Chats With Susan Burrell

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 122:10:22
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Join Susan and gather some empowering life skills to find your inner freedom, radiate your personal brilliance and live a rich and opulent life. Susan helps strong, capable women who have pockets of self doubt, access their inner wisdom and clarify their Truths. Susans personal journey of removing energetic blocks within herself, tearing down barriers to personal success and happiness and building an inner foundation of love and courage, informs every conversation. Having come from a background in television and broadcast radio, Susan brings thought provoking guests to her show, asking the question of How do you live an empowered life filled with freedom and happiness? The conversations are always rich, peppered with guided meditations, mantras and the how-tos of living a mindful life.


  • Observe From A Higher Awareness

    06/04/2024 Duración: 22min

    Ep# 271 - Observe From A Higher Awareness - A Solo Show with your Host, Susan Burrell Our theme for April is Observant. When I looked up Observant (as I often do when I am going to chat about a specific theme) here’s one definition that came up: Adhering to a particular law or ritual. When you are observant you are adhering to. Like a philosophy, an idea, a ritual. Adhering to me feels like you’re stuck, or glued to something, even when it doesn’t feel correct. When my team and I came up with the theme for the year and consequently for each month and Observant showed up, so did other words like: openness, overflowing and opportunity. I feel like being observant also brings us an opportunity to witness, to be more, and to also shift our perspective. I am also using this phrase to reflect and “see” what is going on internally as well. The observer within oneself – observe your emotions are they moving through you. Or are you finding that your emotions are stuck on constant repeat? I feel with all the movement o

  • Students Love & Rave on Susan

    30/03/2024 Duración: 19min

    Ep# 270 - Students Share Their Love and Rave - An Inspiring Chat with Some of My Students The theme for Empowering Chats with Susan Burrell for the year of 2024 is BE Potential.  And each month we are focusing on a different aspect of rising to your Potential. For the month of March, we are focusing on what it means to reach for your potential. Some of the keywords that support this theme include, power, purpose and recognizing our own worth. And so, in this episode I talk about acceptance of who we are and how we show up in the world. For me personally, 2024 has been a remarkable year so far. I have stepped back into teaching classes and it has been profound for me as a teacher. I feel I am stepping into my full potential as a Master Teacher. My Intention when I teach is to create sustainable transformation so that when people go out into their world they have the skill sets and tools they need in order stay centered and continue on their path of transformation.  I always try to create a very safe container

  • The Opulence Infustion

    22/03/2024 Duración: 38min

    I am so grateful to introduce and welcome Jennifer Ruth Russell to Empowering Chats. I have known Jennifer for many, many, years and I am thrilled that she’s here to have an empowering chat with me.  Jennifer wears many hats. She is a Singer / Songwriter, a Spiritual Mentor and an Author. She is also the creator of the Angels of Abundance Ascension Academy. Her newest book is called, Opulence Infusion, A New Faith Currency, which was inspired by a calling she got directly from Mother Mary.  It changed her life.  Opulence Infusion is the latest book in the series of books she has written in deep connection with Mother Mary. Jennifer shares her thoughts on ascension explaining that in her understanding it is about coming into true oneness with the Divine. And reaching our true potential and ascending into our highest vibration while still walking our journey on earth. I asked Jennifer how her book Opulence Infusion came about and why now? It came about, she said, as a response to the many years she had lived wi

  • Changing Lives

    16/03/2024 Duración: 42min

    I had an Empowering Chat with this incredible individual in May of 2022 and I think it’s time to re-air this interview. If you missed this the first time around or even if you heard it when it first aired, I encourage you to listen again.  I am honored to welcome Dawn Manske, activist and CEO of Made For Freedom to Empowering Chats. Her story of courage and innovation is awe-inspiring.  You may need Kleenex by your side as you listen to her journey of how her innovative social company came to be. Made For Freedom, uses fashion to empower victims of sex trafficking and other marginalized situations. The 10 years Dawn spent in China teaching English helped her to understand the unbalance produced by the devaluation of the girl child. This was her first exposure to poverty levels she had never seen before. In 2007 she viewed a documentary about sex trafficking that deeply affected her. She desperately wanted to see this horror and injustice come to an end but she had no idea what could be done from her hometown

