Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

Secrets Beneath Scars – Cyndi Brec



Secrets Beneath Scars Cyndi Brec As a child, Cyndi Brec is a Christian who grew up struggling through school. She was diagnosed with learning disabilities and dyslexia and had to attend the “learning disabilities class.” But she never let that hold her back. She became a “Recreational Therapy Technician” that helped the mentally challenged elderly folks – and she has incorporated some of those experiences into her stories as well. Fast forward and she met and married the man of her dreams, and they purchased a 200 year old mill and built their home out of a “blacksmith shop.”  That’s not something you see everyday. Amen! Cyndi enjoys her writing and sets a struggling, affection and tension building pace in her writings. Full of conspiracies, intrigues and little twists on historical facts mixed in. All of this involves the mysterious ancient world in her “Theran’s Series.”  Her first book in the series is titled, “The Secrets Beneath Scars.” Although not released as of today, as we do this interview, I’m sure