At Home Behind The Sun

Recovery Talk w/ DJ



This book is a game changer.   I judged it going in, as a I explain early, didn't think it would be relevant for me... I was really wrong.   We had a great conversation and right around the 39-41 minute mark, we get into some heavy issues that I've wrestled with over the last 4 years.   This book offers a great assist, not just some "feel good quotes," to post on the feed, but a real plan and program, a deep mindset to figuring out your shit, becoming aware of its roots and digging them up for a true assessment of its worth and value.   You'll hear DJ reference (or say) several things to the effect of thoughts and emotions that "serve," so give it a good listen and do some soul searching for the habits and decisions that float through your day that do not serve you in the quest to live the best life you possibly can.