  • The Healing of Trauma

    08/03/2024 Duración: 39min

    Ep#267 - The Healing of Trauma, An Interview with Efu Nyaki, a healer and author of "Healing Trauma Through Family Constellations and Somatic Experiencing."   The theme for this month of March is all about Potential. Our Potential. And exploring what that might look like in our lives. I am thrilled to welcome Efu Nyaki to this episode to discuss the healing of trauma. Efu is a healer and the author of Healing Trauma Through Family Constellations and Somatic Experiencing. So what is Family Constellations and why is this important in the healing of trauma? Efu describes it as a new modality that is well known to our ancestors. It is an approach that looks at problems with a systemic view. It means that when resolving conflicts within the family (or organization, community, etc.) the whole system must be looked at. In the case of a family system, the family is seen as a whole and solutions are sought through movements of the soul/spirit, as a living and active being. This type of therapy connects the family with

  • Exploring The Frontiers of Your POTENTIAL

    01/03/2024 Duración: 13min

    Ep #265 - Exploring The Frontiers of Your POTENTIAL - A Solo Show with your Host, Susan Burrell As we enter into the month of March I am exploring the theme of “Potential” which is our theme for Empowering Chats for the month. And of course, I had to look up the word. Here are some dictionary definitions of Potential: Possible as opposed to actual. Capable of becoming or considered a worthwhile possibility. I recently taught a workshop entitled, “Are You A Light Leader?” And in this class, we talked about the frontier of our boundaries. The boundaries being the stable thing of our awareness of what we are willing to do or not do. And I believe our boundaries can also be an extension to the frontier of where we are willing to go. Sometimes I think we need to move a bit through this fluid state of living and extend our boundaries. Think about what it means to move into a new frontier, to move beyond what was. I believe POTENTIAL is not about the outward incentive of, for example, “I need to become the CEO of my

  • You Are Enough

    23/02/2024 Duración: 41min

    Ep #264 - You Are Enough – An Interview with author and love activist, Scott Stabile What a joy it is to welcome, author and love activist, Scott Stabile to Empowering Chats, The first thing that caught me was the title of Scott’s book: Enough As You Are. That alone says so much. Scott shared that the title came about as a way to show that love and you are always enough. No matter where you currently sit in your life you are always enough as you are. Scott is a love activist and sees love as the most powerful force we have to work with. Love is the umbrella term he uses to encompass kindness, empathy, compassion and all the other words and things we do to give and receive love.  Scott believes it is the one energy that can actually create healing in the world. Scott and I also shared a conversation about our relationship with self. It is an everlasting one, it is our foundation and the more we come into wholeness with ourselves the more we will be able to offer that to those we come in contact with. It is act

  • Boost Your Energy

    16/02/2024 Duración: 43min

    Ep #263 Boost Your Energy - An Interview with Intuitive Energy Healer, Dr. Mary Sanders. We are continuing our theme of Eternal for the month of February. And so with that I also want to include the embracing of the Eternal and welcome my guest, Dr. Mary Sanders. Dr. Mary is an Intuitive Energy Healer and is stunning in her vibrancy. We shared a deep, Empowering Chat about the Energy Patterns that we hold and how that manifests in our lives. Much of what manifests is our soul’s essence, it is the original blueprint we came into this planet with. Dr. Mary works with her own wisdom and intuition acquired in energy to help women over 40 bounce back from burnout. She is a doctor of Chiropractic with an emphasis in Functional Nutrition. She also has a Certification in Positive Psychology. It is through the integration of all of her practical experience and life experience that she is able to help others heal themselves. The pathway of Dr. Mary’s work is to ground the discordant energy. She recognizes that we are a

  • Open To Life

    09/02/2024 Duración: 40min

    This Episode of Empowering Chats is about grief. And this month’s theme is “Eternal.” I intentionally placed this interview under this theme.  I believe that all of us have an eternal essence, an eternal soul and an eternal energy that stays in the hearts of those we come in contact with even when we have left our physical bodies. My guest, Emily Thiroux Threatt is here to talk about grief and how to find our happiness within the folds of losing someone close to us. Her latest book is called, The Grief and Happiness Handbook, which is also a guidebook.  This handbook has exercises to help guide you out of your grief. Emily lost 2 wonderful husbands who ironically both died of the same thing. After losing her first husband who was sick for 2 years, she never thought she’d marry again but then she met Ron, her second husband. He was a new thought minister and together they practiced living in the moment. And after his diagnosis she thought that practice of living in the moment was going to make all the differen

  • Embracing The Eternal

    02/02/2024 Duración: 14min

    EP #261 - Embracing the Eternal, A solo show with your host, Susan Burrell In this episode of "Empowering Chats" we investigate what it means to be eternal. What does it mean to embrace eternality? You all know me so well by now so you know I always like to give the dictionary definition of the special word I am focusing on. This month that word is "Eternal." And many of the guests that I will be interviewing this month will be around the theme of eternality. So here goes. Eternal is defined as: Without beginning or end. Lasting forever. Occurring again and again. Enduring. Endless. Unchanged by Time. Ask yourself, what if I could embrace my eternal spirit? What if I could live my potential from that eternal spirit? From that space where there is no beginning or end. This is a large concept to take in. What does eternal actually mean to you? Does it mean living a very long life? Eternity is life infinity. It is infinite. That is where I believe potential lives. In the infinite. When I know that I am aligned w

