Chats With Susan Burrell

Unshakably Well



EP #290 - Unshakably Well - An Interview with author and psychotherapist, Rachel Kaplan   I truly love my job. I get to meet so many interesting and fascinating people.  I am thrilled to welcome Rachel Kaplan to Empowering Chats. Rachel is a psychotherapist and the author of “Feel, Heal & Let That Shit Go.” At the tender age of 14 Rachel experienced great trauma when the boy she fell in love with took his life. In her words, she became dead inside and did not know how to process her grief and trauma so she shifted into her very active brain, ignoring her emotions. Then at the age of 16 she started therapy but did not reach full -fledged healing until she reached 18. That is when she knew she wanted to be a therapist. It took her until she hit 37 before she felt like her baseline of self-love was enough. And this was after she had already been a therapist for 10 years. Rachel wrote this book in order to help others work through the necessary pieces that can make the difference between compensating for thei