Intimateconversationspodcast's Podcast



Intimacy Expert Allana Pratt inspires open hearted living, with delicious sass that awakens the best in a man. Featured on CBS, TLC & FOX, this cum laude graduate of Columbia University is the Author of 3 books. She’s a coach to celebrities is and the Host of the sexy empowering show “Intimate Conversations LIVE”. After working with thousands of men who struggle with fear of rejection in the aftermath of a harsh breakup, Allana helps them learn how to date again and find lasting love. She heals men’s emasculated hearts, cures their ‘nice guy’, and awakens their ‘noble badass’ so they can create hot, healthy intimate relationships.Allana’s passionate devotion to helping men reclaim their freedom and personal power is rooted in her own experience. Allana grew up insecure, ashamed of her body and afraid of men. She endured a brutal custody battle that threatened to compromise her joy, softness and feminine power. Yet Allana sat in the fire embracing the experience as a spiritual teacher. She emerged more courageously vulnerable and radiantly loving than ever before.Allana’s joy for life is contagious. She savors being a mother and pole dances for pleasure. She challenges and inspires her clients to be unapologetically true to themselves, and to bow in reverence to their exquisite spiritual and sexual nature.


  • How To Become The Person Who Attracts Love In

    29/12/2021 Duración: 35min

    OMG I love her. She's my tribe! She GETS it! We agree that relationships are a sacred Petri dish of growth and evolution! We spoke of what it really takes to be confident from the inside out, what it takes to consciously uncouple (and exactly what to say) and how to unhook from sabotaging behaviors, addictions and limiting beliefs to attract your ideal partner WHILE not being attached or even looking. We have 20 yrs of living in LA in common... you'll love how life shifted her into her happy place and me too! You will love the energy and aliveness of this conversation and be sure to take a moment to reflect and take ONE action when you're done listening that will shift things positively for you. HUGE love! --------------------------------- p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a quick, simple yet effective assessment so you can discover how to have the sexual freedom, healthy communication, and deep connection you deserve -  Gentlemen - End the Fear

  • How To Achieve Limitless Abundance

    22/12/2021 Duración: 49min

    So glad to have the opportunity to get to know a new sister better, Makhosi and I met through Mavericks and I wanted to share her powerful story with you. I had no ideas that Intimacy was where she started rising to the top of a sex toy multi level marketing company all the way through mystery schools to becoming a Zulu Shaman and following euphoria to live in the flow. Now she guides her clients in embracing both their genius and challenge at the same time, helping them to receive support and value asking for help. She reminds us that when we receive support, we can not only live in OUR genius, we invite others to expand THEIR genius. She brings spiritual ideas into practical teachings. She's a Shaman yes, yet also a down to earth mom, wife and woman. I loved how her hubby was off camera when she was praising him... so beautiful to see her glow about him as a father and provider. Enjoy ;-) --------------------------------- p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a quick, simple y

  • Mastering Your Self Trust

    15/12/2021 Duración: 48min

    Damn I love this woman. And she's 20 weeks glowing in pregnancy! I love how this embodiment expert is being gentle with her growing hips and thighs, how she's reframing her worth... she used to derive so much fulfillment and worth from being productive... yet with being pregnant she's seeing that her worth is way beyond what she accomplishes... she's a radiant gift just because she exists. She shared how she and Caleb use ownership language "I'm feeling..." rather than accusations to dig or poke each other. They ask, Do you have the capacity to listen now? which honors the other and gives them the space to choose now or later. We spoke of being an internal or external processor and being in allowance if your partner has a different style than your own. We spoke of the power of radical self trust and even had a shared Ah-ha about how to deal with conflict! And although she's the pregnant one, at the end she helped ME remember what I had forgotten... hysterical. You will LOVE this conversation. xoxoxo   ------

  • Sex, Love, & Goop, Ian Ferguson

    08/12/2021 Duración: 01h02min

    What a wonderful reconnection after so many years with Ian, the partner of my dear friend Jaiya. How extraordinary to hear his journey of being seen 100% and being his authentic truthful loving self, releasing control or desire to change another, speaking forthright and working through his own shame or fear of not being enough. His story regarding the transformation and awakening of his kink and how that expanded the erotic blueprint into 5 categories was inspiring.... energetic, sensual, sexual, king kink, and shape shifter. The building of their huge coaching certification practice was also breathtaking. He was deeply moved by the framework they've created and impact they are making with the reversal of the patriarchal view of sex and soulful commitment to dismantle that...  The Netflix special Sex, Love & Goop is such an honoring of their stand to encourage people to remember they are whole and complete already with nothing to heal... that we all deserve to have our needs met sexually, to trust our hel

