¿cómo Me Visto?
  • Por Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand
  • Editor: Theah Editora e Produtora Ltda

¡Camisas, pantalones, calcetines y zapatos, hay tantos tipos de ropa! En ¿Cómo me visto? aprenderá sobre los tipos de ropa que la gente viste en ocasiones diferentes. (Shirts,...

What Should I Wear?
  • Por Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand
  • Editor: Theah Editora

Engaging art and simple sentences explain to young learners what to wear during the day. If it's raining outside make sure to grab an umbrella along with your raincoat and boots....

Sometimes I Feel
  • Por Karen Mitzo Hilderbrand
  • Editor: Theah Editora e Produtora Ltda

How do you feel today? Young readers will realize that all the different feelings they experience throughout the day are common! From feeling happy to sad, to silly or mad, cute...