Albuquerque Business Podcast



This is the Albuquerque Business Podcast with your host Jason Rigby. Each week we interview leading local business leaders to inspire the vision and the spirit that is in every entrepreneur. We discuss strengths, weakness, strategies, systems and the problems we can all solve together to fulfill a shared vision of a new future for Albuquerque.


  • Why Do We Blame Others And Play The Victim?

    21/01/2023 Duración: 10min

    When we are caught in the act of doing something we know is wrong, our first reaction is usually to deny responsibility and to shift the blame onto someone else. This is known as “blame shifting” or “projection.” Blame shifting is a common defense mechanism used by narcissists and other manipulative people to avoid taking responsibility for their own actions. There are many reasons why we might shift blame onto others. We might do it to protect ourselves from feeling guilty or ashamed. We might do it to avoid being held accountable for our actions. Or, we might do it to manipulate others into feeling sorry for us. Regardless of the reason, blame-shifting is a harmful habit that can lead to a perpetual victim mindset. If you find yourself constantly shifting blame onto others, it’s time to take a step back and do some self-reflection. Please go to where you can get show notes, resources, and links to everything we talked about today to help you navigate your journey as an entrepreneur and bu

  • How to Coach Yourself to Overcome Self Limiting Beliefs

    20/01/2023 Duración: 10min

    Self-limiting beliefs are those doubts we all have about ourselves that prevent us from achieving our full potential. They are often based on our past experiences or assumptions about our abilities. These beliefs can be damaging and hold us back from reaching our goals. However, the good news is that they can be overcome with effort and self-awareness. Are you ready to learn how to overcome your self-limiting beliefs? Keep listening to find out! Please go to where you can get show notes, resources, and links to everything we talked about today to help you navigate your journey as an entrepreneur and business owner in ABQ. Follow me on Instagram at @abqjasonrigby  or Twitter at @abqjasonrigby also sign up for our email list where I drop business & marketing secrets to help your ABQ Business!  

  • Stop Complaining And Start Being Awesome

    19/01/2023 Duración: 11min

    At some point, we've all been on the receiving end of a complaint. But have you ever stopped to wonder why people complain? It turns out that there are a number of reasons why people might complain, including emotional regulation, mood, and personality. So next time you're feeling the urge to complain, take a moment to consider why you're doing it. Please go to where you can get show notes, resources, and links to everything we talked about today to help you navigate your journey as an entrepreneur and business owner in ABQ. Follow me on Instagram at @abqjasonrigby  or Twitter at @abqjasonrigby also sign up for our email list where I drop business & marketing secrets to help your ABQ Business!

  • How to Walk Away & Let Go.

    18/01/2023 Duración: 13min

    It's a question we all ask ourselves at some point: why do we stay in relationships that are bad for us? Whether it's a toxic friendship or a hurtful romantic relationship, it can be hard to let go of something that we've invested so much time and energy into. There are plenty of reasons why we might hold onto these types of relationships. Maybe we convince ourselves that things will get better or that the person will change. Perhaps we're afraid of being alone or we don't want to start over. Or maybe we just don't know how to let go. Whatever the reason, it's important to remember that we always have a choice. We can choose to stay in a bad relationship or we can choose to walk away. And sometimes, the best decision is the one that's the hardest to make. Please go to where you can get show notes, resources, and links to everything we talked about today to help you navigate your journey as an entrepreneur and business owner in ABQ. Follow me on Instagram at @abqjasonrigby  or Twitter at @ab

  • How to Hire High Achievers.

    17/01/2023 Duración: 11min

    High achievers are the key to any successful business. They are the ones who drive innovation, lead teams, and create value. But how do you find them? And once you find them, how do you keep them? Here are a few things to consider when hiring and retaining high achievers: 1. Look for people who are passionate about their work. They should be the ones who are always looking for new challenges and ways to improve. 2. Look for people who are not afraid to take risks. High achievers are often the ones who are willing to step outside their comfort zones and try new things. 3. Look for people who are always learning. The best way to retain high achievers is to provide them with opportunities to learn and grow. This can be done through training, mentorship, or even just encouraging them to read industry news and blogs. 4. Look for people who are team players. High achievers know that they can't do it all alone. They are the ones who are always looking for ways to collaborate and build relationships. 5. Look for peop

  • Why Does Rejection Hurt? | How to Handle When Somebody Says NO.

