Columbus Baptist Church's Podcast

47 Acts 14:1-7 Stand or Flee



Title: Stand or Flee Text: Acts 14:1-7 FCF: We often struggle to courageously stand for the gospel without being foolish. Prop: Because the gospel’s polarizing effect leads to severe opposition, we must stand against false teaching but wisely preserve our life if we are permitted to. PG - Lycaonia (Lie; K; own; ya), namely Lystra (Lie; struh) and Derbe. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts chapter 14. In a moment we’ll begin reading in verse 1 from the LSB. You can follow along in the pew bible on page 1248 or in whatever version you prefer. Last week we saw the second leg of Paul and Barnabas’ missionary journey come to a close. After traveling to Cyprus and then to Pamphylia, they found themselves in the city of Pisidian Antioch, where they continued their practice of preaching to Jews in the local synagogue. However, things quickly went south as the Jews grew jealous of the influence of the Christians and incited prominent men and women to run them out of town. They tra