, Inc.

9-18-18 SmallCapVoice Interview with Auscrete Corporation (ASCK)



Auscrete Corporation CEO, John Sprovieri, and Mr. Spiro Sapounas who heads up The Canadian Investment Group, called in to (SCV) to provide ASCK shareholders and the SCV listening audience an update on where the Company is at on its path to funding future operations and the current efforts of Spiro and his group of investors. Spiro outlined the need for affordable housing throughout Canada, the advantageous positioning of the factory just north of the border with the US which opens up the Northeast US to importing ASCK’s building products for construction of affordable housing throughout the Northeast, employment brought to the region around the factory, and international opportunities in the Caribbean. Auscrete Corporation (OTC:ASCK) is a building materials manufacturing company and constructor of “GREEN” energy efficient housing and commercial structures built from Auscrete developed lightweight hybrid concrete/insulation wall and roof panels. Structures built of this medium have very low m