Midnight At The Bright Ideas Bookstore: A Novel

When a bookshop patron commits suicide, his favorite store clerk must unravel the puzzle he left behind in this “intriguingly dark, twisty” (Kirkus Reviews) debut...

Criação De Sites - O Manual Que Faltava

Você acha que precisa de exército de programadores experientes para construir um website? Pense novamente. Com um simples computador, um pouco de ambição e este livro, é...

Domestic Violets

“Hystericaland often touching. . . . Domestic Violets is a fast, fun, hilariousread." —Jessica Anya Blau, critically-acclaimed author of The Summer of Naked Swim...

The Spy House

In the fifth electrifying thriller featuring Will Cochrane, the Intelligence agent must solve the unsolvable: How did four international agents working on a super-secret mission...

Love May Fail

An aspiring feminist and underappreciated housewife embarks on an odyssey to find human decency and goodness—and her high school English teacher—in New York Times...

Self-Esteem, 3rd Ed. Low Price

Do you wake up dreading the day?Do you feel ciscouraged with what you've accomplished in life?Do you want greater self-esteem, productivity, and joy in daily living?If so, you...

Matt Sprouts And The Curse Of The Ten Broken Toes

After accidentally injuring his neighbor, Matt Sprouts thinks he has "the Curse,” a hometown myth that ruins middle schoolers’ lives. To defeat the Curse, Matt...

Abalado, Jamais Destruído

A vida nunca foi tão incerta. As mudanças nunca foram tão rápidas. Quando olhamos ao nosso redor - As notícias à noite, os jornais da manhã ou uma simples conversa casual...

Teologia Pública Reformada: Uma Visão Abrangente Para A Vida

Com tantas vozes e opiniões distintas, nunca foi tão necessário desenvolver uma cosmovisão bíblica que englobe todas as áreas da vida.Assim, surgiu a teologia pública: uma...

Ephesians - Complete Bible Commentary Verse By Verse

This is another volume in the series of Bible Commentaries of Matthew Henry.In this Volume, the entire text of the Ephesians is commented with notes of each chapter are easy to...

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