  • Getting to Zero, Jayson Gaddis

    01/12/2021 Duración: 43min

    Woah. I never learned what I learned today in all my 20 yrs of study. Jason and I concurred on many items and issues regarding the importance of learning to feel. That conflict is good for development, part of life, that it's essential to learn how to better communicate AND that there is no perfect conflict free relationship out there. We agree that it's important to resolve conflict as quickly as possible WHILE honoring each other's 'animal'. We agreed with what he calls a 'Stand for 3' for self, other and the relationship. We agree that we keep repairing the relationship until we're back to 'zero'... where we feel good and are connected again. Yet HERE is where he blew my mind (oh, in addition to his epic spoken word at the end of the podcast xox)... when two people are triggered he said we can actually resolve it faster when in the presence of each other... when keeping eye contact (not freaky non stop, but in general), by breathing , even by moving closer (YIKES!) and by owning it. Here's my part. I'm bei

  • Choose Her Every Day (Or Leave Her)

    24/11/2021 Duración: 52min

    DAMN having a great brother from another mother is a gift. Bryan with a 'y' is the real deal, he's humble and magnificent, vulnerable and courageous, connected to himself and connected to Silvy. We've shared exquisite intimate conversations on podcasts for years... and they truly get deeper, broader, wider and more glorious each year. I'm especially moved by this conversation's depth around brotherhood. I honor the work Bryan and his long time friend Tate do for men. Men need men. Yes women can awaken their masculine grandeur... yet there's a vital part that only men can inspire in other men. I honestly can't wait to send my son to Bryan's retreats one day. I trust him completely. May his latest book be one you buy right now and read if you're single or in relationship... the words, the energy and the fact that Bryan walks his talk... will ignite truth, heart, bravery and openness within you. Enjoy.   --------------------------------- p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a quick

  • Sex, Love, & Yoga with Dr. Cat Meyer

    17/11/2021 Duración: 49min

    What a delicious erotic sensual goddess Dr. Cat is. I love her openness, her invitation to us to enjoy the pleasure of flirting while also using our voice, communicating our choices, trusting ourselves, having aligned boundaries and asking for help and support along the way of our heart's truest journey. From her upbringing where her truth's felt misunderstood to LA where her conscious community and friendships encourage her fullest expression, she's turned her life's journey into her life's work as a therapist. She's currently delighted by the work she's doing with women around desire, flirting, eroticism and how it awakens more creativity, vibrancy and energetic renewal. We discussed sensuality vs sexuality, how to be with men, women, non binary in a way that's honoring of those we desire to play with... without sabotaging our own boundaries. She gave us a play by play of a recent date she was on and literally how she shared her truth in a way that supported the other in not taking it personally. She encour

  • Spiritual Guidance and Wisdom

    10/11/2021 Duración: 48min

    Wow... such a profound conversation, connection, dance. Manex's life journey is, as the Sphinx Code illuminates, is one of learning to integrate his 'Justice' card... being in integrity with his truth... not the moral integrity of what society pushes upon us... instead the energetic reading from within of what enlivens us or depletes us, what contributes to us or takes us off path, what energy nourishes our truest self and what drains us regardless of what society says. We spoke of his relationship journey and how he literally DREAMED a relationship that hadn't existed on the planet... and SHE arose... Our soul knows. We know. Yet can we honor respect trust and choose what we know? Can we write it down and give it to life to mirror back to us? Can we trust what we FEEL and how we'll BE our best self in this relationship? Can we let go of what we'll get and GIVE of our trust nature and allow this person to arise? AND can we keep putting one foot in front of the other until we meet them? Allow this conversation

  • Why You Shouldn’t Outsource Your Spiritual Sovereignty

    03/11/2021 Duración: 42min

    OMG what an inspiration! Lopa is REAL. She GETS it. She does her work AND allows herself to be used by Spirit to uplift humanity... through Rasa. Her journey will invite you to KNOW that your path is guiding you exactly where you need to go to BE YOU. The story of her shift in sexuality in her marriage is WOW. The humor with which she shares about her boys demanding her presence is sensational. The way she chooses to LEAD her company, TALK to the consciousness of her business and LEAN IN to the business as her spiritual practice is inspiring as shit. She makes me desire to support her, to be fuel in her sails, to champion her vision. She's living her passion AND helping people be healthier, have the energy they desire, awaken their libido. AND the vision she has at the end of the conversation? DONE! Don't you see it as done? You will love this conversation. Let it awaken your loving mark on the world. xox --------------------------------- p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a

  • Conscious Uncoupling, Katherine Woodward Thomas

    27/10/2021 Duración: 49min

    Ahhh... SO GOOD to reconnect with this divine sister and wise woman Katherine after so many years. She's known for her Calling in the One and her Conscious Uncoupling programs and books. We danced a beautiful dance aligning with encouraging people to take a deliberate stand for a new future... I call that Choice. Katherine's poetic as she speaks, catching a possibility and co creating a new future relationship by taking responsibility that we are the Source. AND that we need each other. To our badass selves this may rock our world, yet together we can be better... interdependence... co-creation. I agree with her exquisite sentiment that it's a privilege to love each other. Connecting with our bodies, our little one's inside, and asking Sweet Body, Sweet Thing, Sweet Heart... what are you feeling? needing? I'm here. I'm listening. I've got you... this is pure nectar for the Soul and supports us in re-choosing actions that honor and support us and our relationships. We CAN thrive. We CAN share in glorious love.

