Ken and Deb Mornings



Begin each day with Ken and Deb in the Morning, a live and local radio broadcast designed to get you going in the right direction. Heard every weekday from 6 to 9 a.m., hosts Ken Brooks and Deb Gustafson will encourage you with Scripture, spark thoughtful conversation on current topics and challenge you to live today for Jesus Christ. Listen for Christian music, news, traffic updates, weather, community events, interviews, features, as well as opportunities for you to participate! Designed to inspire, inform and entertain, Moody Radio's Ken and Deb in the Morning will bring a smile to your face as you dive into your day.


  • Iowa Bible Reading Marathon: A Conversation with Jim and Amy Mitchell

    26/06/2024 Duración: 07min

    You are invited to join others in the Quad Cities Community for the Iowa Bible Reading Marathon. This annual reading through of God's Word began in 2016  when then Iowa Governor Branstad signed a proclamation declaring the Bible is the word of God and should be read aloud in all 99 counties and 100 courthouses in Iowa. Jim and Amy Mitchell have been heading up the reading of God's Word in Davenport since 2017 and invite you out for another full day of hearing the Bible read throughout the day outside the Scott County Courthouse on July 13. Listen forr how you can participate in this year's event and powerful stories from past Bible Marathons on Mornings with Seth and Deb.See for privacy information.

  • Beyond the Label: A Conversation with Mark Dreistadt

    26/06/2024 Duración: 11min

    When is an evangelical not an evangelical? Recent research from Grey Matter and Infinity Concepts shows that people with evangelical beliefs often reject the word "evangelical" to describe themselves. Why is this term seen in a negative light today? CEO of Infinity Concepts unpacks the research while emphasizing the importance of knowing how words are being defined and who is defining them, so we can communicate the gospel with clarity and in truth.See for privacy information.

  • A Prepared Devotional Teaching with Ben Sincock

    25/06/2024 Duración: 10min

    Every Tuesday we hear from an area pastor and ministry leader who prepares a weekly devotional teaching from God's Word to start our day. This week we will introduce a new voice, Pastor Ben Sincock. Ben is the Lead Pastor at First Evangelical Free Church in Moline, and he'll join Seth and Deb to share a teaching from the book of James giving us the pattern and promise of wisdom!See for privacy information.

  • Neighbor, Love Yourself: A Conversation with Bryan Crum

    24/06/2024 Duración: 15min

    How would your perspective on life change if you spent your workday alongside people living out their final days on Earth? Gifted storyteller Bryan Crum has listened to hundreds of stories as a hospice chaplain and shares how they have radically changed his perspective on life. Bryan shines a light on our unique design, encouraging us to take an internal expedition to discover God's purpose and take time in every season to picture our futures. See for privacy information.

  • Trust the Whisper: A Conversation with Kathy Izard

    24/06/2024 Duración: 13min

    Have you experienced a God whisper, that still small voice calling you to follow Him in a faith adventure? Kathy Izard has heard that call from God that led to Charlotte's first permanent, supportive housing for the chronically homeless. In her new book Trust the Whisper, she shares many compelling stories of ordinary people stepping out in faith in response to God's call. You will be inspired and challenged by these good works God has purposed for His children and Kathy will highlight one story that will keep us all from saying, "We're too old!" See for privacy information.

  • A Needed Hope: A Conversation with Dr. Mark Jobe

    21/06/2024 Duración: 12min

    What does the world desperately need today? What are your needs as you listen in to Moody Radio Quad Cities? Does the word "hope" come to mind? With all the chaos, confusion, and uncertainty in our time, a daily need is to be reminded of the sure and certain hope we have in Jesus. This gospel hope is shared each day on Moody Radio and on Friday, we'll hear how that hope is saving and encouraging lives as we visit with Dr. Mark Jobe, President of the Moody Bible Institute. Hear how the ministry of Moody Radio is having gospel impact and how you can be a part of this much-needed communicator of hope!See for privacy information.

  • Asset Based Giving: A Conversation with Rob West

    21/06/2024 Duración: 11min

    What's a creative way to give generously to your church or favorite not-for-profit and save on taxes? Faith and Finance Live's Rob West schools us on asset-based giving on this segment on Mornings with Seth and Deb. Learn how your big gains on the stock market can reap big gains for Kingdom work!See for privacy information.

  • World Refugee Day: A Conversation with Lana Silk

    21/06/2024 Duración: 12min

    Who are some of the most vulnerable people in our world today and how can we be agents of hope and help to them? Lana Silk from Transform Iran will be joining Seth and Deb to discuss how we can provide practical aid, a sense of community, and the hopeful message of Jesus Christ to some of the most vulnerable people in the world today, refugees. Lana will discuss a few common misconceptions about refugees and the reality that becoming a refugee is rarely a choice, but a last resort. On this World Refugee Day let's learn together how to show love and respect to the foreigners among us and respond with compassion to the world's refugees. See for privacy information.

  • Summertime Entertaining: A Conversation with Chef Stephanie Godke

    21/06/2024 Duración: 17min

    Our favorite local Chef Stephanie Godke will usher in the first day of summer by sharing two of her favorite summer salads and give us some tips for summer entertaining! In addition to her special summer recipes, a well-known Quad City celebrity will join the conversation to share a story and a recipe from the recent Aledo Rhubarb Fest!!See for privacy information.

