Empowering Artists

Paul Catherall, London Linocuts



Paul Catherall is a London based printmaker known for his bold linocuts of architectural landmarks. His work is instantly recognisable, and in this episode he talks about his career and process. After training in illustration Paul found himself working from project to project until one came along that asked him to produce work that he recognised from early British Rail posters. Coupled with a trip to San Francisco where he found further inspiration, he pursued a stripped back poster style of design, with flat colours and developed it using linocuts. It is a style and process that he has not strayed from despite experimenting with other print techniques over the last twenty years. Referenced in this episode Michael Schwab https://www.michaelschwab.com/ Coventry City of Culture 2021 https://coventry2021.co.uk/ Paul Catherall website https://www.paulcatherall.com/ Paul Catherall Instagram @paulcatherallprints Follow me on Instagram @thegitajoshi Website The Curator's Salon