Night-light Radio



Night-Light Radio is a forum for spiritual enlightenment, cosmic understanding and insight into those etheric realms that ever surround us. Host, Barbara DeLong and a wide variety of fastinating guests will be sharing with you spiritual information and philosophies that you can use to enlighten your lives and open you the creative sources you carry within. This venue allows me to reach out to greater numbers of you and to provide you with new insight and understanding to the times we are now experiencing. We will be covering everything from the mundane to the magical and will share all of these new paradigms with laughter and love.


  • From Death to Life with Terri-Ann Russell

    05/04/2021 Duración: 01h56min

    Terri-Ann Russell’s struggle after the sudden death of her son is a compelling story of love lost followed by the most painful sorrow and ultimate triumph of hope over fear. It’s her story of despair that nearly drove her to suicide. It’s her son’s story of guiding and protecting his beloved mom from the afterlife as a living spiritual presence in her life. And it’s their story of two souls who created a plan to reincarnate in our time to teach us that love is truly eternal. Let the truth be known by all: death is not the end. What’s lost can be found again if we have the courage and strength.She is A multi-dimensional healer, including channeling, Reiki, Theta and Quantum. She works with men, women, and children where she has discovered, it always comes back to healing the heart, the pain, and the trauma. Ancestral and generational healing is the key to becoming all that you can be in this lifetime. We cannot change others, but we can change ourselves.

  • Return of the Golden Age with Edward Malkowski

    19/03/2021 Duración: 01h58min

    Since the beginning of recorded history humanity has been in a continuous struggle over land and resources. It continues today despite the abundance we have created through scientific innovation and technology. Why such a struggle for resources exists has never been explained. Neither has the human drive to own, accumulate, and hoard. Edward Malkowski reveals that the answer lies in recognizing the reality behind humanity’s earliest myths. He shows that the opportunity is at hand to transcend these inherited selfish traits and return to a Golden Age of peace and abundance.Malkowski explores the hidden meaning behind stories such as the Epic of Gilgamesh, Plato’s Atlantis, and myths of a new sky and a new sun, of great floods and the death of the gods, and of the preceding Golden Age. He connects these myths to a real extinction event that occurred 12,000 years ago. He explains how the survivors--our ancestors--were catapulted from utopia into a world of scarcity, scarring the collective mind of humanity and i

  • Biblical Aging and Ancient Time Keeping - Host Mark Eddy

    17/03/2021 Duración: 01h59min

    Author and explorer JARED MURPHY returns to discuss his recent publication "It's Not Aliens, Worse, It's Us." We'll be delving into how the ancients kept time and why some biblical characters lived to extreme old age. Was the reason based on "terra preta" that covered the earth? What else did the ancient know about health that we are just rediscovering today? Of course, that will lead to the achievements of Wim Hof's conditioning of himself. Jared is also very passionate about throwing off the mandated Victorian dogmas and unearthing the truth. We will get a variety of examples of ancient human knowledge from around the world.

  • Uninterrupted Visitations with Wallace Wagener - host Mark Eddy

    10/03/2021 Duración: 01h58min

    UFOlogist W. WALLACE WAGNER, JR makes his debut on "Night-Light" to discuss his recently published "Crossing the Crevasse," which evolved out of his own UFO sighting in 2016. We'll be reviewing the long history of documented UFOs. Of primary interest will be the plethora of UFOs in the bible. He buttressed his research by making a journey to the Holy Land and Egypt. We will also examine the pre and post Flood Giants and crop circles. Should we be fearful about such revelations or embrace them as part of our Humanity's history? Thus, Wallace will give us his views on disclosure.

  • The Spark - Igniting Your Best Life with Stephanie James

    09/03/2021 Duración: 01h57min

    Stephanie shares current researched techniques that help readers gain clarity and understanding that helps them easily assimilate and integrate the techniques into their own life.     Beginning with an understanding of how our brains and beliefs can keep us stuck in old habits, as well as ways to transform these beliefs, The Spark takes you on a journey through learning how to rewire thoughts and change your inner dialogue. It further explores our deep, hardwired need for connection and how it serves us, and how you can spice up your love life and cultivate deeper, more meaningful relationships!Uniquely equipped for times like these, Psychotherapist Stephanie James brings 30 years of rea-world experience, empowerment and “grit” to her clients and her audiences. A graduate of the University of Denver, Stephanie shares her training and gifts in her inspirational presentations as well as in her dynamic radio show and podcast, The Spark with Stephanie James. In a world desperately in need of love, healing and a c

  • Being Unique and Finding Your Balance with Victoria Acevedo - -host Mark Eddy

    04/03/2021 Duración: 01h13min

    Biofeedback and stress management  specialist Victoria Acevedo is a new voice to "Night-Light," and we look forward to her health coaching as we move into the spring. Are you like me and did some (maybe too much) stress eating over the winter? Could I have made better choices? You and I are not alone, and Victoria is here to help us to get on the right track. Let's make better food choices, and, perhaps, playing higher vibrational music, while painting a room will bring much needed changes. We will cover the importance of using biofeedback. Victoria is well aware of each person's uniqueness, but she wants each to find her/his balance.