  • What Went Wrong? Russia’s lost Opportunity and the Path to Ukraine: A Conversation with Philip Yancey

    19/06/2024 Duración: 19min

    Optimism for gospel impact burgeoned in1991 when the Russian government invited the Christian Bridge mission to explore bringing Christian faith and morality to Russia. Author Philip Yancey was in that delegation that traveled to Russia with Mission Eurasia founders Peter and Anita Deyneka to respond to this remarkable open-door window. Fast forward to 2024 and we wonder, “What went wrong?” Philip Yancey and John Bernbaum, who founded and led the Russian-American Christian University, examine the brief span from 1991 to 2000 when Westerners and Christians were welcome in Russia and explore what went wrong in their new book. Philip Yancey explores this question offering historical and spiritual perspectives to what is happening in Russia and Ukraine and how we can support our suffering brothers and sisters in Christ.  See for privacy information.

  • Voice of the Martyrs Update: A Conversation with Todd Nettleton

    19/06/2024 Duración: 14min

    What is it like to follow Jesus in some of the most dangerous and difficult places for Christians around the world? Every other Wednesday we hear those stories from the persecuted Church with Todd Nettleton of Voice of the Martyrs. Join this segment with Todd to get caught up on the latest news from the persecuted church and learn about a special day coming up at the end of this month to remember those who have given their lives for the cause of Christ. See for privacy information.

  • Ben Washington Is..Newbie on the Block: A Conversation with Jasmine Mullen

    18/06/2024 Duración: 10min

    Middle School is hard enough without adding a move to a town with a population near nothing. That is the setting for Ben Washington Is.. Newbie On the Block,  a new Moody Books fiction release for your middle schooler. Author Jasmine Mullen will join Seth and Deb to introduce us to this new story highlighting themes of friendship, faith, and finding God in the hard spaces of life. We'll round out the conversation by talking a bit about Jasmine's musical heritage and band!See for privacy information.

  • Why Marriage Works: A Prepared Devotional Teaching with Ed Hedding

    18/06/2024 Duración: 09min

    Why is the number of young people choosing to marry going down? What can be done to encourage young couples to marry? Pastor Ed Hedding has the answer from God's Word as he unpacks why marriage works in this prepared devotional teaching. Take time to be encouraged and excited about God's blueprint for marriage and family!See for privacy information.

  • Editing Jesus: A Conversation with Rick Lawrence

    17/06/2024 Duración: 16min

    Has the contemporary church misrepresented the person and work of Jesus? If so, how? Christian journalist, researcher, and ministry leader Rick Lawrence explores ways the church has edited Jesus to fit the culture, and in doing so, reducing the real Jesus. If you are longing for the church to be relevant again, this critical examination will point out a few ways that Jesus and His message have been diluted and robbed of its transformative power. See for privacy information.

  • Wedding Season for Singles: A Conversation with Lisa Anderson

    17/06/2024 Duración: 14min

    Navigating wedding season can prove challenging when you're a single wanting to be married, newly divorced, or a recent widow.  How do you express genuine joy for the new couple while processing grief, hurt, or disappointment? Lisa Anderson, Director of Young Adults and Boundless at Focus on the Family, joins Seth and Deb to help singles prepare for wedding season. Lisa will also give tips on how we can best support our single friends. See for privacy information.

  • Win Some: A Conversation with Brian Slipka

    14/06/2024 Duración: 13min

    If you win, do I lose? Our guest this morning turns that sports mindset on its head in a fictional story that teaches us life strategies to win in relationships! Business owner and author Brian Slipka began his life re-evaluation following a question his father asked him on his deathbed. Learn how responding to this question resulted in Brian creating a framework of life strategies built on trust and serving others by listening to this conversation on Mornings with Seth and Deb!See for privacy information.

  • Make a Difference Youth Bible: A Conversation with Dr. Ken Castor

    13/06/2024 Duración: 15min

    According to the American Bible Society's latest research, the youngest adults in our society are showing signs of interest in the Bible. This is an encouraging trend and so how do we foster and grow this desire with the teens in our influence? Next-Gen Pastor Dr. Ken Castor is part of a new Bible project that adds dynamic features that help readers understand the gospel, how to love their neighbor, and how to build healthy habits. Take a look with us into the Make a Difference Youth Bible and discover how this new project may be an answer to the teen in your life that is wanting to understand and apply God's Word in their life. See for privacy information.

  • The Young Men We Need: A Conversation with Brant Hansen

    13/06/2024 Duración: 15min

    What is God's purpose for every guy? How is this lived out today? Do you need to be a hunter, ride motorcycles, grill, or fish to be a "real" man? Brant Hansen says he is a self-described nerd who plays the flute and calls all men, with all kinds of interests and backgrounds, to be the man God created them to be. Brant will describe some of the decisions a man needs to make that will set them apart from others and set them on the path to becoming a man of God. This is not about being the stereotypically manly man, but this is a call to be man after God's own heart!See for privacy information.

  • Men's Mental Health Month: A Conversation with Rob Jackson

    12/06/2024 Duración: 13min

    Did you know that men die of suicide at a rate four times higher than women?  What are some possible reasons behind this sobering statistic? Focus on the Family counselor Rob Jackson joins Seth and Deb during this Men’s Mental Health Month to tackle this issue. Rob offers hope and help for supporting the man in your life who may be struggling.  If you have concerns about your or a loved one’s mental health, this conversation offers a resource for the next steps and a brighter tomorrow.See for privacy information.

  • Perspective Shifts: A Prepared Devotional Teaching with Doug Rowland

    11/06/2024 Duración: 13min

    What is God laying on the hearts of our local Pastors to share with our community? Every week it's our privilege to hear from local pastors and ministry leaders and receive a word from God's Word for our day. This week, Doug Rowland from Rock Island Bible Church shares spiritual lessons from a recent trip to Guatemala and some needed perspective shifts that serve as a faith correction.See for privacy information.

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