Anonymous Drama Literature Podcast Series

Mistress Aminda



Mistress Aminda is a 2 act play in Bulgarian about a romantic bound between a deaf mistress named Aminda Grethe and a giant anthropomorphic mouse named Roberti Levigo who came back to life 600 years after his death. Aminda grew up being an orphan in the forest of Denmark. The original concept of Mistress Aminda play was supposed to be about a deaf and or woman with autism who wanted the squeezing machine like Temple Grandin did but instead, Mistress Aminda hides herself in an igloo on a snowy mountain in Germany but Roberti Levigo wanted her to come out of an igloo. At 1st, mistress Aminda was sick of cold and then days later, Mistress Aminda got more sicker and Roberti found out that Mistress Aminda had plague so mistress Aminda died of plague fever.