Creative Dog Training Online Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 13:22:02
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Creative Dog Training is all about taking our over 30 years of experience and passing it on to you! Are you tired of difficult or non-practical advice on how to help you dog? Then our casts are for you! Our casts are short to the point information sessions designed to give you PRACTICAL tools for not just training your dog, but having the dog you've always wanted!Get more info @


  • Teaching Stay - Part 2

    16/05/2009 Duración: 07min

    Today Margaret and Damian will be continuing our discussion on teaching Stay the easy way by talking about Practicing stay to be successful!This cast is short, but gives you detailed tips on the best ways to practice for success as well as how to build a solid foundation so next week we can work on working with stay around distractions!Enjoy, and if you have questions or comments, please visit us and post a question on our message board at

  • Teaching Stay - Part 1

    09/05/2009 Duración: 10min

    Today we are starting a 3 part podcast to give you the steps to teach stay the easy way!This week M&D will be laying the foundation with the teaching phase.We will give you simple steps to teach your dog what the command means as well as how to handle it when he gets up, and why that's a good thing!So work hard this week on teaching and next week we will work on practicing!Enjoy, and if you have questions or comments, please visit us and post a question on our message board at

  • Respect Series - No

    02/05/2009 Duración: 14min

    Continuing our Series on Respect we are talking today about the Command 'No'.Margaret and Damian will be talking about our philosophy of why we call the word 'No' a command.We will also discuss 'No' alternatives for situations like barking, jumping up, stealing objects, etc!Enjoy, and if you have questions or comments, please visit us and post a question on our message board at

  • Respect Series - Come

    25/04/2009 Duración: 19min

    Continuing our Series on Respect we are talking about today about Come when Called.Margaret and Damian have talked about Come when Called before, but today we will be looking at it from a different angle. Showing you how to build respect and leverage respect to teach and use Come, as well as how to use your dogs natural thoughts and drives (Pack Drive, Prey Drive, and Defense Drive) to make training and using Come easier with your dog!And we will finish up with some fun games to teach Come that you can use with the whole family!Enjoy, and if you have questions or comments, please visit us and post a question on our message board at

  • Respect Series - Goalie

    18/04/2009 Duración: 12min

    Today Margaret and Damian will be talking about our next topic in the Respect Series - Goalie.Goalie is a fun game we use to teach our dogs respect for us, space, the couch, windows they bark out of, kitchen counters, etc. etc. Basically it is an effective tool for teaching respect for space around anything. We will give you the steps for teaching Goalie, as well as some tips on using it and common issues you may see!Enjoy, and if you have questions or comments, please visit us and post a question on our message board at

  • Respect Series - Settle Down

    11/04/2009 Duración: 13min

    Today Margaret and Damian will be talking about our first topic in the Respect Series - Settle Down.Settle Down is our first command to teach and build respect. And today we show you how to teach 3 Levels of Settle Down as well as Troubleshoot the problems you are having when teaching!Enjoy, and if you have questions or comments, please visit us and post a question on our message board at

  • The Absolute Importance of Respect

    04/04/2009 Duración: 13min

    Margaret and Damian will be talking about something that is the cornerstone of our training, Respect.For us, Respect is the key that gets your dog to do something when he has the choice not to! (Think off leash and Come when called)So we will lay out our ideas of Respect, give you some ways to test for respect from your dog, and talk about a few ways to give back a little respect to your dog!Enjoy, and if you have questions or comments, please visit us and post a question on our message board at

  • Accepting Handling and Gentle Restraint, Part 2

    28/03/2009 Duración: 12min

    This is Part 2 of 2Margaret and Damian talked last week about how to test and document any issues your dog may have with Handling and Restraint. This week they will be talking about steps to take to improve any issues you found during last weeks test, from trimming your dogs nails, to brushing your dog, to giving them a big hug!Just remember, this is a VERY overlooked subject, but one that will not only make your relationship with your dog better, but it could effectively save his life! Teaching your dog to accept Handling and Gentle Restraint.This is Part 2 of a 2 part podcast, so if you haven't listened to Part 1, please do so first!

  • Accepting Handling and Gentle Restraint, Part 1

    21/03/2009 Duración: 12min

    This is Part 1 of 2Margaret and Damian will be talking about a VERY overlooked subject, but one that will not only make your relationship with your dog better, but it could effectively save his life! Teaching your dog to accept Handling and Gentle Restraint.It is a fact of life for our dogs that we must handle or gently restrain them from time to time. Whether it is a vet visit, to dry their paws off, give a pill, or trim their nails.This is a 2 part podcast.Today, we will give you the steps to test and document any issues your dog may have. Next week we will talk about how to teach your dog to accept Handling and Gentle Restraint happily!

  • Living with More than One Dog

    14/03/2009 Duración: 14min

    Margaret and Damian will be talking about an often overlooked subject, Living with More than One Dog. The key to living happily with multiple dogs is for you to be the pack leader. Your dogs will decide amongst themselves what their pecking order is. Each dog in you pack however must understand that all family members are above the dogs! This is sometimes easier said than done! This is sure to be the first of many casts on this subject. So today we offer you our tips to living with more than one dog! We discuss, determining when dogs are getting too rough, dog loyalty test, learning and avoiding "dog fight" hot spots in your house, improving training for your 2 dogs, and how to build a strong relationship with both dogs!Enjoy, and if you have questions or comments, please visit us and post a question on our message board at

  • Tips for Childrens and Dogs

    07/03/2009 Duración: 14min

    Margaret and Damian are talking about something we are asked about a lot, Tips for Children and Dogs.Children and dogs are a wonderful combination, most of the time. But if you don't have the perfect dog around kids, we will give you some tips for helping your dog to enjoy children, as well as teaching children to be safe around dogs.We discuss, Socializing your dog, recognizing stress in your dog, helping issues your dog has with children, teaching a command to relax, training your dog, and teaching children to greet a dog.And always remember, when it comes to kids and dogs, the child's safety is the most important!Enjoy, and if you have questions or comments, please visit us and post a question on our message board at

  • Car Ride Safety for Your Dog!

