The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast | 10x Your Impact, Your Income & Your Influence

EP571: TL Nuggets #160 - Ezra Levant - The Power Of An Authentic Brand



“Really, you have a hand full of decision makers that would tell the story: the narrative. And they’re all part of a little club. But we broke that cartel with citizen journalism.” “You might say, ‘What’s their level of professionalism?’ Well they know how to point a camera, and the reason why that’s important is that people can see for themselves.”In a world inundated with false narratives and charlatan marketers, let's advocate for a return to principles based on truth, urging everyone to defund mainstream media and support independent outlets like Rebel News. The psychological impact of going along with false narratives and encourages listeners to seek out alternative sources of information.The landscape of news has shifted dramatically. Now, anyone with a cell phone can capture and share stories, ensuring that the truth isn't just in the hands of a select few. Unlike major media outlets, we're not part of some exclusive club. We break the mold by empowering citizen journalists and relying on your support