  • The Healing Path for Adoptees

    27/01/2024 Duración: 43min

    EP #260 - The Healing Path for Adoptees, An Interview with Author and Podcast Host, Michelle Madrid. Welcome to this episode of Empowering Chats with Susan Burrell. I have a very special guest today. Her name is Michelle Madrid and she has recently penned a book called, Let Us Be Greater: A Gentle Guided Path to Healing for Adoptees. In her book, Michelle documents her own story of being an International Adoptee who was born in the UK to an English Mom and a Spanish Father. Her biological mom was married with 3 kids. Michelle was the product of her mother’s affair with a Spanish man, her biological father. Ultimately Michelle was placed in foster care in the UK when she was about 8 weeks old. She was eventually adopted by an American Family when she reached her young toddler years. Michelle’s journey to learn how to deal with being an adoptee began when she was in college. She explored her relationship with her biological mom who would often dispense advice like, “C’mon time for you to get a stiff upper lip a

  • Thriving with Cancer

    19/01/2024 Duración: 39min

    EP #259 - Thriving with Cancer, An Interview with Jan Adrian, author and Executive Director of the non-profit, Healing Journeys.   I am not only honored but so grateful to have Jan Adrian as a guest once again on Empowering Chats. I last interviewed Jan about 2 years ago and since that time she has written a memoir entitled, Coloring Outside the Lines, Surviving and Thriving with Cancer for 30+ Years.  In this powerful chat Jan shares her life journey about living with cancer for over 30 years and how she came to understand and accept that she was never going to "beat" the cancer. She learned to accept her diagnosis and the many times it continued to show up in her body, even though her initial response was usually, "Oh S**T" she always found her way to the silver lining. Jan never intended to write a book, she felt there were too many books already written about cancer. However, after much prodding from her friends and those she worked with at her non-profit, Healing Journeys, she realized there had never be

  • Time for Brave Action

    11/01/2024 Duración: 52min

    Ep#258 - Time for Brave Action, An Interview with Life Coach, Clara Chorley   I am honored to welcome, author and life coach, Clara Chorley to Empowering Chats. We jumped right into this chat with a new way of defining bravery. And then pulling apart how to access it in our everyday life. Clara defines bravery by first stating what it is not. It is not what is portrayed in the movies, like the Indian Jones character fighting his enemies in the jungles of South America or the warrior with his sword going off to war to battle the “bad” guys. It is not any of those things but rather something more subtle and powerful. According to Clara true bravery is very personal and can be very complicated. It is personal because only you can know where it is you need to be brave. It is not what society deems to be brave but rather what your inner voice is calling you to be brave about. It is that ever powerful inner knowing of what you need to do to shift, change or enhance your life. This sort of bravery requires you to go

  • Reaching For Your Highest Potential

    04/01/2024 Duración: 14min

    Ep#257 - Reaching For Your Highest Potential, A Solo Show with your host, Susan Burrell. Welcome to 2024. I am excited to jump start 2024 and share with all of you what my team and I came up with for our theme this year. As we were brainstorming at the end of 2023 the word potential kept bouncing around in my head. And so that is how we came to settle on: BE Potential as the theme for Empowering Chats for 2024. The definition of Potential is as follows: Capable of being or becoming. Other words that showed in the definition included: Inherent, hidden, budding future, unrealized and undeveloped. So as you enter this new year I invite you to take a few minutes or more, maybe 15 or 20 to sit in the quiet and listen. If you journal, have that handy as well. And ask yourself: What is my potential? Am I living it?   OR Is it undeveloped? Or hidden? Does it feel safe or daunting to step into my potential? For me personally, I believe that becoming my full potential takes a lot of bravery and courage. And yet as

  • From Cradle to Career

    08/12/2023 Duración: 33min

    Ep#256 - From Cradle to Career - An interview with Nadine Templer, Senior Director of Volunteer Programs for the non-profit, HOPE Worldwide. This is the month of giving and every year in December I like to focus on ways we can give to others in our life that do not necessarily involve material gifts. One of the ways I do this is by including discussions and interviews with people who are involved in the nonprofit world. So in that vein I am honored to introduce Nadine Templer, the Senior Director of Volunteer Programs for the non-profit, HOPE Worldwide. This organization has been around since the 1990s.  It has been serving people since the AIDs epidemic in South Africa. They are an international organization that serves many people all over the world.  Nadine lives in Nepal and works specifically to impact the people of Nepal. For the last 30 years HOPE worldwide has run a sustainable educational program for the poor and under-served children of Nepal. The school teaches the children that are the poorest of

