Anonymous Drama Literature Podcast Series

The Reform of The Calendar



The Reform of The Calendar is a Spanish lingual textbook where it many views the reform of the calendar via transitioning from Gregorian calendar to Galactic 13 moon calendar in this world. Whose to force Gregorian calendar on the world, the media, the church, the corporations, and the governments. Gregorian calendar should have been abolished years ago in this world. You see, that problem with Gregorian calendar these days. Galactic 13 moon calendar is a natural based calendar that is related to cosmic than just indigenous. The Gregorian calendar was created by the masculine using the left-brained logical mind, that in fact goes directly against the natural flow of life plus its so irregular, illogical, and problematic. Galactic 13 moon calendar is more natural, logic and neutral. Stop relying so much on Gregorian calendar time and reform the calendar if you need to.