  • How to have Sexually Thriving Relationship, Jeff Abraham

    13/10/2021 Duración: 01h06min

    OMG, I've met such a soul tribe brother!!!! Jeff is heart-centered and deep while being wildly exuberant about life, being a Dad, a successful CEO, and an amazing lover. Promescent is born from such a scientifically sound foundation while being aligned with the US here at in that sexuality is sacred, it's our birthright, it keeps us juicy alive creative, and vibrant. Communication is key and these products support closing the 'arousal gap' which you'll learn more about in our conversation. Their products support people in dissolving anxiety and deepening intimacy. Jeff's amazing with tips on how to keep the foreplay going all day long communicatively and physically with their products. We shared how we're aligned in raising our sons regarding healthy sexuality as well as how we learned things from our parents that didn't work in relationships... and both enjoy the fruits of doing the inner and outer work to have sexually thriving relationships. And we even shed a tear at the end... thi

  • Awaken Sacred Sexuality, Kat Harris

    06/10/2021 Duración: 46min

    I swear my Podcast delights my soul to the max! Meeting Kat is SUCH a gift! She GETS it and although we have different boundaries of sex before marriage or not... our hearts, souls, bodies, truths, and femininity is in pure alignment. Her story of being a Christian and questioning, researching, listening to her heart, devouring science, being single in NYC... ALL of it brought her to one conclusion. LISTEN to the podcast to find out what she chooses with sex, penetration, oral, anal, etc as she honors ALL of life as erotic, sacred, alive, and full of delight. She's wise, insightful, funny, heart-centered, and very embodied in her love of sacred sexuality. I can't wait for the reciprocal Podcast on her show this Fall where we can take this delicious, expansive, honoring, and yummy conversation to the next level. This one you will want to listen to several times to awaken what's true for YOU with your sexuality. xoxo   --------------------------------- p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Asses

  • The Spirit of Openness, Acceptance and Mutual Support, Adam Gilad

    29/09/2021 Duración: 35min

    Damn I love this man. He’s been my brother, colleague, friend and inspiration for perhaps 15 yrs now or more. He’s literally the most alive yet grounded, happy yet transparent about challenges, on fire yet unattached… he’s literally the best I’ve ever seen him. He’s the embodiment of decades of practice, learning, giving, teaching and learning. He’s going to be a Dad again. He’s doing legacy work. It’s always a BLAST of energy when you listen to us connect… jokes, wisdom, poignant moments, inspiring insights and miraculous unfoldings in service to YOU and YOUR best self, your romantic success, your soul’s glory. And to think we’re both creating Apps… life is so wild. Kyyndr is amazing. Join his Summit… I’m LIVE on the 30th!!!  --------------------------------- p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a quick, simple yet effective assessment so you can discover how to have the sexual freedom, healthy communication, and deep connection you deserve -  Gentl

  • How to have a Healthy Relationship, Gabriella Ulloa

    22/09/2021 Duración: 40min

    It gives me great hope to know there are such young conscious beings on this planet. Gaby is so refreshing with her vulnerability, her willingness to tell the truth, to do the work, to become aware of her thoughts, to know she has choice, to be honest with her wobbles and her bravery to make courageous choices that honor her mental health and thriving life. She shares how to navigate emotionally abusive relationship... how she had trouble letting go... how the support of the Hoffman Institute, her therapist, friends and family all supported her healthier choice. She shares how she found her deeper purpose writing not necessarily for the esteemed Architectural Digest, but for her growing Instagram community and blogs about mental health. She loves being a mental health advocate so that people understand you don't have to be on medication to still struggle with mental health issues AND that there is tons of support to help you honor yourself and attract honoring health relationships. She discusses GREEN flags o

  • Healing Your Disappointing Love Life, Dr. Thomas Jordan

    15/09/2021 Duración: 51min

    Dr. Jordan who insisted I call him Tom, is a wealth of information, awareness, inspiration and guidance on how to improve your love life if it's been a pattern of disappointment for you. He takes us through a 3 step process from identification through challenge into choice. We know that couples who grow together have the best chance at staying together. We also know it's not another's job to make us happy... yet so many of us learn from our upbringings to become what we watched... abuse, neglect, control, dishonesty etc and through habit or unconsciousness... we attract the same. Tom loves to awaken his clients into consciousness, which awakens their intuition and they begin to become more empowered, intuitive and successful in their love relationships... instead of attracting abuse, they attract respect. Instead of being abandoned, they attract someone committed... why? Because now they respect themselves, are committed to themselves. The inside always creates the outside. We even joke about our underwear...

