What The Hell?! In Higher Ed



Exploring relevant hot topics and current events in higher education from the graduate student perspective.


  • The Why - Part 2

    23/07/2019 Duración: 21min

    This month’s episode is a continuation of our discussion of the Why of our work and our every day lives. Host Leah Burger hones in specifically on how figuring out our Why can seem daunting, but also be a helpful tool for self-care and every day motivation.

  • Double Podcast: Recharging/The Why

    24/06/2019 Duración: 22min

    In this episode, we explore the concept of recharging during the (hopefully) slow summer months of Residence Life. We also explore Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle, and the “why” of our work in higher education.

  • Intro to Mindfulness and Self-Care

    28/03/2019 Duración: 08min

    Self-Care and mindfulness are great buzz words. But shouldn’t it be a lifestyle? This episode introduces the topic for the year of self-care and mindfulness. We hope to bring you practical advice on how self-care can be more than just a way to survive, but a way of life, to ultimately thrive. We’re happy you’re here! Feel free to get comfy, take a walk or listen while at work. And as always, take care of yourself!

  • Mental Health Student Leaders

    22/11/2017 Duración: 24min

    Intro • Definitions and Statistics • Stigmas/Rhetoric • Advising Students/Fees • Closing