Angela Watson's Truth For Teachers

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 135:29:59
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The podcast designed to speak life, encouragement, and truth into the minds and hearts of educators and get you energized for the week ahead.


  • S3EP04 Five things I learned from quitting my teaching job twice

    24/01/2016 Duración: 20min

    Some of you are barely making it through the school year, and the idea of going into school each morning just makes you sick with stress and anxiety. You want to quit more than anything but have no idea what the alternative would be. I get it. I have been in your shoes. Others of you still love teaching, but you’re feeling an itch to do something different. You want to make a greater impact for kids, or you want a flexible schedule, or just feel like there’s something more out there for you. I’ve been in that position, too. You see, I’ve quit teaching twice: once because the school environment was so toxic that I hated my job, and once because I wanted to shift into a different role in education. I’ll share both of those stories with you in this episode, along with 5 things I learned that might be helpful if you’re thinking about quitting for either reason.

  • S3EP03 How to support kids who don't take ownership of their learning

    17/01/2016 Duración: 11min

    How do we get kids to go from saying “Just tell me what to do!” to truly taking ownership of their work? In this episode, you'll learn 6 strategies to help get kids on board with the sometimes daunting task of student-directed learning.

  • S3EP02 The lies teachers tell themselves (and how to uncover the truth)

    10/01/2016 Duración: 14min

    In last week’s episode, I shared 10 growth mindset shifts you can take to enjoy teaching more, and gave examples of negative, fixed mindset thoughts that can reframed into something that helps you perceive your job as less stressful and more meaningful. This week, I want to go deeper with that, and talk to you about how the story you tell yourself about teaching is probably not true, and ways you can choose to see things differently. You can reframe your work to recognize and appreciate what a tremendously important job you are doing every single minute of the day.

  • S3EP01 Ten ways to cultivate a growth mindset & enjoy teaching more

    03/01/2016 Duración: 16min

    As much as we’d like to believe that we’re growth mindset oriented, most of us (myself included!) will likely discover upon reflection that there are old fixed mindset thought patterns that we haven’t quite let go of. Fortunately, we can examine these self-defeating thoughts and replace them with growth mindset thoughts that are empowering and energizing. See if you can recognize yourself in any of these 10 fixed mindset traps, and practice exercising a growth mindset instead.

  • S2EP15 Season 2 Wrap Up + Balancing Teaching & Family During the Holidays

    08/11/2015 Duración: 19min

    It’s always tough to strive for great teaching AND a great personal life, but that battle seems to ramp up exponentially during the holidays. If you’re feeling pulled in a million different directions, check out the tips in this episode which help you prioritize and make time for what’s most important.

  • S2EP14 Five attention grabbers that refocus kids quickly

    01/11/2015 Duración: 14min

    Have you lost patience for refocusing your class and fallen into the trap of just barking at the kids (“No talking!”) or pleading with them (“I'm waiting for quiet!”) all day long? Ironically, it’s more tiring to keep repeating your request for silence, since nagging kids puts us in a bad mood and the kids just tune us out, anyway. Here are 5 ways to grab kids' attention in a fun and engaging way.

  • S2EP13 You can’t do it all, but where can a new teacher really cut corners?

    25/10/2015 Duración: 13min

    Everyone knows that a new teacher is not going to perform at the same level as a 30 year veteran. But which areas are most important to focus on? Learn how to figure out where cutting corners is okay, and how to minimize the impact on students.

  • S2EP12 Lisa Dabb’s Truth: Thriving--not surviving--with support from a virtual mentor

    18/10/2015 Duración: 14min

    Do you wish you had more support and encouragement from other teachers in your school? Consider virtual mentorship! Lisa Dabbs shares why she's so passionate about new teacher mentoring, and how you can get involved (as a mentor or mentee) in her New Teacher Mentoring Project.

  • S2EP11 How teachers can beat the October Blues

    11/10/2015 Duración: 13min

    If you’re feeling completely discouraged right now and don’t know how you can possibly make it until June, that is completely NORMAL! In this episode, I'll share why October can be such a tough month for teachers, and how to gain the perspective you need to push forward with confidence and enthusiasm.

  • S2EP10 Extreme student behavior--7 traps to avoid when NOTHING seems to work

    04/10/2015 Duración: 12min

      What do you do for a student who continually chooses to misbehave? What happens when you feel like you've tried everything, and you're starting to turn into the type of teacher you never wanted to be? Here are 7 traps to avoid when dealing with extreme student behavior.