  • Gratefulness, Adele Spraggon

    01/09/2021 Duración: 54min

    The Universe is SO GOOD to us! Adele's wisdom around these 4 steps to help us repattern is JUST what my soul was yearning for and by the end of the interview I sense you will already have shifted. We're aligned that the old way of goal setting doesn't work. We agree that the true work is inside out, not outside in. We agree that judging our Little You doesn't help. We agree that the shift is through a blend of awareness and surrender, not pushing or trying. We agree that taking responsibility that we have a pattern isn't meant to induce shame or guilt, just discernment which feels empowering. And wow, Adele even shared about how this has transpired in her own life repatterining old identities into a truly new life trajectory and fulfillment in life. You will LOVE this! --------------------------------- p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a quick, simple yet effective assessment so you can discover how to have the sexual freedom, healthy communication, and deep connection you d

  • Authenticity, Kristina Mand-Lakhiani

    18/08/2021 Duración: 50min

    You can't help anyone unless you're happy... said the Dali Lama to Kristina as she was trying to come to terms with supporting refugees who had lost everything while simultaneously building MIndValley to support people in living fulfilled extraordinary lives. Yes... in this beautiful conversation spanning the experience of conscious uncoupling, parenting, lockdown, dating and more... we shared our journeys and the choice to Keep Our Light On for those until they come around in their own Divine Time to our choices that they may not agree with. Living our Truth is such a brave act. Kristina's vulnerability, honesty, humor and truth is highly inspiring and will instantly put you at ease with your personal transformation journey. We spoke of the courage to truly spend time with yourself... and to remember we can't live for another person... it's too much pressure to put on them... to give space, Grace and to love all parts of ourselves that come up in that dance of relationship. To help with that she has created

  • How to Stop Self-Sabotaging

    04/08/2021 Duración: 01h01min

    Missy Kalat had previously navigated life from the analytical side until she started delving into the meaning of life in the mid-2000s. The clarity on her path of spiritual awakening, discovery and flow began once she connected with Angelus, her spirit guide, in 2005. Together they co-created The Game of Optimal Being™ where Life is a GAME. They did this through Angelus’s downloading to Missy and his over 20 shamanic communications with her. Missy founded Experience Spirit to support people through programs and products to strengthen their optimal being through experiencing Spirit. Missy, a graduate from Harvard Graduate School of Education, is certified as a The Passion Test Facilitator and a Mandala Facilitator. --------------- p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a quick, simple yet effective assessment so you can discover how to have the sexual freedom, healthy communication, and deep connection you deserve -  Gentlemen - End the Fear of Rejectio

  • Fearless living, Rhonda Britten

    21/07/2021 Duración: 58min

    She's been read, heard, and watched by millions, coached tens of thousands of clients, and trained hundreds of coaches. Rhonda Britten -- Emmy Award-winner, 4x Bestselling author, Repeat Oprah guest, Tedx Speaker, and Master Coach - has devoted her life to one thing: teaching people how to master fear. She has created a method for anyone to overcome the insidious fear of "not being good enough" using the "Wheel Technology" she developed to save her own life. What she teaches is what she has lived. --------------- p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a quick, simple yet effective assessment so you can discover how to have the sexual freedom, healthy communication, and deep connection you deserve -  Gentlemen - End the Fear of Rejection. Enjoy your "How To Be A Noble Badass" Complementary Training at Ladies - Be irresistible. Feel sacred. Attract him now. Enjoy your "Vulnerability is the New Sexy" Complementary Training at http

  • Coming Out Knows No Gender , Rick Clemons

    07/07/2021 Duración: 52min

    Rick’s no virgin to bold moves. On whim, a prayer, and without a job to support his dual income life, he made a crazy move, leaving his dead end hotel career to pursue whatever would come way In Sunny Southern California. 10 years later, after 13 years marriage and becoming a father to two beautiful daughters he made the heart wrenching, yet necessary bold move to come out of the closet, living his truth as a gay man. In the midst of this new life path, Rick took a bold risk to walk away from his life in hospitality technology, leaving the worlds of Microsoft, IBM, Hilton, Starwood Hotels, Intercontinental Hotels, and Ian Schrager to revaluate what was truly important in life - no excuses, no fears, no apologies. --------------- p.s. Take our FREE Assessment. Our Intimacy Blindspot Assessment is a quick, simple yet effective assessment so you can discover how to have the sexual freedom, healthy communication, and deep connection you deserve -  Gentlemen - End the Fear of Rejection

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