Inspired Choices ~ With Christine Mciver, Possibilities Coach



Inspired Choices Network Inspired Choices with Possibilities Coach Christine McIver The Universe is always supporting you and wanting to give to you. Are you using your awareness to receive all that is possible for you? We often go through life with little awareness of the magnitude of possibilities available to us from within. Possibilities Coach Christine McIver, will use her talents to guide you and give you direction moving through challenges and much more. Inspired Choices Inc.


  • My Whole Life is Falling Apart!!! How does it get any better?


    What the heck is going on?  Why does it feel like everything is blowing up?  Do these questions sound like you?  Do you find yourself circling back around to them over and over again?  Well STOP it doesn't have to continue.  You can change it all if you dare!  Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach this week as she shares amazing tools of possibilities to get you past the crap and into the life you desire. ~ ~

  • Who’s ‘F**ked-Up’ Did You Pick Up? ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show How many times do you feel like crap for no good reason?  Do you ever find yourself in a massive funk and you can't get out of it? Would you be surprised to know that it's not yours? Join Christine in the un-funking of this crap! Christine McIver is a Possibilities Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Radio Show Host and Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator who is driven to inspire individuals and organizations to make choices that will bring them greater joy, self confidence and remarkable positive change. [ap_social facebook="" twitter="" gplus="" linkedin="" dribble=""] ~ ~

  • Choosing Greater No Matter What! Guest Tanner Gers


    How many people have challenges that they people they cannot overcome?  How many of us have fallen and feel like it is not possible to move beyond the so called limitation? No limitation has to define you or your choices.  Life doesn’t usually show up the way we think it will.  Your life can continue forward and your desires fulfilled if, like Tanner Gers, you choose greater no matter what! Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach as she interviews Tanner Gers about his ‘no matter what’ choices!  An interview not to be missed!!! Tanner Gers is a published author, professional speaker, US Paralympian, host of The Athlete Summit, and has been featured in, The Super Strength Show, Tucson Lifestyle Magazine, Wellness Force Radio, and other media outlets. Tanner holds a degree in Business, speaks for and consults corporate, educational, male, and female clients for various performance goals, and has worked with disabled youth and adults through various organizations such as Easter Seals, the Fou

  • Living Your ROAR! Guest Dr. Lisa Cooney


    What is Living Your ROAR?  Well to Dr. Lisa it is Radically Orgasmically Alive Reality! If you are ready to change your reality and truly come alive with more joy, pleasure, choices and possibilities than ever before join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach and her wonderful guest Dr. Lisa Cooney as they discuss the 'ROAR'!!! ~ ~

  • Pathetic or Dominant….What Are You Choosing? ~ Christine McIver


    Ok so life sucks!  Yep sometimes that is what it seems to be.  Have you concluded that you have no choice?  Would you like to change that or is that working for you?  What does it mean to actually be dominant? Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach this week as she brings her entire tool box to the show to create beyond all the pathetic bull shit we have bought into.  Are you ready for more? ~ ~

  • Do You Need to Build Your Muscle For Receiving? Guest Blossom Benedict


    What is true receiving and how do we strengthen our capacity with receiving?  Do you desire to receive more and yet find yourself incredibly uncomfortable in the act of receiving?  Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach as she interviews Blossom Benedict , International Speaker as she shares her own experience with receiving. Blossom Benedict is an international speaker and transformational coach.  She has touched thousands of lives with the dynamic tools of Access Consciousness®.  She spreads the message that anything you desire can be changed – and it can actually be done with ease, joy, lightness and – heaven forbid – even a little humor.  A radio show host, empowering facilitator, and an accomplished actress – Blossom uses a unique combination of skills to get people out of their stories and into creating their life! Today Blossom is the global project director for Access Consciousness, which now has over 2,000 facilitators and reaches over 50 countries.  She is also the lead facilitator trainer for t

  • Why do I still feel like shit after all these years? Co-host Rhonda Burns


    Have you been doing everything you can to change your life and you feel like you are getting no where?  Do you acknowledge how much change you have chosen or just continue to look at where things haven't?  Are your new spaces not comfortable and therefore you buy that you haven't done enough? Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach and her Guest Co-Host Rhonda Burns, Certified Global Transformation and Empowerment Coach as they unlock the lies and bring massive awareness to all that you have chosen and are able to now choose even greater. ~ ~

  • What is your attitude creating with your body? Guest Donnielle Carter


    Do you have an attitude with your body that is creating less than you desire with your body?  Is your attitude "good" or "bad" with your body, hips, boops, toes, hair?  What if you checked with your body and it's attitude? Join Christine McIver Possibilities Coach, and Donnielle Carter, Right Body For You coordinator as they unravel this thing of attitude with you & your body.     ~ ~

  • In-To-Me-You-See with Co-Host Joanne Del Core


    Is intimacy the glue that binds connection?  Or is it something else?  What does intimacy really create for us?  Where in your life and living would you like to have greater intimacy? Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach and her Co-Host Joanne Del Core, Emotional Intelligence Strategist as they dive deep into Intimacy with all of you! ~ ~

