Anonymous Drama Literature Podcast Series



Anonymous Drama Literature is a non-profit international anonymous writing group organization for anonymous writers, editors, translators, illustrators and poets. We mostly talk about writing, editing, and translating the original anonymous foreign works. If you want more info, contact


  • Are We Part Indigenous Or Full Indigenous?

    19/06/2020 Duración: 01min

    Are We Part Indigenous Or Full Indigenous is an indigenous related poem where it question whether you are part or full indigenous. Another word for part indigenous is semi indigenous or half indigenous.

  • Daniel Can Remember The Same Name Game

    18/06/2020 Duración: 01min

    Daniel Can Remember The Same Name Game is beyond a children’s rhyming book about a baby boy named Daniel Baniel Saniel who plays the same name game and it’s the influence of the part from Disney’s sing along song of heigh ho where professor owl would ask how many can you name when it came to naming the 7 dwarves from Disney's snow white and the 7 dwarves movie before this music video of the yodel song from Disney's snow white and the 7 dwarves movie came up. Daniel Baniel Saniel would play rubber duckies in the bathtub alone.

  • Vegan Blue Glue

    18/06/2020 Duración: 01min

    Vegan Blue Glue is beyond a children’s rhyming book where it focuses mainly on vegan blue glue being available in stores. Most glues in stores are not vegan and somewhat had animal testing in it so stop buying glue that is not vegan. Either buy eco-friendly vegan glue or make eco-friendly vegan glue at home. If you want to dye the glue, make it organic and non-toxic. Stores barely sell vegan glue including the vegan blue glue.

  • The Last Fast Future Run Race

    18/06/2020 Duración: 01min

    The Last Fast Future Run Race is beyond a children’s rhyming book where we run some marathon as we predict 22 years in the future to run the last fast future race for 30,000 as we will likely to win. This is just 99 percent futuristic fiction.

  • 20 Indigenous Mistresses Of Resurrection

    21/04/2020 Duración: 01min

    20 Indigenous Mistresses Of Resurrection is an indigenous poem where 20 indigenous women came back to life centuries later in the future just to relive their lives. Thats unusual for indigenous people to resurrect isn’t it? Resurrection is so rare in the non-European indigenous culture. It's influenced by the indigenous mythology.

  • Nat The Bulgarian Shakespeare Who Wrote Nice Mice Plays

    13/04/2020 Duración: 01min

    Nat The Bulgarian Shakespeare Who Wrote Nice Mice Plays is beyond a children’s rhyming book where Nat mainly wrote the mice plays in order to make it successful. Nat really loved mice so much.

  • 13 Indigenous Mistresses Of The Earth

    13/04/2020 Duración: 01min

    13 Indigenous Mistresses Of The Earth is an indigenous poem where 13 indigenous women became mistresses of the earth in order to heal the earth on any level. It is influenced by the 13 indigenous grandmothers. Earth is possibly healing itself unless the earth will be further damaged.

  • Do You Have A Right Night Light?

    11/04/2020 Duración: 01min

    Do You Have A Right Night Light is beyond a children's rhyming book where we can have light in the room. If you would have made the right night light for our room, great.

  • What If We Are Nude Now Than Never

    11/04/2020 Duración: 01min

    What If We Are Nude Now Than Never is a poem where we focus a bit more on nudism. Nudism is the natural state to connect with nature. The average media censored nudity than just the porn industry. There is no excuse of censoring nudity.

  • The Real Pocahontas

    25/03/2020 Duración: 01min

    The Real Pocahontas is a Spanish lingual book about Pocahontas’s life. The truths about Pocahontas went unquestioned and unanswered for 4 plus centuries. You will likely to not get the full truths of Pocahontas in schools or the media. If you want to learn more Pocahontas, look her up online.

  • Schnetzka and 9 Giant Mice

    08/03/2020 Duración: 01min

    Schnetzka and 9 Giant Mice is a Bulgarian lingual play loosely based on the fairytale of Snow White and the 7 dwarves. When Peter Hans was a boy, he was crying wolf until the age of 8, he was eaten by the wolf to death and its not like the story of Peter and the wolf.

  • Programming Family

    08/03/2020 Duración: 02min

    Programming Family is a poem where it only focuses on programming. We have undergone mass programming and mass brainwashing. We have centuries of programming and brainwashing. Programmers are like brainwashers basically and that’s the problem today.

  • Too Difficult to Hire Fire Fighters

    01/03/2020 Duración: 01min

    Too Difficult to Hire Fire Fighters is beyond a children’s rhyming book where it's too difficult to hire firefighters to get rid of fires. Not enough firefighters in this word. Fire is just everywhere worldwide for some purpose.

  • Indigenous Turtle Gator Woman

    26/02/2020 Duración: 01min

    Indigenous Turtle Gator Woman is an indigenous fictional poem where she destroys the whole nation by decolonizing and then she went to nature by hugging a tree. The idea of fantasizing an indigenous woman with a turtle shell and an alligator tail that she is in fact an indigenous mythical creator than just a character.

  • No More Money

    22/02/2020 Duración: 01min

    No More Money is a Spanish lingual book where it seeks to abolish money. Money is an illusion as we realize it but everything represents money. The alternative to money and cash are moneyless cashless lifestyle.

  • Emperor's New Rules

    18/02/2020 Duración: 01min

    Hello, you’re listening to Anonymous Literature podcast series. This is podcast season 3 episode 6 of Anonymous Literature Podcast Series. I am your anonymous podcast host today. Emperor’s New Rules. Q and A for Emperor’s New Rules. Question 1. Who was the emperor based on, one of the emperors in the play of emperor’s new rules who was named Emperor soizu ouzo motashi and he was based on the real emperor of japan named emperor saga. Question 2. Who was the unnamed artist based on, the unnamed artist from the play was Japanese and he's based on Yasujiro Ozu the Japanese filmmaker. Question 3. Why was Shaloma Preas being silenced for resisting the emperor’s new rules, first one of the daimyos silenced Shaloma Preas for resisting Emperor Soizu’s new rules and then Shaloma was silenced by Emperor Soizu for resisting his new rules. Any questions. Emperor’s New Rules is a Bulgarian lingual play loosely based on the original Emperor’s New Clothes story. Emperor Soizu was ruling twi

  • Monad Space

    13/02/2020 Duración: 04min

    Monad Space is a Dutch lingual book that is based on Lezley Saar’s Monad art series. We have our 1st guest named Lezley Saar who painted a Monad series years before the Monad Space book was made. Lezley Saar is an artist who does mainly paintings other than Monad. Lezley Saar was born to Betye Saar and Richard Saar. If you want to know more about Lezley Saar, look her up online.

  • Blood Flood Everywhere

    16/01/2020 Duración: 54s

    Blood Flood Everywhere is a horror rhyming book where there was blood flood in this world via tsunamis.

  • What Are The Types Of Music?

    13/01/2020 Duración: 01min

    What Are The Types Of Music is a poem about types of music so we can choose what to listen to and what not to listen to. There are various types of music.

  • Are You Ready To Single Mingle?

    10/01/2020 Duración: 47s

    Are You Ready To Single Mingle is beyond a childrens rhyming book where you get to single mingle. Single mingle is an expression of start relationship and dating.

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