Empowering Artists

Hype Yourself - Lucy Werner talks about PR for artists



Lucy Werner from The Wern, a PR agency for small businesses is also the bestselling author of Hype Yourself, A DIY PR Toolkit. In this episode Lucy talks about the various ways that artists can raise their exposure through the media and how to go about it.In this episode she talks about Researching publications to be featured and researching the writers of the columns within those publicationsGetting your online presence in order to manage the potential new traffic to your websiteThe human story; talking about you the the artist is much easier for writers to cover in a story than your art alone.Newsjacking to raise your profileUsing Listings to build an audienceBuy the book HYPE YOURSELF here  - it's a great read and I hugely recommend it to any artist who is ready to get some press coverage.Follow Lucy on Instagram @wernchatFollow me on Instagram @thegitajoshBuy my book SHOW YOUR ARTSee the full post on the website herehttps://thecuratorssalon.com/artist-blog/hype-yourself-lucy-werner-talks-about-pr-for-arti