Seaside Church Sermons



Seaside Church Podcasts


  • The Excellent Life


    Part two of a two week look at 1 Peter 2.11-12, we look at how the excellent life, lived by and through the life of Christ, allows us to testify of His great works to the world around us, in spite of suffering, slander and even our own sin.

  • Your Response


    What is your response to Who He is and who we are in Him? Will it be to work harder, better, smarter, faster, or will it be to run to the God who has chosen and will establish you? Do we understand the nature of the battle - the spiritual nature of an enemy who wants to destroy us? We can only fight the lies in our lives through the Truth.

  • Justice, Mercy, Walking Humbly with God


    Dave Fredrick comes to share with us the work and passions of The Coffee Oasis

  • Declaring Abroad the Mighty Deeds of God


    It's a story about 2 Kingdoms, 1 Big, one small. And our bent to make ours win.

  • The Cornerstone


    With Christ as our Cornerstone, we are called to live as living stones - characterized by growth, maturity, refinement and renewal - all parts of the transformational work that He is doing in us to make us into the image of the The Cornerstone. We spend this week looking into Isaiah 28, the passage Peter is quoting in 1 Peter 2.6 and digging into how that message gives us a reason to trust and rest in this Savior.

  • As Obedient Children


    How do we respond to our adoption as sons & daughters of God through the work of Christ? As obedient children, seeking to live as He lives within the Kingdom of God, because we see who He is and live out our lives in response to that. This is only done through the transforming work of Christ in our own lives through the work of the Holy Spirit.

  • Therefore (1 Peter 1.13)


    Based on the previous 12 verses, Peter now transitions us into the next portion of his letter, summarizing the truths about who we are in Him ,and looking at how we move ahead into what He wants us to be.

  • Extract the Precious from the Worthless (1 Peter 1.10-12 & Jeremiah 15-18)


    The story of transformation is built into our lives in many ways. Often the most overlooked is how we are transformed as a means to see transformation in others lives. This week we look at the story of a prophet named Jeremiah, who wrestled with the purposes of God, and how he was shown, through his own experience and a potter, what work the Lord had set before him. And how that lesson is so incredibly important for us all.

  • Transformation


    As we straddle the Christmas and New Years Holidays, we are constantly faced with new birth and a new life - whether it be by the coming of Jesus or something as simple as New Years Resolutions. What is the life the He wants us to live? What would a transformed life look like? How does He do that work in us - and how do we live within that process?

  • A Kingdom Faith


    In the Kingdom of God, we must our in our trust in something we do not always see, or understand. Faith is more than understanding. In fact faith doesn't require understanding at all. It requires that we trust in who He is. This is done through the renewing (via the Word, prayer/meditation, and discipleship/community) of our heart, soul, mind, and body into the sons & daughters of God that we are through our resurrection with Christ from the dead.

  • The Kingdom Life


    We continue to look at the Kingdom of God as part of the story of 1 Peter as we look at what Kingdom Life looks like - rejoicing, suffering, and praise.

  • The Kingdom of God


    Now that we are born again to a living hope through the work of Christ and plan of God, we have an inheritance - a new inheritance. But it isn't one that just exists in heaven, it also is ours here on earth. How are we living in the reality of the Kingdom of God & what does it look like?

  • A Living Inheritance


    Peter continues his letter talking about inheritances - and the new inheritance brought to us through the new birth, and how our new inheritance is based in a new kingdom - the Kingdom of God.

  • Ambassadors of Christ


    Eric Schuette leads us as we look into 2 Corinthians 5.14-21 and how we are called to live as Ambassadors of Christ - a topic touched on last week in 1 Peter 1.

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