Anonymous Drama Literature Podcast Series

Emperor's New Rules



Hello, you’re listening to Anonymous Literature podcast series. This is podcast season 3 episode 6 of Anonymous Literature Podcast Series. I am your anonymous podcast host today. Emperor’s New Rules. Q and A for Emperor’s New Rules. Question 1. Who was the emperor based on, one of the emperors in the play of emperor’s new rules who was named Emperor soizu ouzo motashi and he was based on the real emperor of japan named emperor saga. Question 2. Who was the unnamed artist based on, the unnamed artist from the play was Japanese and he's based on Yasujiro Ozu the Japanese filmmaker. Question 3. Why was Shaloma Preas being silenced for resisting the emperor’s new rules, first one of the daimyos silenced Shaloma Preas for resisting Emperor Soizu’s new rules and then Shaloma was silenced by Emperor Soizu for resisting his new rules. Any questions. Emperor’s New Rules is a Bulgarian lingual play loosely based on the original Emperor’s New Clothes story. Emperor Soizu was ruling twi