b-day (46:40) - About belief in messiah before the Babylonian Captivity? Did they continue to seek a Messiah, as an emperor?
Origins of Advent & the Christmas Novena - December 5, 2023
05/12/2023 Duración: 49minBible Study: (1:51) IS 11:1-10 Father gives a history of the Puritans Letters (19:51) – We need to rest! (22:19) – My cousin passed away, he was cremated but, his ashes are going to be passed out to the attendees of the funeral (27:20) – Where can I find a document regarding communion? (30:09) – How can we protect ourselves against hopelessness during the Christmas season? Word of the Day: Child-like (33:15) Callers (33:52) – Is the Christmas Novena superstitious? (38:55) – What are the origins of Advent? (41:14) – Why can we not scatter ashes but take relics of the saints all over the world? (44:26) – Is the St. Gertrude prayer superstitious? (47:39) – Since Mary didn’t have original sin did she experience minor pains like tooth aches? Original Air Date: November 29, 2022