    16/01/2023 Duración: 07min

    Rejection can be a difficult experience to deal with, and it is not uncommon to feel overwhelmed by the hurt and disappointment of being turned down. While we may never be able to completely eradicate the pain of rejection, understanding why it hurts so much can help us find better ways of dealing with it. By exploring the hidden strategies behind rejection, we can gain insight into our own self-awareness and learn how to handle rejection in healthier ways. Through this process of self-discovery, we can begin to heal from the pain of social rejection. Please go to where you can get show notes, resources, and links to everything we talked about today to help you navigate your journey as an entrepreneur and business owner in ABQ. Follow me on Instagram at @abqjasonrigby  or Twitter at @abqjasonrigby also sign up for our email list where I drop business & marketing secrets to help your ABQ Business!

  • Why Am I in a Bad Mood? | How to Overcome it.

    15/01/2023 Duración: 20min

    In this podcast, we will explore the psychology behind bad moods, how to become more self-aware of our emotions, and what spiritual, leadership, and neuroscience techniques can be used to help us get out of a funk. We will also discuss different strategies that can be used to improve our mental well-being. By understanding why we are in a bad mood and taking steps to improve our emotional health, we can learn how to better manage our feelings and create a more positive outlook on life. Please go to where you can get show notes, resources, and links to everything we talked about today to help you navigate your journey as an entrepreneur and business owner in ABQ. Follow me on Instagram at @abqjasonrigby  or Twitter at @abqjasonrigby also sign up for our email list where I drop business & marketing secrets to help your ABQ Business!

  • Don't Set Goals Part 4

    14/01/2023 Duración: 08min

    Why you have failed in your goals? How to make systems that work and are easy? When should I make a new system? Where do I start in my personal and business life for creating systems?  Please go to where you can get show notes, resources, and links to everything we talked about today to help you navigate your journey as an entrepreneur and business owner in ABQ. Follow me on Instagram at @abqjasonrigby  or Twitter at @abqjasonrigby also sign up for our email list where I drop business & marketing secrets to help your ABQ Business!

  • Why You Blame Yourself. | The Apex of Emotional Abuse.

    13/01/2023 Duración: 08min

    Rather than viewing self-blame as an obstacle to progress, it’s important to recognize it as an opportunity for learning and growth. Self-acceptance is key in this process, as it helps us become more authentic versions of ourselves. By embracing our flaws and weaknesses, we can learn from them and become better individuals in the process. We can also use self-blame as a tool to identify areas where we need improvement and work on them accordingly. Please go to where you can get show notes, resources, and links to everything we talked about today to help you navigate your journey as an entrepreneur and business owner in ABQ. Follow me on Instagram at @abqjasonrigby  or Twitter at @abqjasonrigby also sign up for our email list where I drop business & marketing secrets to help your ABQ Business!

  • The Freedom of Being YOU | What is Authentic Freedom

    12/01/2023 Duración: 06min

    Authentic freedom is the ability to be yourself without fear or judgment. It is a state of self-awareness and acceptance that allows you to live your life with purpose and passion. Authentic freedom comes from understanding your spiritual, emotional, and mental needs, and realizing that you have the power to make choices that are in alignment with those needs. With authentic freedom comes a sense of liberation, a feeling of being liberated from the constraints of society or other external influences. Genuine freedom is about finding your true self and living in harmony with it. It is an empowering journey that can lead to greater fulfillment and joy. Please go to where you can get show notes, resources, and links to everything we talked about today to help you navigate your journey as an entrepreneur and business owner in ABQ. Follow me on Instagram at @abqjasonrigby  or Twitter at @abqjasonrigby also sign up for our email list where I drop business & marketing secrets to help your ABQ

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