    28/02/2009 Duración: 10min

    Margaret and Damian will be talking about a subject few people think about but is very important, teaching your dog to ride in the car safely.We want you to enjoy car rides with your dog! And we know that if you dread rides in the car with your dog, then you'll take less. So, In this cast we will give you practical tips for, teaching your dog to ride in the car, helping a car sick dog get better, and safely restraining your dog.Enjoy, and if you have questions or comments, please visit us at

  • Crate Training Your Dog (at any age!)

    21/02/2009 Duración: 11min

    Today Margaret and Damian will be helping with a great subject, Crate Training Your Dog!You have Probably been told by a well intentioned someone that you need to 'crate train' your dog. And that is great advice as long as your dog agrees with it! (because we know that some dogs bark in the crate, and whine in their cage, refuse to stay clean in the crate!)In this cast we will give you tips to 'crate train' even the most reluctant dog.We are aware that there are many names for a 'crate'. And you can substitute any you would like, kennel crate, den, confinement area, bathroom, house, whatever. We don't care as long as you choose to use it!

  • Stopping Barking, The Easy Way

    14/02/2009 Duración: 11min

    Today, Margaret and Damian  will be giving some advice on another very popular subject, Stopping Barking. (and it even includes a tip or 2 you might can use to help with neighbors dog barking!)But, lets face it, Dogs Bark! Barking is as natural for them as scratching, sleeping, or eating. And the most important thing to remember is barking is more a problem for you, than it is for your dog!So that means you will have to do a little work and figure out why your dog is barking. Discovering that will bring peace to your house.Please enjoy! And if you have and comments or questions, please visit our message board at

  • Making Leash Walking More Fun!

    07/02/2009 Duración: 18min

    Today, Margaret and Damian will be talking about Making Leash Walking more Fun!Because people as well as dogs enjoy doing what's fun, and usually avoid what isn't! So, how are the walks with your dog? Is it more chore than pleasure because your dog is pulling so hard and barks at everything he sees?In this cast we will teach you steps to make the walk more fun for both you and your dog, as well as gives you some tips on how to handle dogs you might encounter on your walk. Because we strongly believe that if you enjoy walking with your dog then you will do it more often.Please enjoy! And if you have and comments or questions, please visit our message board at

  • Effectively Discipline your Dog - Fixed Link (sorry!)

    02/02/2009 Duración: 21min

    Today, Margaret and Damian are tackling a very important topic to us here, Effectively Disciplining your Dog.When it comes to the subject of discipline for dog, it seems everyone is an expert. Hey, even dog trainers don't agree on "the best" approach!So, we are going to take a second and explain our approach to discipline because if you ask a dog owner with a well socialized and trained dog how he disciplines, he'll probably have to think about it. Because most of the time he just has to ask his dog not to do it, or if the dog is doing something, he just tells the dog to stop!In this cast we will debunk some common myths on discipline and give you actionable steps to follow for simple and effective discipline of your dog!

  • Training a Calm Dog in Every Situation - Part 2

    24/01/2009 Duración: 15min

    In this 2nd and final part of this cast, Margaret and Damian will be wrapping up the subject of Training a Calm Dog in Every Situation!In Part 1 of this cast you learned how to teach your dog to Sit and Stay for praise and petting. You also learned how to teach your dog to calm down when he is excited. If you have not listened to Part 1 we encourage you to do so, it will make it much easier.In this cast Margaret and Damian explore the reasons why dogs become so excited, they then share some practical steps to help you calm your dog in every situation!

  • Training a Calm Dog in Every Situation - Part 1

    17/01/2009 Duración: 19min

    In this cast Margaret and Damian will be talking about a topic they promised a couple weeks ago, Using Sit Stay for Praise and Petting to train your dog to be calm in Every Situation. Is your dog brilliant and calm when it's just you and him at home? But when you try to show off his tricks to your friends and family he gets so excited he forgets his name? You are not alone. In this 2 part cast we will give you the tools to teach your dog to be calm in every situation.  This week we will lay the foundation that you teach before 'going public' with your friends. In part 2 we will teach you how to conquer even the most exciting real life situation!

  • Starting Training with Your New Puppy (or Dog)

    10/01/2009 Duración: 10min

    Congratulations on your New Puppy! Now What?  In this cast Margaret and Damian will be talking about getting training off on the right foot! Perhaps you have a dream that your new dog will unconditionally love you, be friendly with the right people and let you know when the wrong ones come around. And you definitely want to be proud of him when he always comes when called and maybe even does a cute trick or 2. In this cast we will teach you how to Get Started on your way to achieving your dream!

  • Chewing and Destructive Behavior

    03/01/2009 Duración: 13min

    In this cast Margaret and Damian will be talking about Chewing and Destructive Behavior! People choose to bring animals into their house, and their shocked when their animal does, well, animal things! Chewing and Destructive Behavior is one of those things, and the one most people have the least patience for. This cast will help you work on what we like to call "Separation Fun". That means your dog had a party at your house and forgot to invite you. We do talk about the difference between Separation Fun and Separation Anxiety. If you have any questions, please post a question in our FAQ section, or on our message boards! Enjoy this podcast on Chewing and Destructive Behavior!

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