Movies N Sh*t

Episode 3: Return of the Pod-Racing Podcast



In the third installment of the Movies n Shit podcast, we talk more shit than ever.  Topics include a final Oscar recap (2:05) in which we give you the definitive take on whether Lady Gaga is sleeping with Sack from Wedding Crashers, Spielberg’s blood feud with Netflix (10:10), our weekly Will Smith update featuring the perils of skydiving (20:15), a salute to the last standing Blockbuster on planet earth (32:29), and a reveal of the most amazing movie Kelly’s ever seen in a theater (45:34); we also talk about a flat earth documentary before we discuss Kelly’s sexy Jennifer Aniston dream, after which we inevitably descend into madness (104:37); all that plus a plethora of personal shout outs and email requests.  Bon a petit!