  • The Gift of Giving

    03/12/2023 Duración: 16min

    Ep.# 255 - The Gift of Giving - A Solo Show with your host, Susan Burrell Another year has come and gone. Hard to believe.  As many of you know the theme for this year was, and still is “BE Expansive.” I hope through the many shows we presented this year you have all found ways to expand your minds and tap into your willingness to explore new frontiers and be present with the truth of who you are. Personally, I think that’s a gift that you can give directly to yourself. And speaking of gifts. December is also the month of giving or as I like to say it, “The gift of giving” because when you give to yourself you are also giving to others and when you give to others you are giving to yourself. For the past few years my team and I have gotten together to give assistance to others by way of donating to non-profit organizations. It has been a powerful process for me and for my team to know we are giving to organizations that can assist others. Some of the organizations that I continue to support include: Canine Com

  • Communicating With Your Pets

    24/11/2023 Duración: 36min

    Ep.# 254 Communicating with Your Pets. An Interview with Joan Ranquet. My guest for this episode of Empowering Chats is Joan Ranquet. She has a unique niche in life. She is an animal communicator, an educator, a TEDx Speaker and the author of Emotional Freedom Technique for Animals and their Humans, Creating a Harmonious Relationship through Tapping. I love this book. It is organized and easy to follow. Joan clearly spells out how EFT techniques can be applied to your pets. I asked Joan to explain what EFT is and how she translated it into working with animals. Joan started out as an animal communicator. And what she found was that EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique, worked for her when dealing with high emotions and so she felt it could also be used to help animals. Joan describes EFT as: Tapping with your fingers on a series of acupuncture points which are connected to meridians in your body. And those meridians are connected to organ systems and in Chinese Medicine they believe each organ holds an emotional

  • The Hidden Layers of Infertility

    17/11/2023 Duración: 47min

    I am honored to welcome Maria Novotny and Robin Silbergeid to Empowering Chats. I am honored to have these two women on my show today. They have a powerful story to share and one that appears in the book entitled, Infertilities, A Curation. These two women, along with Elizabeth Horn put this book together as a result of their shared experiences around infertility. It all started with Elizabeth co-finding the ART of Infertility, for which she has curated thirty exhibits since its inception in 2014. Maria is the co-director of The ART of Infertility. This exhibit was the recipient of the 2018 Hope Award for Innovation given by RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association for its work communicating patient experiences through arts programming. And Robin is a writer, a teacher and a scholar who has led many writing workshops and professional conference panels on topics related to infertility. These 3 women collaborated in getting this book put together to highlight how the use of visual art, poetry and creative

  • A Roadmap Through Trauma

    10/11/2023 Duración: 48min

    Emotions is the theme for this month. And I am always fascinated to find out who is going to fit into this theme and what I am going to learn. And for this episode of Empowering Chats, I am honored to introduce Mary Firestone. Mary is an inspirational speaker and an author. Mary is the author of, Trusting the Dawn, How to Choose Freedom and Joy after Trauma. I met Mary at a winery in California when I was personally dealing with my own trauma. And her book spoke to me. It took us a bit to get here – but after I met her, I knew I just had to have her on my podcast. Here's her personal story. This is an excerpt from the introduction to her book: It was more than 5 hours before I was rescued from my bathroom countertop where I huddled wet and pregnant . . . I was shaking from the cold and fear from being trapped by millions of gallons of mud . . . for much of that time I thought my husband and 4-year-old son had been swept away in the mudslide . . . I thought my life was over . . . I watched this river of mud cr

  • The Power of Emotions

    03/11/2023 Duración: 11min

    Ep#251 - The Power of Emotions - A Solo Show with host, Susan Burrell We are now in November. Can you believe it? And our theme for this year of 2023 is BE Expansive. The final letter of “expansive” is the letter “E” representing our focused theme for this month which is “Emotions.” As many of you know I like to look up the formal definition of words and this is no different. So here goes, the dictionary defines “Emotion” as: A strong agitation of the feeling actuated by experiencing love, fear, hate etc. and often accompanied by physiological changes like heart rate or breathing. And so, I ask you, how do you deal with emotions? How do you live your life without being emotionally reactive? I think many of us are emotionally reactive and often do react without thinking about the why. Or even taking the time to process the emotion that caused the reaction in the first place. I believe inner investigation must come first, before we react. This is not easy to do and something I am now consciously working on. I n

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