Design Driven

Justin Maguire III - Salesforce



Salesforce is one of the biggest companies in the world, and they have all kinds of difficult design and engineering problems to solve. How do they do it? J sat down with Justin Maguire III, SVP of Product Design and User Experience, to find out.Guest Bio:I’m an executive level design leader in the area of software, product, and service design concept and delivery to market. With both in-house and agency experience, I specialize in elevating the role of customer centric design practices within organizations and leading globally distributed teams to deliver world class product and service ecosystems to customers.I’m a passionate believer in the power of great cross disciplinary teams to craft products and services which elevate the human condition and drive market performance. I’m driven to work for companies that share this vision and I look to collaborate with leaders across the various parts of these companies to build now for what’s next. This kind of rare alchemy is difficult to achieve and even more