Mamie Taught Me

Episode 006 | Choosing Love Rather Than Fear | Institute For Leadership And Change



Amberly's back from "Spring Break" and talking about how she's choosing to do this work from a place of love instead of fear. What are your fears? Are they actually your fears or someone else's fears? Love is a verb. If you believe that to be true, how do you show "love"? 1. Show Up! If you can't physically be there make a phone call. Being an accomplice and investor in the things people are doing to further their cause. 2. Give People What They Need To Be Great and Grow. Just like you need time, space and energy to be great, so do others. Provide that as support to others. 3. Validate Their Stories. Pass on positive affirmations and good vibes. Like, share and leave comments and reviews for the Institute for Leadership and Change. Thanks for listening! Find Business