Movies N Sh*t

Episode 39: “Not Like This” Returns



This time on Movies N Shit, the fellas talk a lil’ shit about therapy, Ridley Scott, and the Beverly Hills Cop series before discussing Movies They’ve Seen (14:02) since last time, with a special emphasis on the Snyder cut of Justice League (34:37).  TV Talk includes thoughts on the Grammys, Derry Girls, and the NCAA tournament (56:24) and  Entertainment News (41:11) includes notable losses, upcoming trailers, and a brief discussion about the 2021 Oscars (1:21:07).  Then it’s on to this week’s Guess That Rotten Tomato Score yet, DC Extended Universe Edition (1:27:31).  As always, things wrap up with a pair of Hidden Gems (1:38:56) you’ll be glad you checked out after you finished listening to this podcast.  Apologies to our many Lord of the Rings fans… an in depth discussion about the Lord of the Rings reunion with Stephen Colbert has been rescheduled for episode 40.