  • Smile of the Universe: Miracles in an Age of Disbelief with Michael Grasso

    02/03/2021 Duración: 01h58min

    Why Is the Universe Smiling?The word miracle is rooted in a Sanskrit syllable smi, from which we get the English word smile. So a miracle refers to a smile induced by certain sensations of awe, beauty, and wonder.Humans have always had extraordinary experiences, often called miracles.  An account of reported miraculous phenomena, Smile of the Universe takes us beyond conventional religion and science to explore the outer reaches of human potential. Grounded in true stories and matters of fact, Michael Grosso argues for the reality of a great Mind and for the human ability to communicate with that Mind. In an age of disbelief, it presents a fact-based template for experimental spirituality and makes the case that every one of us, rightly understood, is a smile of the universe.   Michael Grosso obtained his Ph.D. in philosophy from Columbia University and has taught philosophy and the humanities at New Jersey City University, City University of New York, and elsewhere.  An artist and independent scholar, he div

  • Part 3 of the Emerald Tablets with Solaris BlueRaven

    01/03/2021 Duración: 01h58min

    Solaris and Barbara continue to delve into the magic and mysteries that are connected to and within The legendary Emerald Tablets of Thoth.

  • Riverine Cryptids with Max Hawthorne and Brian Seech - host Mark Eddy

    24/02/2021 Duración: 01h19min

    Marine dinosaur expert MAX HAWTHORNE and eastern cryptid specialist BRIAN SEECH return for a discussion of the animals depicted in petroglyphs in the greater Ohio River basin. Did the Native artists depict animals that went extinct in the last, say, 400 years; or were they reproducing accurate drawings from animals they saw on long distant trade trips? What symbolism did the animals have for the cultures? Where were they seen? With the guests' extensive knowledge of animal behaviors, we will delve into the possibility of other cryptids in the region such as Bigfoot and Mothman and unusual animals depicted in the bible.

  • Karma can be a Real Pain with Joanne DiMaggio

    16/02/2021 Duración: 01h59min

    Are physical and mental illnesses the result of karma acquired in a past life, and if so, does uncovering that lifetime lead to healing? According to the yearlong research project conducted by author and past-life specialist, Joanne DiMaggio, the answer is yes!  Fifty volunteers, ranging in age from 34 to 74, participated in the project.  They came in suffering from such chronic conditions as arthritis; diabetes; joint and limb pain; head trauma; weight and digestive troubles; sexual dysfunction; skin conditions; liver and kidney issues; drug and alcohol abuse; and mental illness. Employing past-life regression and augmenting the session with soul writing, i.e., writing in an altered state of consciousness, the project sought to find the buried past-life story behind the present-day malady.Karma Can Be a Real Pain illustrates how ordinary men and women met their past-life aspects and discovered the karmic origin of their chronic condition, resulting in a healthier, happier life in the here and now―and beyond.

  • Heading Out to the Megalithic Highway with Maria Wheatley - host Mark Eddy

    09/02/2021 Duración: 01h59min

    Our megalthic expert MARIA WHEATLEY returns for more in-depth discussions of the stone engineering from the 4th millenium BC. Based on new evidence, Maria argues that these monuments were not drab stones that became more colorful with the frequently passing showers. They were painted, like many of the later Egyptian temples. We'll be looking at the development and expansion of Irish megalithic sites. The white horses of southern England will be featured. What cultural significance did they hold? We plan on covering Wayland Smithy and some of the earth energy in the Orkney Islands.

  • Rendlesham Redemption with Steven LaPlume

    09/02/2021 Duración: 59min

    Steven LaPlume is my guest tonight, he has written a book entitled Rendlesham to Redemption: A Story of Transformation.   This book is a story of one man’s journey of not only the sightings of an unmanned aerial craft but also the life changing trauma that followed. This book is not just a “UFO” story. It  is a story of overcoming life’s tragedy and traumas and never giving up hope for a better tomorrow.Steve LaPlume was an Airman First Class during the famous Rendlesham Forest Incident in Suffolk England.  After This life changing event he went on to become a professional soldier for hire, A body guard and eventually changed his life and became a husband and father.  He worked in the Petrochemical industry in Construction management.  In 2003 he moved to China for 8.5 years where he manufactured motorcycle equipment as well as raced superbike motorcycles and continued working as a body guard.

