Topless Learning

  • Autor: R. Richard
  • Editor: Lot's Cave, Inc.
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Barry and Donna graduate from college, as a very poor married couple. Barry then gets a good job, where he's assigned to take a customer couple to a topless restaurant for supper. Topless leads to in the nude for Donna and then sex with customers. The whole situation leads to a nudie bar where Donna and the customer lady are made to dance in the nude and more.


“Barry, all through school I had to listen to other girls talk about how they had gotten felt up by their dates. At that time, I didn’t even have anything to feel! I also wasn’t allowed to wear makeup, even if I could have afforded it. And, my clothes looked like Salvation Army thrift shop, which most of them were. My social life and my sex life was nil.”

Donna smiles gently, then continues, “When we got to college it was even worse, because I did, by then, have something to feel, but I couldn't afford to date. I would have liked to buy the kind of clothes that would have shown the boys that I did have something to feel, but you know all about my, then our, financial situation back in college.”

Then with a, ‘you naughty boy’ finger shake, “You were the only boy who ever really saw my breasts and the only boy who ever really felt my breasts. And you know what happened? I liked it! I was a girl and some nasty boy was finally feeling me up! Of course, by then I had no choice, not that it was so bad. Now you want me to go out to a fancy supper and you want to know if I'll be willing to show my breasts in public? Is that what you want to know?”

(I apologize for the next, rather obvious, lines; they're for the single guys only.)

Donna pounces, “How much can I spend on clothes for the big event? Who do I talk to about the proper fashions? Can we afford to rent a nice car?”

We have a few days before the customer supper and we begin to prepare. Donna talks to a lady at my company, who has actually been to the topless restaurant. Donna and then I have a training supper with Donna wearing only a skirt. I play the customer gesturing Donna to her seat while managing to ‘accidentally’ brush her tit. Donna is a bit flustered at first, but quickly develops a kind of up snoot, ‘watch it buster’ type of expression. She adapts rather quickly to her status, catching me staring at her tits and, way too sweetly, asking, “Oh, did I spill some food on myself?”

I counter by replying, “Actually, I was evaluating your tits. On a scale of zero to 10, I would say you rate about a 12!”

(Actually, I would have to say yes, that our sex life did improve during the topless supper stage. Why do you ask!?)

The night before the big event, we have a sort of undress rehearsal. Donna has purchased a sort of slip dress outfit (on the company!) Actually it's a half-slip, rather than an actual dress. It's a silky, clingy thing with lots of lace. It's also rather short. The effect is incredibly sexy, I would have called it, ‘Whore on fire,’ but Donna would have fainted at the phrase, of course.

Donna poses in the little outfit for me, including a little sort of model pirouette. Then she struts in front of me, managing to get just the right jiggle to her tits. “Do you like it? It's a little outrageous and I call the look, ‘Whore on fire!’”