
The Power of the brain in Sports with Mike Margolies



My name is Mike Margolies. I help prevent people in sports and business from choking! I've worked with thousands of athletes for over three decades. I've taught them about the game within the game. I've trained professional and elite athletes and helped guide many to World Championships, the Super Bowl and recently the World Cup. When you want to be the best that you can be and the one thing you might be missing is the right Mental Game- what can you do? Do you know how to play the game? Mental Toughness is a skill. My work with teams over the years has enabled him to bring his experiences to the corporate world. I've helped nationally recognized companies with the same types of strategies used with sports teams. My book is called “The Athlete within You”: A Mental Approach to Sports and Business. I am a Certified Mental Trainer®, Sport Psychology Consultant, Author, Radio Host, Professional Speaker and so much more. Let me convince you that you should play the game within the game. The Athlete within You is