15-minute Matrix

#92: Mapping Functional Ferments with Summer Bock



Summer Bock is the queen of ferments. There’s nobody I’d rather speak to on the subject! In today’s episode Summer takes us beyond the culinary attributes of fermented foods and right into their function—the place where they work for us, restoring our microbial diversity and ecosystems for long-term health benefits. Grab a pickle and let’s get started! August 23, 2019 > Click here to download the completed Matrix from this week’s episode > Learn to ferment with Summer in her Fermentation Certification Program! To learn more about ‘feeding your microbiome’, check out these resources: Episode #52 with Dr. Michael Ash Mapping Short-Chain Fatty Acids Episode #13 with Dr. Liz Lipski Mapping Prebiotics ‘Feed Your Microbiome’ - my e-book on your top microbial superfoods!