15-minute Matrix

#160: Mapping Personalized Glycemic Response with Dr. Eran Elinav



Today on our Special Nutrition Therapy Series I’m talking with Dr. Eran Elinav about a personalized approach to glycemic management, weaving together two of my favorite topics--blood sugar balance and individualized nutrition. Dr. Elinav’s research illuminates the physiological importance of embracing the truth that one-size-fits-all rarely works when it comes to dietary recommendations and outcomes. Tune-in and allow Dr. Elinav’s findings to inform your clinical successes! Click here to download the completed Matrix from this week’s episode Click here for Dr. Elinav's publication on Personalized Nutrition by Prediction of Glycemic Responses Check out this fun animation of Dr. Elinav and his colleagues’ research To learn more about the Personalized Nutrition Project Click Here Click here to get your hands on Dr. Elinav’s book ‘The Personalized Diet’ Get 15-Minute Matrix podcast notifications delivered to your inbox!