Empowering Artists

Alasdair Thomson



I talk to Edinburgh based stone sculptor Alasdair Thomson about his  training in Italy working with artigiani and using the time in Italy to study the great masters of the Renaissance. We talk about how his art history background influences his contemporary work as stone sculpture is often considered to be a medium for memorialising, and his use of contemporary subjects to make his work relateable to different audiences. We discuss his preference for Carrara marble over local Scottish stones, and its connection to art history.Alasdair has eschewed the gallery model in recent times, and now prefers to source his own clients who commission him on private projects and brand collaborations.Take a listen.Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/thegitajoshi/Follow Alasdair on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/alasdaircthomson/Join the mailing list HereVisit the website https://thecuratorssalon.com/