
Stan, are you still in the business of teaching people that fear kills everything? Here's the story about that!



Some of the words of ancient wisdom were, "there's a time for everything, a time for peace and a time for war."  Well could it be that our life and business are now I'm going to be affected in some way by the fact that there's a lot of war going on in our world today, and the threat is that it not only will continue but grow. Obviously the people of Israel, this has affected everything and everybody, but there is a very good chance that this will affect you and your business in someway..l and there's a possibility that you might need some extraordinary courage strength and wisdom to help you figure out what to do. Maybe I can help you Yes that was a question I just got up, are you still in the business of teaching people that fear kills everything.  I think I am, and indeed there are a number of things that are very fearful so perhaps I can help you, to be brave and courageous anyhow! Thanks Stan