
005|100 Days



What’s up everyone!? Just dropped a new blog post and podcast (link in my bio) and this week I elaborate on the concept of the 1st 100 days. Earlier this week, I hit my 100 day marker since embarking on this journey. Some of you may have seen that post with the cool selfie lol, but I got a lot of amazing feedback from so many people that I felt compelled to share what the initial startup is like. So many reached out to me about either being in a similar spot or wanting to take that first step, so I highlighted my first 100 days and broke it down so that anyone can get an inside look into what it’s like to take that big first step. The podcast is a real in depth conversation covering all the kinks and perspectives, whereas the blog kind of highlights the talk and gives a more instructional, step by step approach! - Take your pick on which you’d like to learn from (both would be awesome, but a little redundant tbh