The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast | 10x Your Impact, Your Income & Your Influence

EP561: TL Nuggets 155 - Raymond Aaron The Magic Of Artificial Intelligence



“You can either catch the wave or get crushed by it.”“There is no human as good as a human who uses AI.”Ask yourself this: "How can I do this better with AI?" Seriously, it's a game-changer.Remember back in early January 2023 when Chat GPT went public? That was a monumental moment. And guess what? Chat GPT isn't just for tech wizards or big companies. It's for everyone. Anyone can use it. The growth of Chat GPT has been incredibly fast. It's been faster than anything we've ever seen before. Talk about disruptive! This AI powerhouse is set to impact every single industry out there. That's how big of a deal it is.If you're not learning about AI, you're setting yourself up for failure in the business world. It's that crucial. But don't get overwhelmed. AI isn't just about algorithms and data. It's about unlocking possibilities you never thought possible. Things like making movies, healing wounds, or even planning your next epic road trip. AI can do all that and more.Ever heard of Brainchild Coaching Certificatio