  • Mystery at edge of Moon’s dark side - with Mary Joyce

    04/02/2021 Duración: 59min

    Mary Joyce, editor of, joins us once more to share some of the new posts to her website...including ... ight on the edge of the dark side of the Moon there appear to be clusters of puzzling formations in this photo that don’t look like anything we’ve seen before in Moon photos. 

  • Dreams of Isis with Normandi Ellis

    02/02/2021 Duración: 01h57min

    Drawing on her travels in modern-day Egypt and her lifelong study of Egyptian mythology and art, Normandi Ellis takes us on a moving autobiographical journey through the sacred sites and rituals of Egypt's past, revealing their restorative and transformative power for contemporary women like herself. Ellis's spell-binding prose weaves a tapestry of the personal past and the spiritual eternal in this exploration of the secret wisdom of ancient Egypt.Normandi Ellis, priestess of Isis, discusses the power of the Egyptian goddess in modern life and what we can learn from the ancient world’s philosophies. 

  • Neon Twilight with Solaris BlueRaven

    01/02/2021 Duración: 01h57min

    Solaris and Barbara continue their insights of the Emerald Tablets.  Thoth is the Egyptian god of writing, magic, wisdom, and the moon. He is also the author of the Emeralld tablets, which hold great wisdom for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

  • Before Atlantis with Mark Carlotto

    26/01/2021 Duración: 01h58min

    What if ancient sites such as Machu Picchu, Chichen Itza, the Acropolis, and Temple Mount are not only thousands of years old but much older?Until recently, a lack of hard evidence has led mainstream archaeologists to dismiss theories of past civilizations as pseudoscientific attempts to resurrect ancient myths and legends. However, new archaeological discoveries continue to challenge conventional explanations.Inspired by Charles Hapgood’s hypothesis that ice ages were the result of shifts in the geographic location of Earth’s poles, independent researcher and author Mark Carlotto has discovered that certain archaeological sites throughout the world are aligned to what appear to have been four previous positions of the North Pole over the last 100,000 years. By analyzing their geometry, Dr. Carlotto argues that these sites were built tens of thousands of years ago by an unknown prehistoric civilization who aligned them relative to the position of the North Pole at the time of construction. Destroyed and rebui

  • The Atlantis project with Robert Longley

    21/01/2021 Duración: 01h59min

    Robert Longley is an amateur Atlantis researcher who has visited many of the archaeological sites throughout the world. He looks for patterns of interaction between cultures and sitest.Robert Longley has been searching for Atlantis for more than 40 years, he has been mapping sites mathematically and through satellite imagery as well as visiting many ancient sites throughout the world.  He has been looking for evidence of Atlantis as a global culture and not just a single location.  Robert is a former intelligence officer and is an IT consultant.

  • Pre History Decoded With Martin Sweatman

    20/01/2021 Duración: 01h58min

    Nearly 13,000 years ago millions of people and animals were wiped out, and the world plunged abruptly into a new ice-age. It was more than a thousand years before the climate, and mankind, recovered. The people of Gobekli Tepe in present-day southern Turkey, whose ancestors witnessed this catastrophe, built a megalithic monument formed of many hammer-shaped pillars decorated with symbols as a memorial to this terrible event. Before long, they also invented agriculture, and their new farming culture spread rapidly across the continent, signaling the arrival of civilization. Before abandoning Gobekli Tepe thousands of years later, they covered it completely with rubble to preserve the greatest and most important story ever told for future generations. Archaeological excavations began at the site in 1994, and we are now able to read their story, more amazing than any Hollywood plot, again for the first time in over 10,000 years. It is a story of survival and resurgence that allows one of the world's greates

  • A Trireme and Golden Menorah with David Brody

    13/01/2021 Duración: 01h59min

    The mastermind behind "The Templars in America" series, DAVID BRODY, returns to discuss his latest novel, "Romerica." Cam and Astarte are enveloped once again in international intrigues over the possibility of ancient Romans being in America. David explores the evidence found in the Ohio River Valley, off of Cape Anne and Brazil. We will look at how the characters change after the death of Amanda and where this captivating series is going. We'll examine other out of place artifacts and themes from his many other novels as well.

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