  • S2EP09 How to prioritize teaching tasks when EVERYTHING seems urgent

    27/09/2015 Duración: 14min

    The foundation of using your time effectively and being efficient is knowing how to prioritize your tasks. In this episode, I'll share 7 guiding principles to remember when figuring out what to get done first.

  • S2EP08 Can a teacher really work a 40 hour week and do a good job?

    20/09/2015 Duración: 19min

    Whenever I mention a 40 hour workweek for teachers, people tend to have one of two objections. Either they think it’s not possible, or they think it’s not aspirational—that you can’t do a good job in 40 hours a week, so you shouldn’t even try to attempt that as a teacher. In this episode, I'll share my own experiences and observations, and share ways you can cut 10+ hours of your workweek.

  • S2EP07 Getting real about grit: 6 things every teacher needs to know

    13/09/2015 Duración: 13min

    “Grit” is a huge buzzword right now that’s used to refer to perseverance and resilience. Many schools are rushing to adopt grit curriculums and character education programs so they can teach their students about how to put in the effort and determination that’s needed in order to be successful. But here’s the thing about grit. I’ve done a lot of research on this topic, and I’ve seen grit get a lot of pushback because it’s been misused and misinterpreted. And while I believe in the value of teaching grit to students, I think we as educators have the responsibility to be informed about what being “gritty” really means, and what it doesn’t mean.

  • S2EP06 How can I keep my team’s positivity and innovation from alienating coworkers? (Ask Angela Anything)

    06/09/2015 Duración: 09min

    A TfT listener wonders how to cope when her cohesive team is mocked by other teachers in the school. How can collaborative groups of teachers prevent their positive, innovative attitudes from wedging a divide between them and other colleagues? In this epsiode, I share 6 tips for extending a bridge to distrustful co-workers and reaching out to isolated teachers who may be interested in joining the collaborative spirit.

  • S2EP05 James Sturtevant's Truth: How to build relationships with students through personal stories

    30/08/2015 Duración: 12min

    High school teacher and author of "You've Gotta Connect" James Sturtevant shares practical, concrete ways he builds relationships with students in his social studies classroom. Listen as James helps you find ways to share YOUR stories and personal life in your classroom using a template he calls “Show and Tell."

  • S2EP04 How to be pro-active with uninvolved (and overly-involved) parents

    23/08/2015 Duración: 13min

    You can tell from your very first interaction with some parents that there will be challenges ahead. Every teacher encounters both "helicopter parents" as well as those who are impossible to get in touch with. In this episode, you'll learn how to plan ahead and avoiding being caught off guard when parents don’t fit your expectation of the Perfect Amount of Involvement. Learn how to do everything you can to contribute to a good working relationship with your students’ parents, and go the extra mile without taking forever to get there.

  • S2EP03 How to figure out what you really NEED to buy for your classroom

    16/08/2015 Duración: 11min

    August and September are very expensive months for educators as we try to navigate all the back-to-school advertisements. So where should you spend your money in order to get the most bang for your buck? Create a budget, then consider the 3 reasons to buy that are given in this episode.  

  • S2EP02 7 beliefs about teaching routines that will cause you to lose your mind

    09/08/2015 Duración: 13min

    The ninety-millionth time you’ve reminded kids PUT YOUR NAME ON YOUR PAPER, you might feel like you’re about to lose your mind. Chances are good that your frustration is stemming from one (or more) of 7 mental traps. Once you identify and root out these unhealthy, unproductive beliefs, you’ll find the process of teaching routines far less frustrating.

  • S2EP01 How to turn back-to-school anxiety into excitement

    02/08/2015 Duración: 09min

    Have the back-to-school nightmares started for you yet? Are you feeling a sense of dread over losing your family time? Learn how to channel your anxiety into excitement by shifting your focus to 3 awesome things you'll be gaining when the new school year begins. For the transcript, links to recommended resources, and to share your thoughts on the show, visit  

  • BONUS Extended Episode: How YOU can build a positive school culture, no matter where you teach

    24/06/2015 Duración: 56min

    BONUS extended episode! Join Jimmy Casas, Krysta DeBoer, Hope King, and Amber Teamann as they share a behind-the-scenes glimpse into schools that have reflected carefully on school culture and created systems that work. Learn practical, actionable tips for supporting kids and colleagues, winning over negative co-workers, creating change in toxic school environments even when no one else is supporting you, and more.   Highlights include: (5:45) What a positive school culture looks like (21:00) How school leaders can support staff and how teachers can support one another (35:35) How to work with colleagues who are negative and don't share the positive vision (40:00) The #1 thing teachers in positive school cultures do to keep it all about the kids (48:45) What one individual teacher can do to create change even in a toxic school culture   

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