Transform Health's Video Podcast

(Audio) Antiobiotic Recovery & Rebuilding of Gut Flora



Antibiotics can help us combat bacterial disease when truly needed. Unfortunately, their use also comes with a COST, as they lower ALL bacteria - both good and bad, indiscriminately. If the illness is viral, taking antibiotics doesn't help the illness, but can lower our immunity. This can set us up for future illnesses, unless we help rebuild our gut flora and restore our immunity. Most of us were not passed down enough beneficial bacteria (good gut flora) from the babyhood because we are in our 3rd or 4th generation of antibiotic use. There was a generational lowering as each group used them. There was also a lack of nursing during the 1950's-1960's, which reduced the transfer of beneficial bacteria, too.* Learn what bacterium and yeast tend to overgrow during antibiotic treatment. You can learn how to protect yourself from them taking over both during and after antibiotic treatment/course through the use of: Probiotics, how to take them during antibiotic use, how to choose a good mixture, don't be scammed