  • Even a Goddess Has A Day Off! Guest Priya Ali


    Are you always trying to be happy, vivacious and the goddess that everyone adores?  Do you make yourself wrong when you are just fabulous AND having a major day off? Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach and fellow Goddess Priya Ali as they share their experiences about having an off day as a Goddess. Priya Ali, a dedicated entrepreneur and mother of four, has led a successful personal and executive coaching practice, Living 365, since 2007. Living 365 is dedicated to enabling dramatic personal and professional growth amongst its clients. Through highly personalized coaching and guidance, Living 365 empowers clients to establish positive, productive thought processes and behaviors. ~ ~

  • Screw It! Just Do It!!! ~ Christine McIver


    What are you waiting for?  Have you decided everything has to be perfect before you take a step?  Would you like to begin to live the life and business you have been dreaming about? Christine McIver is a Possibilities Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Radio Show Host and Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator who is driven to inspire individuals and organizations to make choices that will bring them greater joy, self confidence and remarkable positive change. ~ ~

  • What else is possible for our teeth? Guest Dr. Tom Kolso


    Nothing gets our attention as easily as pain.  Our mouth is rich with nerve endings which makes it a great location to get our attention!   Now that your mouth has your attention – what is it really telling you what are you really looking to heal? What else is possible with our teeth?  Are you curious and excited to learn more?  Join Christine McIver is a Possibilities Coach, as she speaks to her Guest Dr. Tom Kolso  Generative Energetic Dentistry Expert, about what is truly NOW possible for teeth! ~ ~

  • Stop Laughing This Is SERIOUS! Co-Host Joanne Del Core


    Life is Serious!  If you want to get ahead you need to take is serious!  Laughing all the time is not right! Okay how 'normal' does that sound to you?  Has any of that ever been true for you?  Join Christine McIver Possibilities Coach and her Co-Host Joanne Del Core Emotional Intelligence Strategist will entice you into a new possibility of being in this reality with joy & serious.  Join them for an hour of what is sure to be laughter, new choices and awarenesses. ~ ~

  • Have You Exercised Your IPOV Today? ~ Christine McIver


    What the heck am I talking about?  What is your IPOV?  IPOV is Interesting Point of View.  Do you receive opinions from others or share yours and create a huge charge in your communications and creations?  If you were exercising your IPOV you just may create something even greater. Join Christine this week with your experiences, challenges and massive successes! Let's create the world we desire to live in and return to! Christine McIver is a Possibilities Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Radio Show Host and Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator who is driven to inspire individuals and organizations to make choices that will bring them greater joy, self confidence and remarkable positive change. ~ ~

  • Magic with Money: Untangling the Lies ~ Cory Michelle & Katherine McIntosh


    Have you always desired to have Magic with Money but instead chose the lies with money?  What if you already ARE Magic with Money?  Would you be willing to untangle all the lies of this reality around money and really step into the Magic you be with Money? Join Christine McIver is a Possibilities Coach, as she interviews these two potent women who embody Magic with Money in all their creations.  Cory Michelle and Katherine McIntosh will be bringing their magic with them just for us!  How did we get so lucky? Cory Michelle has an elegance with energy and space, her intuitive sense dives into the depth of an issue to unlock it in seemingly non related places that result in total life change. She is playful, fun and of course juicy, breaks the rules of your traditional business coach and helps you achieve the life you came to live, juice and all. Some say it¹s her magic but really, Cory Michelle¹s potency ignites your own magic in business, leadership, money and relationship quickly. She is a facilitator with th

  • Getting Naked with Your Creations! ~ Guest Stephanie Richardson


    Do you decide to create and find yourself stuck in the 'how'?  Does your creations feel forced or the 'same old same old'?  What could you create if you were willing to get naked? Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach and her special guest Stephanie Richardson, Magical Creator as they get naked about all things creation & see what more they can discover. Come play in the chatroom so you too can play with this magical creation! ~ ~

  • What To Do When Nothing Works? Co-Host Joanne Del Core


    You've been a seeker all your life.  Trying modality after modality, tool after tool, purchasing programs that are a sure fire winner....and still nothing works.  What if the 'answer' is closer than you think? What if you have the keys that will unlock it all? Join Christine McIver is a Possibilities Coach and her Co-Host Joanne Del Core, Emotional Intelligence Strategist on this living show of more possibilities. ~ ~

  • Animals contributing to your business? REALLY? Guest Dr. Andi Harper


    Looking to grow your business...not sure what else would like to contribute?  What if some of the possibilities are right under foot?  Animals and Business seem like very unlikely partners unless you are in the animal business.  What if that is not entirely true. Join Christine McIver is a Possibilities Coach and her Guest Dr. Andi Harper as they explore the interesting dynamics of animals, business and much more in creation. ~ ~

  • It’s Good to BE Me!!! ~ Christine McIver


    Say what???  Yes that's right It's Good to Be Me!  Have you bought into the bull that actually being happy with who you be is boasting, arrogant, conceited?  What if all of that is stopping you from contributing to your life, your money flows, the changes in the world you KNOW are possible? Join Christine McIver is a Possibilities Coach, as she challenges you to break free of the limitations and embrace "Being Me!!!" ~ ~

  • Can It REALLY Get Any Better Than This? Christine McIver


    Things are going along pretty good...change has been happening...and yet you are in doubt.  How in the world can I actually have more fun, more joy, more money?  What makes me so special?  With all the sadness and destruction in the world this can't possibly last for me. Are you waiting for the next shoe to drop?  What if the waiting is stopping YOU? Join Christine this week as she brings out her Dominatrix of Possibilities to create new perspectives for you and her. ~ ~

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