Darash Chai - Seek Life!



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  • S2 E24: The Downward Spiral – Job 18-19

    01/12/2022 Duración: 48min

    Round and round the condemning thoughts go. Accusing and condemning and circling around and around without ceasing. Bildad is back and this time he is pulling no punches. The tactic that Bildad takes in attacking Job is all too common. How can we ensure that we don't fall into the pattern of Bildad when confronted with those who are on the downward spiral?

  • S2 E23: The Probability Doctrine – Job 15-17

    17/11/2022 Duración: 41min

    At this point in the book of Job we begin to encounter a lot of repetition. Everything that is being said seems to have been said already? Why is it that this ancient scroll would spend so much ink rehashing these same arguments over and over? Unless there is something of profound importance that we can learn from the nuances that are found in the midst of this repetition.

  • S2 E22: Turn the Page – Job 12-14

    11/11/2022 Duración: 45min

    The three friends of Job have had their say. Each of them have been less than helpful in their own way. For the next three chapters Job responds to the friends and in doing so we see him turn the page on his grief. Through some subtle clues we find that Job is no longer in the stage of depression. He is moving on as the reality sets in, and as he finds a closer target for his anger than God.

  • S2 E21: Dogma and the Depressed – Job 11

    03/11/2022 Duración: 34min

    When attempting to help a person who is dealing with grief and depression, it can often feel like the process is taking too long. At some point the temptation arises to take a hard line with the person that is suffering. To lay out the simple facts that you feel you can see clearly. This is is the tactic that Tsophar takes with Job in this chapter and as we will see, the dogmatic solution can cause more harm than good.

  • S2 E20: The Cycle of Depression – Job 9-10

    27/10/2022 Duración: 55min

    As Job continues to be challenged by his friends we see one of the more common issues that people face with depression. The continuous cycle of negative thoughts that seem unescapable. Round and round the mind goes, trodding the same old paths over and over again until the path become nothing more than a rut. Stuck in this cycle, Job repeats so many of the thoughts that have come previously. And yet, in this midst of this, Job takes a slight turn. Only a little one, but when you are in a rut, it only takes one small turn to begin to escape.

  • S2 E19: When Tradition Meets Life – Job 8

    08/09/2022 Duración: 38min

    As Job's friends continue to counsel him after the great losses that he has suffered, they continue to go back to the tried and true understanding of God that is contrary to Job's lived experience. Bildad, like Eliphaz before, points to the current understanding of God as the only way to interpret Job's circumstances, and in doing so he pushes just a bit further. Now, instead of it being Job's own understanding of God, Bildad points to the tradition of their fathers.

  • S2 E18: When Theology Meets Life – Job 6-7

    01/09/2022 Duración: 58min

    The stages of grief are fairly well documented, and in this chapter we see the initial shift in Job from Depression to Bargaining. In the midst of this change we also catch sight of something significant. Job's own theology prior to the events of this book were in line with what Eliphaz preached to him. A small part of what makes this all so difficult is that Job is being forced, through his circumstances, to reevaluate his own ideas of who God is.

  • S2 E17: Consoling with Prosperity – Job 4-5

    25/08/2022 Duración: 47min

    When our friends are suffering we all want to ease their pain in some way. But all too often we don't know what to say, and our words, often, end up not helping. In the book of Job we are presented with several archetypes of unhelpful counsel in the face of tragedy. In these chapters we encounter the first. Eliphaz. Eliphaz offers counsel that so many of us have tried to offer, but in the end, it just falls short.

  • S2 E16 – The Depths of Grief – Job 3

    18/08/2022 Duración: 47min

    Grief is a terrible fact of life. Every single person who lives any length of time will have to deal with grief. The Bible recognizes this fact and gives insight into the process of dealing with grief. Job lost everything. And this book is an exploration of how those who believe in God can go about dealing with grief. Job chapter 3 is the initial lament. A moment of utter despair. A world without hope or light.

  • S2 E15 – The Challenge of Grief – Job 1-2

    11/08/2022 Duración: 54min

    As the book of Job opens we are introduced to a man who is on top of the world. He has everything that he could possibly desire. And into this blessed life comes a series of great tragedies. Each one on their own would be devastating, but these tragedies compound and compile until all that Job is left with is his life, and his grief. This book presents many challenges to the reader, but none are so applicable as the example of how to handle overwhelming hardship.

  • S2 E14 – Intro to the Book of Job

    04/08/2022 Duración: 45min

    The book of Job is shrouded in mystery. No one knows who the author is, the dialog throughout the book is written in beautiful Hebrew poetry, and there are endless debates as to the identity of Job. The beauty of Job is not found in these academic questions, however, and is rather found in the themes that Job addresses. Topics of suffering, faith, wisdom, counsel, tragedy, trauma, and more.

  • S2E13- The Conclusion-Ecclesiastes 12

    30/06/2022 Duración: 50min

    The final chapter of Ecclesiastes features one last poem before coming to the conclusion of the matter. This poem focuses on a topic that has already been covered in the book and it's subject is one of the more common subjects of poetry to this day. The end of life experience. Unlike much modern poetry, however, the point that Qohelet makes is one that points us to God.

  • S2E12- The Longview-Ecclesiastes 11

    23/06/2022 Duración: 50min

    Once again, here near the end of Ecclesiastes we run into a chapter that seems to be simply a series of proverbs that, on the surface, are not connected to each other. But when we really dig into these proverbs and the ideas that they represent we find a pattern that coalesces together into a series of coherent and connected thoughts on how to approach life.

  • S2E11- Kings and Fools-Ecclesiastes 10

    17/06/2022 Duración: 46min

    When it comes to exploring the philosophy of life, there are a lot of little proverbs that a wise man will latch on to. In this chapter we find this at play. A series of proverb after proverb that seems to meander through several different points, but throughout each two characters seem to continually make an appearance. The king and the fool. Pray that they don't both coincide in your life.

  • S2E10- The Great Equalizer-Ecclesiastes 9

    09/06/2022 Duración: 50min

    Last chapter the Preacher contemplated the limits of Wisdom. In this chapter, he continues to examine the limits of the human experience. While wisdom is a trait that everyone has to various degrees, the hard limit of death is one

  • S2E9- The Depths of Wisdom -Ecclesiastes 8

    02/06/2022 Duración: 49min

    Throughout the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon speaks of wisdom often. It is good, desirable, and makes life easier, yet it leaves those who have it in sorrow and grief. It is not until now that Solomon stops to examine wisdom

  • S2E8- Between the Extremes -Ecclesiastes 7

    26/05/2022 Duración: 01h17s

    The world is full of extremes and throughout Ecclesiastes, Solomon explores the realm of the extremes. Wisdom and Foolishness. Righteousness and Wickedness. Rich and Poor. Life and Death. Even past and future are extremes. Extremes are all around us and

  • S2E7- Unending Appetites -Ecclesiastes 6

    12/05/2022 Duración: 39min

    As we continue through Ecclesiastes we find Qoheleth continuing to discern the meaning of life from a materialistic viewpoint. What lasting meaning is there to be found in life when the human appetite is never truly satisfied.

  • S2 E6: Watch Your Mouth – Ecclesiastes 5

    05/05/2022 Duración: 40min

    James 3:5 – So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! Chapter 5 of Ecclesiastes features a unique set of verses in

  • S2 E5: Oppression, Trauma, and Unity – Ecclesiastes 4

    28/04/2022 Duración: 50min

    As Ecclesiastes continues, the author begins to delve into more diverse topics and ways of examining life. As he does, he touches on some issues that are hot in our current culture. As we examine these topics as described in

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